Sergei Kholod
Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, Google Scholar
Academic degree, academic title: Dr.Sc.
Position: Principal Investigator, Laboratory Head
Research interests:
- Geobotanical mapping.
- Classification.
- Ordination.
- Biogeography.
- Structure of vegetation cover.
Keywords: Geobotanical mapping, classification, ordination, biogeography, structure of vegetation cover
Education and work experience:
1976 – graduated from the Leningrad State University, Faculty of Geography.
1983 – graduated from the graduate school of the Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
1986 – Ph.D. thesis on the topic «The structure of vegetation cover and its reflection on geobotanical maps (on the example of tundra registration of Chukotka)».
2017 – Dr.Sc. Doctoral dissertation «The structure of the vegetation cover of Wrangel Island».
1986-1995 – Research Assistant, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, Laboratory of Geography and Cartography of Vegetation.
1995-2006 – Senior Researcher, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, Laboratory of Geography and Cartography of Vegetation.
2006 – until now – Head of the Laboratory of Geography and Cartography of Vegetation, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
Grants and research projects:
Project leader:
- 2013. Grant RFBR № 13-04-07042. Publication of the collection «Geobotanical Mapping».
- 2004-2007. Grant RFBR № 03-04-49563. «Vegetation of the Polar Urals on geochemically contrasting rocks».
Member of research team:
- 2012-2014. Fundamental Research Program of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences «Wildlife: Current State and Development Problems» (supervisor N.V. Matveeva).
- 2010-2012. Grant RFBR № 10-04-01114a «Analysis of the chorology of species and communities in connection with the tasks of latitudinal-zonal typology and the assessment of climatogenic dynamics of the vegetation cover in the Arctic» (hands. N.V. Matveeva).
Conferences and workshops:
Organizing committee:
- All-Russian Conference «Russian Geobotany: Results and Prospects - to the 100th Anniversary of the Department of Geobotany Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences». Russia, St. Petersburg. September 26-30, 2022. Program Committee.
- International online conference «Arctic Science Summit Week 2021». Portugal, Lisbon, March 24-26, 2021. Sectional report.
- International Scientific Conference «Integrated Research of the Arctic and Antarctic Environment». Russia, St. Petersburg, March 2-4, 2020. Poster.
- Second International Scientific Conference «Modern Fundamental Problems of Vegetation Classification». Russia, Yalta, September 15-20, 2019. Plenary session.
- International Scientific Conference «Ecology and Geography of Plants and Plant Communities». Russia, Yekaterinburg, April 16-19, 2018. Plenary session.
- III All-Russian Scientific Conference «Biodiversity of the ecosystems of the Far North: inventory, monitoring, protection». Russia, Syktyvkar, November 20-24, 2017. Plenary session.
- International Scientific Conference «Modern Fundamental problems of Vegetation Classification». Russia, Yalta, October 4-9, 2016. Plenary session.
Professional memberships:
Editorial activity:
- Editorial board member of journal «Izvestiya of Russian Geographical Society»
- Executive editor of journal «Geobotanical mapping»
Selected publications:
Flora of vascular plants. Franz Josef Land archipelago. Archangelsk. 2019. 48 p. [Kholod S.S., Ezhov O.N., Safronova I.N.] [Flora sosudistych rasteniy. Archipelag Zemlya Franza-Iosefa] [In Russian]
Kholod S.S. Vegetational map of the state nature reserve «Wrangel Island». Explanatory text and map legend. [Karta rastitelnosti gosudarstvennogo prirodnogo zhapovednica Ostrov Vrangelya. Poyasnitelnyi tekst i legenda k karte] SPb. «Asterion». 2015. 56 p. + 1 map. [In Russian]
Papers:Nikitin D.A., Lysak L.V., Badmadashiev D.V., Kholod S.S., Mergelov N.S., Dolgikh A.V., Goryachkin S.V. Biological activity of soils in the north part of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago: effect of the largest glacier in Russia. Eurasian Soil Science. 2021. 10: 1207-1230.
