Issue 39, 2020
Syntaxonomy of plant communitiesat the quarriesafter the cuttingsof lichen and green mosspine forests(middle taiga subzone of the European North-East of Russia)
I. А. Likhanova, G. S. Shushpannikova, G. V. Zheleznova, T. N. Pystina
Ecological effects in the formation of floristic composition and their reflection in the syntaxonomy of floodplain oak forests of the Upper Dnieper basin
Yu. A. Semenishchenkov
Coastal vegetation of the river estuaries on the Kanin peninsula
D. S. Moseev, L. A. Sergienko
Typology and syntaxonomic composition of vegetation territorial units: novel approach suggested with the case study of Arctic marshes
I. A. Lavrinenko
Second International scientific conference «Vegetation of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia» (Bryansk, 12–13 October 2020)
V. V. Neshataev, D. D. Karsonova, A. A. Kurka