Vegetation on technogenic habitats in the far-north taiga and south forest-tundra of the European North-East of Russia. Alliance Chamerio angustifolii–Matricarion hookeri A. Ishbirdin et al. 1996
I. А. Likhanova, G. S. Shushpannikova, L. P. Turubanova
The results of floristic classification of technogenic vegetation (alliance Chamerio angustifolii–Matricarion hookeri A. Ishbirdin et al. 1996, order Chamerio–Betuletalia nanae Khusainov et al. in Sumina 2012, class Matricario–Poetea arcticae A. Ishbirdin in Sumina 2012) conducted by the Braun-Blanquet method (Braun-Blanquet, 1964; Mirkin, Naumova, 1998) are given. 98 geobotanical relevés, made in 1981–2013 on areas of oil fields and suburbs of the Usinsk city (Komi Republic) (56–60о N, 67–66о E), were involved into analysis (Fig. 1). The ecological parameters like moisture (F) and mineral nitrogen soil enrichment (N) were assessed using the Ellenberg ecological scales (Ellenberg, 1974).
The alliance Chamerio angustifolii–Matricarion hookeri A. Ishbirdin et al. 1996includes 4 associations (Table 1): Chamerio–Festucetum ovinae Khusainov et Ishbirdin in Khusainov et al. 1989, Tripleurospermo perforati–Tephroseridetum palustris ass. nov., Matricario hookeri–Eriophoretum scheuchzeri Ishbirdin et al. 1996, Salicetum dasycladi–phylicifoliae ass. nov. in which 2 subassociations, 13 variants, and 4 subvariants are distinguished.
The communities of ass. Chamerio–Festucetum ovinae Khusainov et Ishbirdin in Khusainov et al. 1989 (Table 2; Fig. 2) are the beginning of restoration succession on disturbed habitats mainly with dry and fresh substrates (F 4.3–7.0) with low or mean content of mineral nitrogen (N 3.2–6.3). The diagnostic species are Chamaenerion angustifolium (dominant), Equisetum arvense, Calamagrostis lapponica, C. purpurea, Deschampsia cespitosa, Festuca ovina, Poa pratensis, Tripleurospermum hookeri, T. perforatum.
The ass. Tripleurospermo perforati–Tephroseridetum palustris ass. nov. hoc loco (Table 3, holotypus — relevé 6 (author’s number 119): Komi Republic, Sandiveyskoye oil field area, 2003; author — L. P. Turubanova; Fig. 3). The diagnostic species are Rorippa palustris, Tephroseris palustris (dominant), Tripleurospermum perforatum (dominant). There are also arctic circumpolar species Arctophila fulva and Tripleurospermum hookeri in the communities which are the early stage of the overgrowing moist and wet (F 5.7–8.6) sandy, sandy-loamy and loamy substrates with low and mean nitrogen content (N 3.9–5.8).
The communities of ass. Matricario hookeri–Eriophoretum scheuchzeri Ishbirdin et al. 1996 (Table 4; Fig. 4) occupy moist and wet (F 6.5–9.1) substrates with low and mean mineral nitrogen content (N 3.2–5.2). The diagnostic species are Epilobium palustre, Eriophorum polystachion, E. scheuchzeri (dominant). The association includes two new subassociations. M. h.–E. s. deschampsietosum cespitosae subass. nov. hoc loco (Table 4, relevés 1–7; holotypus — relevé 6 (author’s number 50): Komi Republic, Yuzhno-Baganskoye oil field area, 2003; author — L. P. Turubanova). The diagnostic species are Calamagrostis purpurea, Deschampsia cespitosa (dominant), Poa pratensis, Rorippa palustris, Salix lapponum, S. phylicifolia, Tripleurospermum perforatum. The communities occupy moist (F 6.5–7.4), nitrogen-poor (N 3.2–4.6) substrates. The presence of juvenile specimens of Salix speciesevidences the beginning of shrub layer formation. M. h.–E. s. equisetetosum fluviatilis subass. nov. hoc loco (Table 4, relevés 8–26; holotypus — relevé 13 (author’s number 193): Komi Republic, near the Usinsk city, 1981; author — G. S. Shushpannikova). The diagnostic species are Carex cinerea, Equisetum fluviatile (dominant), Juncus filiformis, J. nodulosus. The communities occur on substrates with periodic stagnant moisture (F 7.7–9.1) and low or mean mineral nitrogen content (N 3.3–5.2).
