Second International scientific conference «Vegetation of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia» (Bryansk, 12­–13 October 2020)

V. V. Neshataev, D. D. Karsonova, A. A. Kurka



On October 12th and 13th, 2020, Bryansk State University held an international scientific online conference "Vegetation of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia". The Proceedings of abstracts includes 66 reports by 118 authors and co-authors from 5 countries, 34 localities and 51 organizations. During the meeting, 41 oral presentations were made. In conclusion, it was noted that it is necessary to promote an integration of geobotanists and florists from different regions in order to implement joint research projects. In particular, this concerns a project of making a vegetation classification in Russia.

Section: Information

How to cite

Neshataev V. V., Karsonova D. D., Kurka A. A. 2020. Second International scientific conference «Vegetation of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia» (Bryansk, 12­–13 October 2020) // Rastitel’nost’ Rossii. 39: 149–153.

Received October 30 2020


Vegetation of the Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. Proceedings of the II International scientific conference (Bryansk, 12–14 October, 2020). Bryansk. 72 p.