Sergey Bolshakov
Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD, Google Scholar
Position: Research Assistant
Research interests:
- Biodiversity, geography, and ecology of wood-inhabiting agaricomycetes in Russia
- Biodiversity informatics and its application in Russia
Education and work experience:
Graduated from Mordovia State University, Saransk, Russia
2011 — B.Sc. (Hons) in Biology
2013 — M.Sc. (Hons) in Biology
2013–2016 — PhD course in Komarov Botanical Institute, St Petersburg, Russia
Grants and research projects:
Member of research team:
- 2019-2020. Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for young candidates of sciences (MK-3216.2019.11) «Phytopathogenic wood-decaying fungi of orchard agrocenoses of the Central Chernozyom Region: inventory of species diversity, monitoring, DNA barcoding».
- 2015-2017. RFBR №15-29-02662 «Estimation of the hidden diversity of the higher fungi and slime molds in the soil vulnerable natural ecosystems through metagenomic approach and classical molecular analysis».
- 2015-2016. Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for young candidates of sciences (MK-6345.2015.4) «Aphyllophoroid fungi of the Middle Russian Upland: biodiversity, structure and genesis of communities».
Other projects:
- Database on the distribution of basidiomyces in Russia based on literature data. Since 2015, a team of interested persons under the leadership of S. Bolshakov has been collecting and digitizing scientific publications and aggregating information on the distribution of macromycetes (Agaricomycotina and Pucciniomycotina) across Russia. Information about the species is being updated in accordance with current taxonomic data. As of the beginning of 2023, the database contains information on the distribution of 11800 scientific names of species and intraspecific taxa from almost 1900 scientific papers corresponding to more than 5200 current accepted species.
Conferences and workshops:
- IV Congress of Russian Mycologists. Moscow, Russia, 2017
- The use of modern information technologies in botanical investigations. Apatity, Russia, 2017
- Biodiversity and ecology of fungi and fungi-like organisms of Northern Eurasia. Yekaterinburg, Russia, 2015
- European part of Russia (Belgorod Oblast, Leningrad Oblast, Penza Oblast, Tambov Oblast, Chuvach Republic, Republic of Mordovia)
- Northern Caucasus (Karachay-Cherkess Republic)
- Western Siberia (Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug)
Selected publications:
Bolshakov S.Yu., Volobuev S.V., Ezhov O.N., Palomozhnykh E.A., Potapov K.O. Aphyllophoroid fungi of the European part of Russia: a checklist / Eds. S.Yu. Bolshakov, S.V. Volobuev. Saint Petersburg: ETU Publishing house, 2022. 578 p. [in Russian]
Ivoilov A.V., Bolshakov S.Yu., Silaeva T.B. The study of species diversity of macromycetes: a manual / Eds. A.E. Kovalenko, O.V. Morozova. Saransk: Publisher of the Mordovia State University, 2017. 160 p. [in Russian]
Zmitrovich I.V., Stolyarskaya M.V., ... Bolshakov S.Yu. et al. Macromycetes of Nizhne-Svirsky Reserve (annotated checklist) / Ed. M.V. Stolyarskaya. Saint Petersburg: Svoyo izdatelstvo, 2015. 185 p. [in Russian]
Bolshakov S.Yu. Aphyllophoroid fungi of the Mordovsky Nature Reserve (annotated checklist) / Ed. I.V. Zmitrovich. Flora and fauna of zapovedniks. Moscow, 2015. 123. 44 p. [in Russian]
Volobuev S.V., Bolshakov S.Yu., Kalinina L.B. et al. New species for regional mycobiotas of Russia. 7. Report 2022. Mikologiya i fitopatologiya. 2022. 56(6): 383–392.
Filippova N.V., Ageev D.V., … Bolshakov S.Yu. et al. Crowdsourcing fungal biodiversity: revision of iNaturalist observations in Northwestern Siberia. Nature Conservation Research. 2022. 7(Suppl.1): 64–78.
Bolshakov S., Kalinina L., Palomozhnykh E. et al. Agaricoid and boletoid fungi of Russia: the modern country-scale checklist of scientific names based on literature data. Biological Communications. 2021. 66(4): 316–325.
Volobuev S.V., Bolshakov S.Yu., Khimich Yu.R. et al. New species for regional mycobiotas of Russia. 6. Report 2021. Mikologiya i fitopatologiya. 2021. 55(6): 411–422.
Filippova N., Ageev D., Bolshakov S. et al. The fungal literature-based occurrence database for southern West Siberia (Russia). Biodiversity Data Journal. 2021. 9: e76789.
Volobuev S.V., Bolshakov S.Yu., Shakhova N.V. Synopsis of the macrofungi (Basidiomycota) on wood of fruit trees in the Central Black Earth Region of Russia. South of Russia: Ecology, Development. 2020. 15(4): 75–98.
Bolshakov S.Yu., Kalinina L.B., Volobuev S.V. et al. New species for regional mycobiotas of Russia. 5. Report 2020. Mikologiya i fitopatologiya. 2020. 54(6): 404–413.
Kalinina L.B., Bolshakov S.Yu., Bulyonkova T.M. New records of basidiomycetes from the Pskov region in the Polistovskiy State Nature Reserve (Russia). Nature Conservation Research. 2020. 5(3).
