Ekaterina Derkach

Ekaterina Derkach

Position: Research Assistant

E-mail: EDerkach@binran.ru

Research interests:

  • Application of GIS in geography.
  • Mapping and monitoring of St. Petersburg’s protected areas.
  • Paleogeographic reconstructions of the Pleistocene and Holocene glaciations of Southeastern Altai and Mongolian Altai.

Keywords: GIS, mapping of protected areas, paleoglaciology of Inner Asia

Education and work experience:

2018 – St Petersburg University, Institute of Earth Sciences, Bachelor’s degree in Geography.
2020 – St Petersburg University, Institute of Earth Sciences, Master’s degree in Geographical Information Mapping.
2020 – until now – St Petersburg University, Institute of Earth Sciences, PhD Student in Geography.

2019 – until now – Komarov Botanical Institute of the RAS (Saint Petersburg), Laboratory of Geography and Vegetation Mapping, cartographer.

Grants and research projects:

Member of research team:

  • 2019-2021. Grant RFBR № 19-05-00535 «Natural catastrophes and transformation of the landscapes of the southeastern Altai and northwestern Mongolia in the period from the maximum of the last glaciation».

Conferences and workshops:

Organizing committee:

  • All-Russian Conference «Russian Geobotany: Results and Prospects - to the 100th Anniversary of the Department of Geobotany Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences». Russia, St. Petersburg. September 26-30, 2022. Secretariat of Organizing Committee.


  • II All-Russian Scientific Conference dedicated to the memory of Professor A.A. Velichko «Ways of evolutionary geography». Russia, Moscow. November 22-25, 2021. Poster.

Selected publications:

Ganyushkin D.A., Lessovaia S.N., Vlasov D.Y., Kopitsa G.P., Almásy L., Chistyakov K.V., Panova E.G., Derkach E., Alekseeva A. Application of Rock Weathering and Colonization by Biota for the Relative Dating of Moraines from the Arid Part of the Russian Altai Mountains. Geosciences. 2021. 11(8): 342.