The Salicetum dasycladi–phylicifoliae ass. nov. hoc loco association (Table 5, holotypus — relevé 15 (author’s number 47): Komi Republic, Verkhnevozeyskoye oil field area, 2007; author — I. А. Likhanova; Fig. 5). The diagnostic species are co-dominating willows Salix caprea, S. dasyclados, S. lapponum, S. phylicifolia, S. viminalis as well as Betula pubescens. The association unifies communities well-developed shrub or woody-shrub layers (height — 1–4 m, crown density — 0.1–0.8) of mentioned willowsand young trees of B. pubescens. The communities are normally being formed on the second or third decade of restoring succession in different technogenic sites (open pits, pipeline routes, industrial sites, etc.) on fresh and moist substrates (F 5.1–8.4) with low or mean nitrogen content (N 3.8–6.3).
All the syntaxa are temporary and form the following succession rows on different substrates (Fig. 6, 7).
Dry substrate, poor in mineral nitrogen. Row 1: C.–F. o.var. Carex ericetorum (F 4.5, N 3.6) → S. d.–p. var. Calamagrostis epigeios (F 5.3, N 4.1).
Fresh substrate with mean mineral nitrogen content. Row 2а: C.–F. o. var. typica (F 5.5, N 5.2) → C.–F. o. var. Poa pratensis subvar. typica (F 5.7, N 5.4) → S. d.–p. var. Poa pratensis (F 5.9, N 5.0). Row 2b: T. p.–T. p.var. Poa pratensis (F 6.4, N 5.3) →C.–F. o. var. Poa pratensis subvar. typica (F 5.7, N 5.4) → S. d.–p. var. Poa pratensis (F 5.9, N 5.0).
Substrate transitional between fresh and moist ones with mean and low mineral nitrogen content, relatively. Row 3а: C.–F. o. var. Poa pratensis subvar. Calamagrostis purpurea (F 6.2, N 5.6) →S. d.–p. var. Calamagrostis purpurea (F 6.9, N 5.2). Row 3b: C.–F. o. var. Deschampsia cespitosa (F 6.2, N 4.5)→S. d.–p. var. Deschampsia cespitosa (F 6.6, N 4.3).
Moist substrate with low nitrogen content. Row 4а: M. h.–E. s. deschampsietosum cespitosae (F 7.0, N 3.9) → S. d.–p. var. Eriophorum scheuchzeri (F 7.9, N 4.4). Row 4b: T. p.–T. p. var. Eriophorum scheuchzeri (F 7.5, N 4.6) → S. d.–p. var. Eriophorum scheuchzeri (F 7.9, N 4.4).
Wet substrates with low nitrogen content hold the communities of M. h.–E. s. equisetetosum fluviatilis var. typica (F 8.4, N 3.8), M. h.–E. s. equisetetosum fluviatilis var. Carex aquatilis subvar. typica (F 8.5, N 4.2), M. h.–E. s. equisetetosum fluviatilis var. Carex aquatilis subvar. Eriophorum polystachion (F 8.4, N 4.3) depending on slight variations in the substrate richness and the presence of diaspores.
So, communities of Chamerio–Festucetum ovinae, Tripleurospermo perforati–Tephroseridetum palustris, Matricario hookeri–Eriophoretum scheuchzeri associations of the first succession stages are normally replaced by communities of ass. Salicetum dasycladi–phylicifoliae. The results correspond to the data of those who studied vegetation on technogenic habitats of the Far North of Russia (Sumina, Koptseva 2004; Sumina, 2012).
Key words: syntaxonomy, technogenic vegetation, alliance Chamerio angustifolii–Matricarion hookeri, far-north taiga, south forest-tundra, Komi Republic
Section: Articles
How to cite
Likhanova I. A., Shushpannikova G. S., Turubanova L. P. 2019. Vegetation on technogenic habitats in the far-north taiga and south forest-tundra of the European North-East of Russia. Alliance Chamerio angustifolii–Matricarion hookeri A. Ishbirdin et al. 1996 // Vegetation of Russia. N 35. P. 77–94.
Received May 22 2018
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Mirkin B. M., Naumova L. G. 1998. Nauka o rastitelnosti [Vegetation Science]. Ufa. 413 p. (In Russian).
Sumina O. I. 2012. Classification of Far North technogenic habitat vegetation: new associations of alliance Chamerio–Matricarion hookeri (Ishbirdin et al. 1996) Ishbirdin 2001 // Vegetation of Russia. N 20. P. 67–108. (In Russian).
Sumina O. I., Koptseva E. M. 2004. Vegetation diversity and dynamics on quarries in forest-tundra of Northwest Siberia (neighborhood of Labytnangi town, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area) // Vegetation of Russia. N 6. P. 83–103. (In Russian).