Aquatic vegetation (Lemnetea, Potametea) of the Ob river floodplain (within the limits of Aleksandrovskiy district of Tomsk region)
G. S. Taran
In the Ob river floodplain between the mouths of its tributaries Vakh and Tym (within the limits of Aleksandrovskiy district of Tomsk region), phytocoenoses belonging to 9 associations and 2 communities of Braun-Blanquet classification vegetation classes are listed. Class Lemnetea is represented by associations Ricciocarpetum natantis (Segal 1963) Tx. 1974, Lemnetum trisulcae Soó 1927, Stratiotetum aloidis Miljan 1933; class Potametea is done by associations Potametum perfoliati Koch 1926, Myriophylletum sibirici Taran 1998, Myriophylletum verticillati Soó 1927, Potametum graminei Koch 1926, Potametum pectinati Carstensen 1955, Nymphoidetum peltatae (All. 1922) Bellot 1951, as well as Sagittaria natans and Potamogeton natans—Ceratophyllum demersum communities. The syntaxa distribution in Western Siberia and adjoining territories is characterized.
Key words: syntaxonomy, aquatic vegetation, macrophytes, Ob river, Tomsk region, Lemnetea, Potametea
Section: Articles
How to cite
Taran G. S. 2008. Aquatic vegetation (Lemnetea, Potametea) of the Ob river floodplain (within the limits of Aleksandrovskiy district of Tomsk region) // Vegetation of Russia. N 12. P. 68–75.
Received February 7 2006