Ordynets A., Liebisch R., ... Bolshakov S. et al. Morphologically similar but not closely related: the long-spored species of Subulicystidium (Trechisporales, Basidiomycota). Mycological Progress. 2020. 19(7): 691–703.
Volobuev S.V., Bolshakov S.Yu., Shiryaev A.G. et al. New species for regional mycobiotas of Russia. 4. Report 2019. Mikologiya i Fitopatologiya. 2019. 53(5): 261–271.
Volobuev S., Arzhenenko A., Bolshakov S., Shakhova N., Sarycheva L. New data on aphyllophoroid fungi (Basidiomycota) in forest-steppe communities of the Lipetsk region, European Russia. Acta Mycologica. 2018. 53(2):1112
Bolshakov S.Y., Volobuev S.V., Potapov K.O. et al. New species for regional mycobiotas of Russia. 3. Report 2018. Mikologiya i fitopatologiya. 2018. 52(6): 386–397.
Zmitrovich I.V., Bondartseva M.A., Firsov G.A., Kalinovskaya N.I., Myasnikov A.G., Bolshakov S.Y. First record of Lentinellus vulpinus (Agaricomycetes) in Saint Petersburg. Bulletin of Moscow Society of Naturalists. Biological series. 2018. 123(4): 78–83 [in Russian]
Svetasheva T.Yu., Arslanov S.N., Bolshakov S.Yu. et al. New species for regional mycobiotas of Russia. 2. Report 2017. Mikologiya i fitopatologiya. 2017. 51(6):375–389.
Zmitrovich I.V., Bondartseva M.A., Bolshakov S.Yu., Volobuev S.V., Kalinovskaya N.I., Myasnikov A.G. Records revision of Radulodon erikssonii and Radulomyces copelandii in Leningrad Region and St. Petersburg. Mikologiya i fitopatologiya. 2017. 51(2):117–122. [in Russian]
Bolshakov S.Yu., Volobuev S.V. New data on aphyllophoroid fungi of the Yamskaya Steppe (Belogorye Nature Reserve, Belgorod region). Bulletin of Bryansk department of Russian Botanical Society. 2016. 2: 18–25. [in Russian]
Volobuev S.V., Bolshakov S.Yu. Aphyllophoroid fungi of the Middle Russian Upland. I. The history of study and some new data. Mikologiya i fitopatologiya. 2016. 50(6): 335–346 [in Russian]
Bolshakov S.Yu., Potapov K.O., Ezhov O.N., Volobuev S.V., Khimich Y.R., Zmitrovich I.V. New species for regional mycobiotas of Russia. 1. Report 2016. Mikologiya i fitopatologiya. 2016. 50(5): 275–286.
Bolshakov S.Yu. Addition to the list of agaricoid fungi of Mordovsky Nature Reserve. Vargot E.V. (ed) Trudy Mordovskogo gosudarstvennogo prirodnogo zapovednika im. P.G. Smidovicha. Saransk; Pushta. 2015. 15:. 209–211 [in Russian]
Ivoilov A.V., Bolshakov S.Yu. Gasteroideae macromycetes in the Republic of Mordovia. Proceedings of the Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2015. 17(4-4): 667–672. [in Russian]
Ivoilov A.V., Bolshakov S.Yu. New records of Rubinoboletus rubinus in Russia. Proceedings of the Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2015. 17(4-1): 67–71. [in Russian]
Bolshakov S.Yu., Zmitrovich I.V. Aphyllophoroid fungi of Mordovia Reserve. Mikologiya i fitopatologiya. 2014. 48(5): 283–298 [in Russian]
Zmitrovich I.V., Malysheva V.F., Kosolapov D.A., Bolshakov S.Yu. Epitypification and сharacterisation of Polyporus choseniae (Polyporales, Basidiomycota). Mikologiya i fitopatologiya. 2014. 48(4): 224–230.
Bolshakov S.Yu., Ivoilov A.V. Rare species of fungi and its preservation in Mordovia Rebublic. Ruchin A.B. (ed) Trudy Mordovskogo gosudarstvennogo prirodnogo zapovednika im. P.G. Smidovicha. Saransk; Pushta. 2012. X: 222–234. [in Russian]
Bolshakov S.Yu., Ivoilov A.V. On findings of macromycetes species new for the Mordovia mycobiota. Proceedings of the Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2012. 14(5-1): 127–131. [in Russian]
Ivoilov A.V., Bolshakov S.Yu. Macromycetes of the Mordovia Republic. 1. Agaricoid fungi. Agaricles. Mordovia University Bulletin. 2011. 4: 153–162. [in Russian]
Ivoilov A.V., Bolshakov S.Yu. Macromycetes of the Mordovia Republic. 2. Agaricoid fungi. Boletales, Polyporales, Russulales. Mordovia University Bulletin. 2011. 4: 162–166. [in Russian]
Ivoilov A.V., Bolshakov S.Yu. Macromycetes of the Mordovia Republic. 3. Aphyllophoroid fungi. Mordovia University Bulletin. 2011. 4: 167–174. [in Russian]
Ivoilov A.V., Bolshakov S.Yu. Macromycetes of the Mordovia Republic. 4. Ascomycetes, heterobasidioid and gasteroid fungi. Mordovia University Bulletin. 2011. (4): 175–180 [in Russian]