On the work of the section of Geobotany at the XIII Delegate Congress of the Russian Botanical Society «Modern botany in Russia» (Togliatti, 16–22 September 2013)
T. M. Lysenko, V. Yu. Neshataeva
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31111/vegrus/2013.23.145
Section: Information
How to cite
Lysenko T. M., Neshataeva V. Yu. 2013. On the work of the section of Geobotany at the XIII Delegate Congress of the Russian Botanical Society «Modern botany in Russia» (Togliatti, 16–22 September 2013) // Vegetation of Russia. N 23. P. 145–147. https://doi.org/10.31111/vegrus/2013.23.145
Received November 21 2013