Ekaterina Malysheva

Ekaterina Malysheva

Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD

Academic degree, academic title: Ph.D.

Position: Senior researcher

E-mail: e_malysheva@binran.ru

Research interests:

  • Biodiversity, ecology, geography and taxonomy of agaricoid fungi, the study of the phylogeny of some groups using molecular methods

Education and work experience:

1997–2002 — student at Samara State University, Biological Faculty
2002–2004 — graduate student at St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Biology and Soil Science
2002–2004 — senior research engineer at the Laboratory of Mycology, Biological Research Institute at St. Petersburg State University
2004–2007 — graduate student at Laboratory of systematics and geography of fungi, Komarov Botanical Institute
2004–2007 — senior laboratory at Laboratory of systematics and geography of fungi, Komarov Botanical Institute
2007–2010 — junior researcher at Laboratory of systematics and geography of fungi, Komarov Botanical Institute
2010–2015 — researcher at Laboratory of systematics and geography of fungi, Komarov Botanical Institute
2015–present — senior researcher at Laboratory of systematics and geography of fungi, Komarov Botanical Institute

Grants and research projects:

Chief of grant of RFFR 12-04-31315 (2012–2013) “Molecular and geographic patterns of speciation in biota of the basidiomycetes in Russia (por. Agaricales, Tremellales, Auriculariales, Dacrymycetales): from morphological to the phylogenetic diversity”.

Participant in grants of RFFR:

  • 19-04-00024 (2019–2021) "Heterobasidioid fungi Pucciniomycotina (Basidiomycetes) in the light of the evolution approach: phylogeny, biodiversity and functional role in natural communities".
  • 16-04-01468 (2016–2018) "Mixotrophy of pyroloids (Pyrola spp. and Orthilia secunda) and orchids (Goodyera repens) in forest communities: structure and significance of fungal symbionts".
  • 15-29-02622 (2015–2017) "The estimation of the «hidden diversity» of higher fungi and myxomycetes in soils of vulnerable natural ecosystems on the base of metagenomic approach and classical molecular analysis".
  • 15-04-04645 (2015–2017) "The systematics and phylogeny of the genus Entoloma s.l. (Entolomataceae, Agaricales) based on the morphological and on the molecular genetic approaches".
  • 13-04-00838 (2013–2015) “Resolving of urgent questions of genosystematics and geography of basidiomycetes (clade Boletales, Agaricales, Dacrymycetales, Auriculariales) on the basis of a multigene approach”.
  • 13-04-00110 (2013–2015) “The contribution of ectomycorrhizal fungi to the process of Korean Pine (Pinus koraiensis) resumption in the various stages of pyrogenic succession of the Korean pine-broadleaved forests in the Central Sikhote-Alin”.
  • 12-04-33018 (2013–2014) “The main trends of divergence of the cryptic species of fungi and myxomycetes as a result of climate change and as an indicator of functional state of the ecosystems”.
  • Participated in government contract “Phylogeography and evolution trends of model groups of Basidiomycetes and Myxomycetes” (2009–2011).

    Conferences and workshops:

    • “Samara region in history of Russia” — a scientific conference (Samara, 2001)
    • “Conservation business in Russia: Principles, Problems and Priorities” — international conference (Zhigulyovsk, 2002)
    • “Fungi in natural and anthropogenic ecosystems” — international conference in the Komarov Botanical Institute (St. Petersburg, 2005)
    • XV European Congress of mycologists (St. Petersburg, 16–21 September, 2007)
    • IX Workshop to study macromycetes at the Russian Botanical Society (Veshenskaya, 4–10 October, 2006)
    • X Workshop to study macromycetes at the Russian Botanical Society (Zvenigorod Biological Station of Moscow State University, 15–21 September, 2008)


    Zhiguli State Nature Reserve (Samara region), East Ilmen Reserve (Novgorod region), Oksky State Nature Biosphere Reserve (Ryazan region), Nizhne-Svirsky State Nature Reserve (Leningrad region), Pskov region, Altaiskiy State Nature Reserve (Altai Republic), Teberda State Biosphere Reserve (Karachaevo-Cherkesia Republic), Ussuriysky, «Kedrovaya Pad» (including Leopardovyj Sanctuary) and Sikhote-Alinsky Federal Reserves (Primorsky Territory, Russian Far East), Sayano-Shushenskiy State Biospheric Nature Reserve (Krasnoyarsk Krai).

