Issue 46, 2023
Plant communities of the Sarykum sand massif (Republic of Dagestan)
A. Yu. Korolyuk, A. P. Laktionov, R. A. Murtazaliev
Ranunculetum mongolicin — a new association of aquatic vegetation from the Republic of Altai
L. M. Kipriyanova
Class Festuco-Brometea Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex Soó 1947 in the Southern Trans-Urals (the steppe zone of Chelyabinsk Region)
N. V. Zolotareva, A. Yu. Korolyuk, N. I. Makunina
The syntaxonomy of vegetation of the fjell field belt in Khibiny and Lovozero mountains (Kola Peninsula)
A. D. Danilova, N. E. Koroleva, A. B. Novakovskiy
Rare plant communities of the ass. Moliniо caeruleae–Trollietum europaei ass. nov. in the Khibiny Mountains (Kola Peninsula)
E. I. Kopeina, N. E. Koroleva
Vegetation of segde-hypnum and wooded rich fens and swamps on the north border of their distribution in Western Siberia
G. N. Ganasevich, E. D. Lapshina
Field mire seminar with international participation in Polistovsky state nature reserve (Pskov Region, Bezhanitsy settlement, September 8–9, 2022)
О. V. Galanina, N. P. Korablev, V. A. Smagin, G. A. Tyusov