Kholod S.S. Vegetation in the vicinity of Cape Zhelaniya (Severnyy Island of Novaya Zemlya archipelago) [Rastitelnost okrestnostey mysa Zhelaniy (ostrov Severnyy archipelago Novaya Zemliae. Rastitelnost Rossii]. Vegetation of Russia. 2020. 38: 85–138. [In Russian]
Safronova I.N., Kholod S.S., Gavrilo M.V., Ezhov O.N. Floristic and phytocoenotic diversity of vegetation cover of the Franz Josef Land archipelago [Floristicheskoe I fitoscenotichesoe rasnoobrasie archipelago Zemlya Franza-Iosefa]. Botanicheskyy zhurnal. 2020. 105(2): 133–151. [In Russian]
Czernyadjeva I.V., Afonina O.M., Kholod S.S. Mosses of the Franz Josef Land Archipelago (Russian Arctic). Mosses of the Franz-Josef Land archipelago (Russian Arctic). Arctoa. 2020. 29: 105–123.
Fedosov V.E., Churakova E.Y., Kholod S.S., Beldiman L.N., Bakalin V., Zakharchenko D.A., Afonina O.M. Bryophytes of Zhelania cape, Severny island, Novaya Zemlya archipelago in the Russian Arctic. Nordic journal of botany. 2019. 1–7.
Konoreva L.A., Kholod S.S., Chesnokov S.V., Zhurbenko M.P. Lichens of Franz Josef Land archipelago. Polish Polar Research. 2019. 40(2): 139-170.
Raynolds M.K., Walker D.A., ... Kholod S.S. A raster version of the Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map (CAVM). Remote Sensing of Environment. 2019 232: 1-12.
Kholod S.S. Sigma-syntaxa of the Wrangel Island. [Sigma-sintaxony ostrova Vrangelya. Rasitelnost Rossii]. Vegetation of Russia. 2016. 29: 89–116. [In Russian]
Kholod S.S. Phytocoenochoras in Arctic tundras: cartographic research method. [Fitozcenochory v arcticheskich tyndrach: kartographicheskyi podchod. Geobotanicheskoe kartografirovanie]. Geobotanical mapping. 2015. 120–143. [In Russian]
Kholod S.S. Sinusia at the territorial units of vegetation cover in arctic tundras. [Sinusii v territorialnych edinizcach rastitelnogo pokrova arcticheskich tundr]. Botanicheskyy zhurnal. 2015. 100(2): 81–113. [In Russian]
Kazmin V.D., Kholod S.S. Forage resources of the Arctic tundra o. Wrangels and their use by reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) and musk ox (Ovibos moschatus). [Kormovye resursy arcticheskich tundr ostrova Vrangelya I ich ispolsovanie olenem (Rangifer tarandus) i ovzcebykom (Ovibos moschatus). Byulleten Moskovskogo obcyestva ispytatelei prirody. Otd. Biolog.] Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Nature Testers. Biological section. 2014. 119(2): 14-28. [In Russian]
Kholod S.S. Vegetation and permafrost landforms on Wrangel Island. [Rastitelnost I merslotnye formy reljefa na ostrove Vrangelya. Komarovskie chteniya]. Komarovsky readings. Vladivostok. 2014. 62: 241-313. [In Russian]
Kholod S.S. What do the indices of β-diversity in the Arctic tundra reflect? [Chto otrazhayut indeksy β-rasnoobrasia v arcticheskich tundrach?] Botanicheskyy zhurnal. 2014. 99(1): 102–121. [In Russian]
Kholod S.S. Vegetation and landforms of Arctic. [Rastitelnost I merslotnye formy reljefa v Arktike. Teoretizheskaya I pricladnaya ecologiya] Em>Theoretical and applied ecology. 2014. 1: 35–39. [In Russian]
Kholod S.S. Zonation in the plant cover on the Wrangel Island: syntaxonomical approach. Vegetation of Russia. [Zonalnolst v rastitelnim pokrove ostrova Vrangelya. Rastitelnost Rossii] 2013. 23: 89–121. [In Russian]
Kholod S.S. Vegetation of Wrangel Island on the moisture gradient [Rastitelnost ostrova Vrangelya na gradiente yvlazhneniya]. Botanicheskyy zhurnal. 2013. 98(7): 828–847. [In Russian]
Kazmin V.D., Kholod S.S., Rosenfeld S.B., Abaturov B.D. Current state of forage resources and feeding of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) and musk oxen (Ovibos moschatus) in the arctic tundras of Wrangel island. Biology Bulletin. 2011. 38(7): 747-753.
