(A review) N. I. Makunina. The forest-steppe vegetation of the West Siberian plain and the Altai-Sayan mountain region. Novosibirsk: Academic publishing house “Geo”, 2016. 183 p.
B. M. Mirkin, L. G. Naumova
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31111/vegrus/2017.30.114
The monograph presents an overview of the forest-steppe vegetation of the West Siberian Plain and the Altai-Sayan mountain region. The questions of bioclimatic zonation of the Altai-Sayan mountain region are discussed. The biodiversity of foreststeppe is characterized, the floristic classification is performed, the scheme of eco-phytocoenotic classification is given, the basic types of plant communities are described in comparative terms. The diversity of forest-steppe landscapes is revealed, the structure of their vegetation is analyzed. The phytogeographical division of forest-steppe is worked out.
Section: Critics and bibliography
How to cite
Mirkin B. M., Naumova L. G. 2017. (A review) N. I. Makunina. The forest-steppe vegetation of the West Siberian plain and the Altai-Sayan mountain region. Novosibirsk: Academic publishing house “Geo”, 2016. 183 p. // Vegetation of Russia. N 30. P. 114–116. https://doi.org/10.31111/vegrus/2017.30.114
Received May 3 2017