(A review) Victor V. Chepinoga. Flora and vegetation of waterbodies in Baikal Siberia. Irkutsk, 2015. 468 p.
B. M. Mirkin, V. B. Martynenko, L. G. Naumova
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31111/vegrus/2016.29.117
The monograph presents the results of long-term studies of flora and vegetation of waterbodies (with standing and flowing water) in Baikal Siberia (Irkutsk Oblast, Republic of Buryatia. Zabaikalskii Krai). The hydrophilous flora of the region includes 380 vascular plant species. The distribution of plants is characterized by their occurrence in 46 units (regions) of the regional division. Taxonomical, geographical, karyolofloristic, ecological and biological analyses for the regional hydrophilous flora is performed. Vegetation diversity of waterbodies is described in tradition of floristic classification (Braun-Blanquet approach). For the studied region, 105 associations belonging to 5 classes are described based on more than 2600 relevés. Using original landscape approach in hydrobotany, the special heterogeneity of flora and vegetation is analyzed in the series of 7 "local hydrophylous floras" crossing Baikal Siberia from west to east. The heterogeneity is examined at 3 levels of spatial organization: microecotopes, mesoecotopes (waterbodies types) and landscape level.
Section: Critics and bibliography
How to cite
Mirkin B. M., Martynenko V. B., Naumova L. G. 2016. (A review) Victor V. Chepinoga. Flora and vegetation of waterbodies in Baikal Siberia. Irkutsk, 2015. 468 p. // Vegetation of Russia. N 29. P. 117–120. https://doi.org/10.31111/vegrus/2016.29.117
Received June 2 2016