    Business trips: Kuprevich Institute of Experimental Botany (Belarus, Minsk), Institute of evolution at University of Haifa (Israel), Nationaal Herbarium Nederland (Leiden, Nederland).

    Scientific-organizational and teaching activities:

    • 2008 — participated in preparation and practical training of course “Molecular systematics of fungi” for Master's Degree students of St Petersburg State University, at the Komarov Botanical Institute
    • 2011 — organization of seminar «Principles and methods of the molecular phylogenetics» (25–29 April, 2011) at the Research and Education Center BIN RAS and CCU DBS RAS “Cellular and molecular technology of study of plants and fungi”
    • 2013 — associate professor of Research and Education Center BIN RAS, lecturing for graduate first year students “Molecular methods in modern mycology”

    Selected publications:

    Malysheva E., Malysheva V., Alexandrova A., Morozova O. 2020. Observations on Pluteaceae in Vietnam. 2. One new record and ten new species of Pluteus // Phytotaxa 461(2): 79–107. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.461.2.2

    Ševčíková H., Malysheva E. F., Justo A., Heilmann-Clausen J., Tomšovský M. 2020. Pluteus dianae and P. punctatus resurrected, with first records from eastern and northern Europe // Mycotaxon 135(2): 245–274. https://doi.org/10.5248/135.245

    Malysheva E., Malysheva V., Alexandrova A., Morozova O. 2019. Observations on Pluteaceae in Vietnam. 1. New species and new records of Volvariella // Phytotaxa 408(4): 233–254. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.408.4.1

    Malysheva E., Moreno G., Villarreal M., Malysheva V., Svetasheva T. 2019. The secotioid genus Galeropsis (Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota): a real taxonomic unit or ecological phenomenon? // Mycological Progress 18(6): 805–831. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11557-019-01490-6

    Malysheva E. F., Malysheva V. F., Voronina E. Yu., Kovalenko A. E. 2018. Diversity of fungal communities associated with mixotrophic pyroloids (Pyrola rotundifolia, P. media and Orthilia secunda) in their natural habitats // Botanica Pacifica: A Journal of Plant Science and Conservation 7(2): 31–39. https://doi.org/10.17581/bp.2018.07202

    Voronina E. Yu., Malysheva E. F., Malysheva V. F., Dmitriev G. V., Tiunov A. V., Kovalenko A. E. 2018. A mixotrophy is in question: new data on fungal community associated with photosynthetic terrestrial orchid Goodyera repens // Botanica Pacifica: A Journal of Plant Science and Conservation 7(1): 51–61. https://doi.org/10.17581/bp.2018.07106

    Malysheva E. F. 2017. Five new species of Conocybe (Agaricomycetes, Bolbitiaceae) from Russia // Mycological Progress 16(6): 625–636. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11557-017-1297-x

    Malysheva E. F., Malysheva V. F., Justo A. 2016. Observations on Pluteus (Pluteaceae) diversity in South Siberia, Russia: morphological and molecular data // Mycological Progress 15(8): 861–882. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11557-016-1215-7

    Pimenova E. A., Gromyko M. N., Bondarchuk S. N., Malysheva V. F., Malysheva E. F., Kovalenko A. E. 2016. Post-fire Successions of Vegetation and Pinus koraiensis Ectomycorrhizal Communities in Korean Pine–Broadleaf Forests of the Central Sikhote-Alin // Achievements in the Life Sciences 10(1): 48–56. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.als.2016.05.004

    Malysheva E. F., Malysheva V. F., Kovalenko A. E., Pimenova E. A., Gromyko M. N., Bondarchuk S. N., Voronina E. Y. 2016. Below-ground ectomycorrhizal community structure in the postfire successional Pinus koraiensis forests in the central Sikhote-Alin (the Russian Far East) // Botanica Pacifica: A Journal of Plant Science and Conservation 5(1): 19–31. https://doi.org/10.17581/bp.2016.05102

    Malysheva E. F., Malysheva V. F., Svetasheva T. Yu. 2015. Molecular phylogeny and taxonomic revision of the genus Bolbitius (Bolbitiaceae, Agaricales) in Russia // Mycological Progress 14(8): 64. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11557-015-1087-2

    Malysheva E. F., Kovalenko A. E. 2015. Fungi of the Russian Far East. IV. Amanita sect. Vaginatae in the Central Sikhote-Alin // Mikologiya i fitopatologiya 49(3): 151–163.