Kholod S.S. Altitude-belt and entopic distribution of vascular plants on hyperbasites of the Polar Urals [Vysotno-poyasnoe I entopicheskoe raspredelenie sosudistich rasteniy na giperbasitach Polyarnogo Urala]. Botanicheskyy zhurnal. 2007. 92(9): 1289–1319. [In Russian]
Kholod S.S. Classification of Wrangel Island vegetation. [Klassifikazia rastitelnosti ostrova Vrangelya. Rastitelnost Rossii]. Vegetation of Russia. 2007. 11: 3–135. [In Russian]
Kholod S.S. To create a vegetation map of the Wrangel Island Nature Reserve. K sozdaniyu karty rastitelnosti zapovednica Ostrov Vrangelya. Priroda ostrova Vrangelya: sovremennye issledovaniya]. Nature of Wrangel Island: modern research. 2007. SPb. 59–102. [In Russian]
Kholod S.S. Analysis of the distribution of vascular plants on gabbro-amphibolites of the Rai-Iz mountain range (Polar Urals) [Analiz raspredeleniya sosudistych rastenii gabbro-amfibolitovogo massiva Rai-Iz na Polyzrnom Urale]. Botanicheskyy zhurnal. 2006. 91(8): 1157–1187. [In Russian]
Kholod S.S., Zhurbenko M. P. Lichens of the Wrangel island: activity and ecotopic distribution of species [Lichainiki ostrova Vrangelya: aktivnost I ecotopicheskoe raspredelenie vidov]. Botanicheskyy zhurnal. 2005. 90(2): 1329–1367. [In Russian]
Walker D.A., Raynolds M.K., ... Kholod S.S. et al. The Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map. Journal of Vegetation Science. 2005. 16: 267–282.
Kataeva M.N., Kholod S.S. Differentiation of vegetation and soils of the Polar Urals in contrasting geochemical conditions. [Raspredelenie rastitelnosti I pochv polarnogo Urala v kontrastnych geokhimicheskich usloviyach. Problemy ecologii rastitelnych soobchestv na Severe]. Problems of ecology of plant communities of the North. SPb. 2005. 352–391. [In Russian]
CAVM Team. Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map. Scale 1:7,500,000. Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF) Map No. 1. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Anchorage, Alaska. 2003. [W.A. Gould, L.C. Bliss, ... S.S. Kholod and others]
Kholod S.S. Phytocoenotic series in the vegetation cover of Wrangel Island. 1. Research approaches [Fitochenotcicheskie ryady v rastitelnom pokrove ostrova Vrangelya. 1. Podhody k issledovaniyu]. Botanicheskyy zhurnal. 2000. 85(2): 45–55. [In Russian]
Kholod S.S. Phytocoenotic series in the vegetation cover of Wrangel Island. 2. Series in willow-moss tundras [Fitochenotcicheskie ryady v rastitelnom pokrove ostrova Vrangelya. 2. Ryady v ivnyakovo-mochovych tundrach]. Botanicheskyy zhurnal. 2000. 85(5): 49–62. [In Russian]
Kholod S.S. Phytocoenotic series in the vegetation cover of Wrangel Island. 3. Modelling of coenotic rearrangements under climate fluctuations [Fitochenotcicheskie ryady v rastitelnom pokrove ostrova Vrangelya. 3. Modelirovanie chenoticheskich perestroek v usloviyach fluktuaciy klimata]. Botanicheskyy zhurnal. 2000. 85(9): 56–66. [In Russian]