On the work of the section of Geobotany at the XIII Delegate Congress of the Russian Botanical Society «Modern botany in Russia» (Togliatti, 16–22 September 2013)

T. M. Lysenko, V. Yu. Neshataeva

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31111/vegrus/2013.23.145


16-22 September 2013 in Togliatti (Samara region) on the basis of the Institute of ecology of Volga basin of Russian Academy of Sciences took place the Delegate XIII Congress of Russian Botanical society (RBS) "Modern botany in Russia". By the beginning of the Congress proceedings were published in three volumes, the visitors had the opportunity to read them. Geobotanical materials published in the second volume.

Section: Information

How to cite

Lysenko T. M., Neshataeva V. Yu. 2013. On the work of the section of Geobotany at the XIII Delegate Congress of the Russian Botanical Society «Modern botany in Russia» (Togliatti, 16–22 September 2013) // Vegetation of Russia. N 23. P. 145–147. https://doi.org/10.31111/vegrus/2013.23.145

Received November 21 2013