Issue 41, 2021
Diversity of larch forests and woodlands of the western macroslope of the Subpolar and Northern Urals
S. V. Degteva, Yu. A. Dubrovskiy
Communities with Myrica gale L. in mires of the Gulf of Finland coast (St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region)
E. A. Volkova, V. A. Smagin, V. N. Khramtsov
Communities with shrub willows in typical tundra subzone in the East European sector of the Arctic
O. V. Lavrinenko, I. A. Lavrinenko
The vegetation of the class Scheuchzerio–Caricetea fuscae Tx. 1937 in the Yanganape mountain massif area (Eastern macroslope of the Polar Urals)
E. D. Lapshina, I. V. Filippov, V. E. Fedosov, Yu. V. Skuchas, P. Lamkowski, I. N. Pospelov
Scientific reviews
Land typology by L. G. Ramenskiy and eunis habitat classification (retrospective view)
V. B. Golub