Some details of the L. G. Ramensky biography (additions and comments to the letter by V. P. Savich to T. A. Rabotnov)

V. B. Golub



The paper contributes to the publishing of the materials dedicated to the biography of the great Russian scientist L. G. Ramensky. Some Ramensky’s letters to his teacher V. L. Komarov with the comments were published earlier. The original letter of V. P. Savich including some biographical data about L. G. Ramensky addressed to T. A. Rabotnov is given.

Key words: L. G. Ramensky, V. P. Savich, biography, science history

Section: History of science

How to cite

Golub V. B. 2013. Some details of the L. G. Ramensky biography (additions and comments to the letter by V. P. Savich to T. A. Rabotnov) // Vegetation of Russia. N 23. P. 122–132.

Received August 17 2013