Ekatherina I. Rachkovskaya (the anniversary of the researcher of Kazakhstan, Middle and Central Asia vegetation)

E. A. Volkova, V. N. Khramtsov

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31111/vegrus/2017.31.149


On September 17, 2017 Ekaterina I. Rachkovskaya has celebrated her 90-year anniversary. She is the well-known researcher and expert of Asian steppe and desert vegetation. Her field routes cover vast areas of the inner part of Eurasian continent: Kazakhstan, Middle Asia, Mongolia, China. The scientific interests of E. I. are manifold — vegetation mapping and subdivision, botanical geography, structure of vegetation cover, ecology, etc. In the process of making maps and monographs describing the vegetation of large areas, E. I. Rachkovskaya united researchers from different regions and institutions, so most of her publications are in collaboration with other scientists.

The main stages of her scientific pathway:

1954–1955 — study of the Northern Kazakhstan steppes with the aim of making vegetation map and natural subdivision (Karta…, 1960; Isachenko, Rachkovskaya, 1961).

1957–1968 — participation in Biocomplex expedition of the Academy of sciences of the USSR in Central Kazakhstan (Biokompleksnye…, 1969, 1976).

1964–1966, 1968 — the work in East-Kazakhstan cartographic expedition of Komarov Botanical Institute (Karamysheva, Rachkovskaya, 1973, 1975).

1971–1990 — the work in Soviet-Mongolian complex biological expedition of the Academy of sciences of the USSR and Academy of sciences of the Mongolian People Republic (Rachkovskaya, 1993; Karta …, 1995).

1976–1989 — Turanian cartographic expedition of Komarov Botanical Institute (Vegetation map…, 1995; Rachkovskaya, Khramtsov,2000; Botanical …, 2003).

Since 1985 — the work in Kazakhstan (Vegetation …, 2010; Botanical-geographical …, 2010).

E. I. Rachkovskaya has published about 200 papers, monographs and maps (list of publications see in: Volkova et al., 2007). Unique relevés of the Kazakhstan steppes made by E. I.  in the mid of the last century are widely used at present (Korolyuk, 2017). She continuous to publish her data in the journal “Vegetation of Russia” (Rachkovskaya, 2016) and in “Geobotanical mapping”.

Section: Chronicle

How to cite

Volkova E. A., Khramtsov V. N. 2017. Ekatherina I. Rachkovskaya (the anniversary of the researcher of Kazakhstan, Middle and Central Asia vegetation) // Vegetation of Russia. N 31. P. 149–153. https://doi.org/10.31111/vegrus/2017.31.149


Biokompleksnye issledovaniya Kazakhstana [Biocomplex research in Kazakhstan]. 1969. Part 1. 496 p.; Part 2. 336 p.; 1976. Part 3. 292 p. Leningrad. (Group of authors, ed. by A. A. Yunatov, E. M. Lavrenko, I. V. Borisova)(In Russian).

Botanical-geographical regionalization. Scale 1 : 10 000 000. 2010 // National Atlas of Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty. Vol. 1. P. 109.

Botanical geography of Kazakhstan and Middle Asia (desert region). 2003 / Group of authors, ed. by E. I. Rachkovskaya, E. A. Volkova, V. N. Khramtsov. Saint Petersburg. P. 225–424.

Ecosystems of Mongolia. 1995. The map. 1 : 1 000 000 s. Moscow. (Group of authors, ed. by P. D. Gunin, E. A. Vostokova).

Isachenko T. I., Rachkovskaya E. I.1961. Osnovnye zonalnye tipy stepei Severnogo Kazakhstana [Main zonal types of the Northern Kazakhstan steppes] // Trudy BIN AN SSSR. Ser. 3. Geobotanika. Vyp. 13. [Proceedings of Komarov Botanical Institute Ac. Sci. of USSR. Ser. 3. Geobotany. Is. 13.] P. 133–397. (In Russian).

Karamysheva Z. V., Rachkovskaya E. I.1973. Botani­cheskaia geografiya stepnoi chasti Centralnogo Ka­zakh­stana [Botanical geography of the steppe part of Central Kazakhstan]. Leningrad. 278 p. (In Russian).

Karamysheva Z. V., Rachkovskaya E. I.1975. Kar­ta rasti­telnosti stepnoi chasti Kazakhskogo melkosopochnika [Vegetation map of the steppe part of Kazakh melkosopochnik]. Scale 1 : 1 500 000. Moscow. 2 lists. (In Russian).

Karta rastitelnosti Mongolskoi Narodnoi Respubliki. [Vegetation map of Mongolian people’s Republic]. 1990. Scale 1 : 3 000 000 // National Atlas of Mongolian People’s Republic. Ulaanbaatar; Moscow. P. 72–73. (Group of authors) (In Russian).

Karta rastitelnosti Severnogo Kazakhstana [Vegetation map of the Northern Kazakhstan]. Scale 1 : 1 500 000. 1960 // Prirodnoe raionirovanie Severnogo Kazakhstana (Prilozhenie) [Natural regionalization of Northern Kazakhstan. Supplement]. Moscow; Leningrad. (Group of authors) (In Russian).

Korolyuk A. Yu. 2017. Steppes of the Northern Kazakh­stan — the syntaxonomical revision // Vegetation of Russia. N 30. P. 61–77. (In Russian). https://doi.org/10.31111/vegrus/2017.30.61

Rachkovskaya E. I.1993. Rastitelnost gobiiskikh pustyn Mongolii [Vegetation of Gobi deserts of Mongolia]. St. Petersburg. 133 p. (In Russian).

Rachkovskaya E. I. 2016. Desert sagebrush-bunchgrass steppes of Central Kazakhstan // Vegetation of Russia. N 28. P. 108–124. (In Russian).

Rachkovskaya E. I., Khramtsov V. N.2000. Vegetation map of Kazakhstan and Middle Asia (desert region). Digital map on compact disk. St. Petersburg.

Vegetation map of Kazakhstan and Middle Asia (desert region). 1995a. Scale 1 : 2 500 000. 3 lists. (Chief editor: E. I. Rachkovskaya). (In Russian).

Vegetation map of Kazakhstan and Middle Asia (desert region). Explanatory text and legend to the map. 1995b. 130 p. (Chief editor: E. I. Rachkovskaya).

Vegetation map of Kazakhstan. 2010. Scale 1 : 5 000 000 // National Atlas of Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty. Vol. 1. P. 110–112. (Group of authors).

Volkova E. A., Khramtsov V. N., Ogar N. P. 2007. Ekaterina Ivanovna Rachkovskaya (to the 80th anniversary of her birthday) // Vegetation of Russia. N 11. P. 139–146. (In Russian). https://doi.org/10.31111/vegrus/2007.11.139