    Malysheva E. F., Kiyashko A. A., Kovalenko A. E. 2014. Fungi of the Russian Far East. 3. Species of Amanita (Basidiomycota) new to Russia from the Primorye Territory // Новости систематики низших растений 48: 152–163. https://doi.org/10.31111/nsnr/2014.48.152

    Kiyashko A. A., Malysheva E. F., Antonín V., Svetasheva T. Y., Bulakh E. M. 2014. Fungi of the Russian Far East 2. New species and new records of Marasmius and Cryptomarasmius (Basidiomycota) // Phytotaxa 186(1): 1–28. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.186.1.1

    Justo A., Malysheva E., Bulyonkova T., Vellinga E. C., Cobian G., Nguyen N., Minnis A. M., Hibbett D. S. 2014. Molecular phylogeny and phylogeography of Holarctic species of Pluteus section Pluteus (Agaricales: Pluteaceae), with description of twelve new species // Phytotaxa 180(1): 1–85. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.180.1.1

    Justo A., Malysheva E., Bulyonkova T., Vellinga E. C., Cobian G., Nguyen N., Minnis A. M., Hibbett D. S. 2013. Phylogeography and taxonomy of Pluteus section Pluteus (Basidiomycota, Agaricales) in the Northern Hemisphere // Phytopathology 103(6): 70.

    Malysheva E. F., Svetasheva T. Yu., Bulakh E. M. 2013. Fungi of the Russian Far East. I. New combination and new species of the genus Leucoagaricus (Agaricaceae) with red-brown basidiomata // Mikologiya i fitopatologiya 47(3): 169–179.

    Malysheva E. F. 2013. Conocybe hausknechtii, a new species of sect. Pilosellae from the Western Caucasus, Russia // Mycotaxon 121: 159–163. https://doi.org/10.5248/121.159

    Malysheva E. F. 2012. Conocybe (Bolbitiaceae, Agaricomycetes) in the Russian Far East: new species and new section // Mikologiya i fitopatologiya 46(4): 232–242.

    Malysheva E. F., Svetasheva T. Y. 2011. Rare and noteworthy species of agarics from the Western Caucasus // Fungi non delineati 61: 1–104.

    Malysheva E. F., Kiyashko A. A. 2011. Contribution to the study of Agrocybe pediades complex (Agaricales) in Russia based on nrITS sequences // Mycologia Balcanica 8(2): 115–124. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2550667

    Malysheva E. F. 2011. Studies on Pholiotina (Bolbitiaceae, Agaricomycetes) in the Western Caucasus, Russia // Nova Hedwigia 93(3–4): 385–394. https://doi.org/10.1127/0029-5035/2011/0093-0385

    Malysheva E. F. 2011. Studies on Conocybe (Bolbitiaceae, Agaricomycetes) in the Western Caucasus, Russia // Nova Hedwigia 93(1–2): 249–273. https://doi.org/10.1127/0029-5035/2011/0093-0249

    Justo A., Caballero A., Muñoz G., Minnis A. M., Malysheva E. 2011. Taxonomy of Pluteus eugraptus and morphologically similar taxa // Mycologia 103(3): 646–655. https://doi.org/10.3852/10-280

    Justo A., Minnis A. M., Ghignone S., Menolli N., Capelari M., Rodríguez O., Malysheva E., Contu M., Vizzini A. 2011. Species recognition in Pluteus and Volvopluteus (Pluteaceae, Agaricales): morphology, geography and phylogeny // Mycological Progress 10(4): 453–479. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11557-010-0716-z

    Justo A., Vizzini A., Minnis A. M., Menolli N., Capelari M., Rodríguez O., Malysheva E., Contu M., Ghignone S., Hibbett D. S. 2011. Phylogeny of the Pluteaceae (Agaricales, Basidiomycota): taxonomy and character evolution // Fungal Biology 115(1): 1–20. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.funbio.2010.09.012

    Malysheva E. F., Morozova O. V., Contu M. 2011. New combinations in Clitocybula: a study of cystidiate Pseudoomphalina species (Basidiomycota, Agaricomycetes) // Sydowia 63(1): 85–104.

    Malysheva E. F., Morozova O. V. 2009. Notes on Hemimycena from European Russia // Czech Mycology 61(1): 27–71. https://doi.org/10.33585/cmy.61103

    Malysheva E., Morozova O., Zvyagina E. 2007. New records of the annulate Pluteus in European and Asian Russia // Acta Mycologica 42(2): 153–160. https://doi.org/10.5586/am.2007.016

    Malysheva E. F. 2005. Lepiota pseudoasperula (Agaricaceae), new to Russia // Mycotaxon 91: 365–368.