Editorial Board
Natalia I. Stavrova, Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Komarov Botanical Institute RAS
Tel.: +7 (812) 372-54-08
E-mail: plresources@binran.ru, plresources@mail.ru
Deputy Editor-in-Chief:
Vasily T. Yarmishko, Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Komarov Botanical Institute RAS
Elena E. Lesiovskaya, Doctor of Sciences (Medicine), Institute of Toxicology, FMBA
Executive Secretary:
Alena A. Naumenko, Candidate of Sciences (Biology), Komarov Botanical Institute RAS
Advisory Board:
Elena M. Arnautova, Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Komarov Botanical Institute RAS
Andrey L. Budantsev, Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Komarov Botanical Institute RAS
Georgy N. Buzuk, Doctor of Sciences (Pharmacology), Vitebsk State Medical University, Belarus
Petr G. Gorovoy, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Far Eastern Branch RAS, Vladivostok
Dorjsuren Chimidnyam, Professor, Academician of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Ulan Bator, Mongolia
Igor G. Zenkevich, Doctor of Sciences (Chemistry), St. Petersburg State University
Galina Yu. Konechnaya, Candidate of Sciences (Biology), Komarov Botanical Institute RAS
Alexander M. Kryishen, Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Forest Research Institute of the Karelian Research Center RAS
Irina V. Lyanguzova, Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Komarov Botanical Institute RAS
Tatiana A. Mikhaylova, Candidate of Sciences (Biology), Komarov Botanical Institute RAS
Anatoly A. Pautov, Doctor of Sciences (Biology), St. Petersburg State University
Alexander V. Pugachevskiy, Candidate of sciences (Biology), V. F. Kuprevich Institute of Experimental Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Konstasntin V. Sivak, Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Smorodintsev Research Institute of Influenza
Oleg V. Sozinov, Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Belarus
Alexsandar N. Tashev, Prof. PhD, University of Forestry, Sofia, Bulgaria
Irina N. Urbanavichene, Candidate of Sciences (Biology), Komarov Botanical Institute RAS
Vera A. Cheryomushkina, Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Central Siberian Botanical Garden, Siberian Branch RAS
Ivan I. Shamrov, Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Managing editor: