Novitates Systematicae Plantarum Vascularium

Novitates Systematicae Plantarum Vascularium

ISSN 0568-5443 (print version), ISSN 2687-1564 (online version)

Recommended citation: Novitates Systematicae Plantarum Vascularium

Founded in 1919
Established and published by the Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The serial «Novitates systematicae plantarum vascularium» (= Novosti sistematiki vysshikh rastenii) has been published under this title annually since 1964. In fact, it was preceded subsequently by «Botanicheskie materialy Gerbariya Glavnogo botanicheskogo sada RSFSR» (= Notulae systematicae ex Herbario Horti Botanici Petropolitani) (1919–1924) — «Botanicheskie materialy Gerbariya Glavnogo botanicheskogo sada SSSR» (= Notulae systematicae ex Herbario Horti Botanici URSS) (1926) — «Botanicheskie materialy Gerbariya Botanicheskogo instituta imeni V. L. Komarova Akademii nauk SSSR» (= Notulae systematicae ex Herbario Instituti Botanici nomine V. L. Komarovii Academiae Scientiarum URSS) (1937–1963), i. e. the edition has about centenary history.

The editorial board of the serial was headed by scientists of world reputation: B. A. Fedtschenko (1919–1924), V. L. Komarov (1926–1946), B. K. Schischkin (1947–1963), I. A. Linczevski (1964–1968), I. T. Vassilczenko (1969–1978), V. I. Grubov (1979–1987), T. V. Egorova (1988–2007), N. N. Tzvelev (2008–2014).

The main purpose of the edition is publication of the newest results in the field of systematics and taxonomy of the higher (vascular) plants, including the descriptions of new taxa (species, varieties, genera etc.) in accordance with the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants.

The serial publishes original articles on taxonomy and geography of the vascular plants:

  • critical reviews of taxa (genera, families etc.) in Russia, or its regions, of large regions of the world, or in full (global) scale;
  • descriptions of new taxa;
  • most significant novelties to the floras of large regions;
  • information on the type specimens stored in Herbaria; designations of lecto-, neo-, and epitypes;
  • the section Nomenclatural notes is intended for brief communications to publish new nomenclatural combinations (combinationes novae), names in new ranks (status novi) and replacement names (nomina nova), to specify priority names of taxa and bibliographic references.

All papers are peer-reviewed and carefully edited.

The serial «Novitates systematicae plantarum vascularium» is indexed in the bibliographic database Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI); Scopus; Dimensions; sent to the largest botanical libraries throughout the world; included in main lists of botanical periodicals; distributed by the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences within the exchange of scientific publications.

Periodicity: Annually

Languages: Russian and English

All texts and illustrations are published free of charge

Editorial board of «Novitates Systematicae Plantarum Vascularium»
Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Professora Popova Str., 2, Saint-Petersburg, 197376, Russia
Tel.: +7 (812) 372-54-51
Fax: +7 (812) 372-54-43

Hardcopy subscription:
Available within Russia only.