Vegetation of saline soils of the Northern Lower Zavolzhye (Ulyanovsk and Samara Regions)

T. M. Lysenko, N. S. Rakov



The vegetation of saline soils of the Northern Lower Zavolzhje is characterized within the boundaries of the Ulyanovsk and Samara regions. 7 associations, 6 sub­associations, 2 variants and one community are distinguished: Cirsio esculenti—Festucetum arundinaceae ass. nov. hoc loco, Puccinellietum tenuissimae Karpov et Mirkin 1985, P. t. typicum Karpov et Mirkin 1985, Puccinellio tenuissimae—Artemisietum santonicae Lysenko 2009, P. t.—A. s. typicum Lysenko 2009, Puccinellio tenuissimae—Camphorosmetum songoricae Lysenko et al. in Lysenko 2009, Kochio laniflorae—Puccinellietum distantis ass. nov. hoc loco, K. l.—P. d. var. typica var. nov. hoc loco, K.< l.—P. d. v. Artemisia santonica var. nov. hoc loco, Artemisio austriacae—Festucetum valesiacae Karpov, Lysenko, Golub nom. invers. propos. et ass. nov. hoc loco, Puccinellia distans—community. Validation of the following earlier inefficiently published phytosociological units such as  Leontodonto autumnalis—Cichorietum intybus ass. nov. hoc loco, L. a.—C. i. typicum subass. nov. hoc loco, L. a.—C. i. tripolietosum subass. nov. hoc loco, L. a.—C. i. bromopsietosum subass. nov. hoc loco, L. a.—C. i. amorietosum subass. nov. hoc loco is made.

Key words: halophytic vegetation, floristic classification, Northern Lower Zavolzhye

Section: Articles

How to cite

Lysenko T. M., Rakov N. S. 2010. Vegetation of saline soils of the Northern Lower Zavolzhye (Ulyanovsk and Samara Regions) // Vegetation of Russia. N 16. P. 27–39.

Received February 2 2010