Revision of the higher syntaxa of meadows in the Russian Far East

N. B. Ermakov, P. V. Krestov



A revision of the higher syntaxa of meadows of the Russian Far East has been made on the basis of results of ecological, phytocoenotic and chorological analyses of associations and higher units published by M. Achty­amov (1985, 1987а, б, 1995, 2000) and G. Dymina (1980, 1985). Conceptual basis for existing syn­taxo­nomic system of the meadows and leading diagnostic features of syntaxa have been reviewed. Authors propose to include all diverse Daurian-Manchurian meadows into two different classes. Hygro-mesic meadow communities of bogged flood-plane habitats with excessive moisture supported by subterranean waters have been included in the class Cala­magros­tietea langsdorffii Mirkin in Achtyamov et al. 1985. Diagnostic species are Anemonidium dichotomum, Calamagrostis langsdorffii, Caltha membran acea, Carex appendiculata, C. schmidtii, Filipendula pal­mata, Fimbripetalum radians, Galium davuricum, Iris laevigata. Lathyrus pilosus, Lysimachia davurica, Sanguisorba parviflora, Saussurea amurensis, Spiraea salicifolia, Stachys aspera, Nomenclature type of the class is the order Calamagrostietalia langsdorffii Achtyamov et al. 1985. Drought-tolerant xero-mesic meadows of zonal sites with fluctuating moisture regime supported by monsoon climate have been included in the class Arundinello anomalae—Agros­tie­tea trinii cl. nova hoc loco. Nomenclature type of the class is the order Artemisietalia mandshuricae Achtya­mov et al. 1985. Diagnostic species are: ­Aco­nogonon divaricatum, Adenophora pereskiifolia, A. ver­ticillata, Agrostis trinii, Artemisia desertorum, A. integrifolia, A. stenophylla, Arundinella anomala, Aster tataricus, Campanula cephalotes, Carex diplasio­carpa, Dianthus chinensis, Eupatorium lindleyanum, Galium verum, Gentiana scabra, Geranium vlassowia­num, Hemero­callis minor, Iris ensata, Lathyrus quin­quener­vius, Lupinaster pentaphyllus, Patrinia sca­biosi­folia, Poten­til­la fragarioides, Ptarmica acu­mi­nata, Ranunculus japonicus, Sedum aizoon, Serratula manshurica, Tha­lictrum amurense, Trommsdorfia cilia­ta, Vicia amoena, V. pseudorobus. The ranges of both classes are concen­trated in the Manchurian floristic province of Northern Asia, in regions with obvious Pacific and Sub-Pacific climatic regimes. Their western geographical limits run near the Yablonovy mountain ridge in the Eastern part of Baikal region. Westward, the Arundinello ano­malae—Agrostietea trinii and Calamagrostietea langs­dorffii are replaced by Euro­pean-Siberian meadows of the Molinio—Arrhe­na­theretea.

Key words: vegetation, meadows, classification, Braun-Blanquet, North Asia

Section: Articles

How to cite

Ermakov N. В., Krestov P. V. 2009. Revision of the higher syntaxa of meadows in the Russian Far East // Vegetation of Russia. N 14. P. 37–48.

Received March 3 2008