Alisa Grabovskaya (Borodina)
Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD, Google Scholar
Academic degree, academic title: Ph.D.
Position: Senior Researcher
Phone number: +7 (812) 372-54-51 ext. 2299
Research interests:
- Systematics of the Polygonaceae (mainly Rumex and Rheum) of Eurasia, Valerianaceae, Vitaceae and others of Eastern Europe, some genera of Boraginaceae of the Caucasus; Ranunculaceae, Lythraceae, Elaeagnaceae and others from China and Mongolia.
- Typification of names and databasing type collection of the Central and East Asia, history of herbarium collections.
- Studying the biography and scientific heritage of C.J. Maximowicz.
- Typification of the names of Siberia and the Far East. Flora of the Leningrad region.
Keywords: Plant Systematics, Polygonaceae, flora of Central and East Asia, typification of plants names, herbarium collections, biography and scientific heritage of C.J. Maximowicz
Education and work experience:
1970-1975 – Leningrad State University (LSU), Faculty of Biology and Soil Science, Department of Botany, student. Thesis: «Materials for the flora of the Vepsovskaya Upland (Leningrad Region)» (supervisor: N.A. Minyaev).
1975-1978 – Postgraduate student at Komarov Botanical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Herbarium of higher plants.
1980 – PhD thesis: «The genus Sorrel (Rumex L.) in the European part of the USSR» (supervisor: N.N. Tzvelev).
1979-1986 – Research Assistant, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, Herbarium of higher plants.
1986-1992 – Research Scientist, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, Herbarium of higher plants.
1992 – up to now – Senior Researcher, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, Herbarium of higher plants.
Grants and research projects:
Project leader:
- 2011 – 2020 Collaboration with the National Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR), Incheon, Republic of Korea. Project «Taxonomic study of plant species collected on the Korean Peninsula and stored at the Botanical Institute» (2011–2019).
Study of Korean specimens kept in the LE Herbarium and the type collection of the Central and East Asia sector (Korea, China, Mongolia and Japan).
Compilation of a database and scanning of plant specimens of foreign East Asia (Korea, China, Japan). - 2009-2011. RFBR № 09-04-92010-NNS_а «Study of S. Yano's collection, collected in Taiwan in 1896-1897 and stored in the Herbarium of the V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute (LE)».
Member of research team:
- 2014-2016. RFBR № 14-04-00727-a «Type specimens of taxa of vascular plants of Siberia and the Far East, stored in the Herbarium of the V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute RAS (LE). Part 2 — Dicotyledonous plants».
- 2009-2011. RFBR № 09-04-00632-a «Types of taxa of vascular plants from Siberia and the Far East, stored in the Herbarium of the V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute RAS (LE)».
- 1997-1998. RFBR № 97-04-48211 «Endemic plants of the flora of Russia».
Other projects:
- Member of the team in RFBR projects studying type specimens of the Central and East Asia (№ 96-04-50421, 99-04-49761, 02-04-48479, 06-04-28299) and their publications (№ 99-04- 62080, 03-04-620042, 09-04-07040).
- Catalogue of the type specimens of Central Asian vascular plants in the Herbarium of the V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute (LE). Editor-in-Chief V.I. Grubov. SPb University Press. 2000. 236 p.
- Catalogue of the type specimens of East-Asian vascular plants in the Herbarium of the V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute (LE), part 1 (Japan and Korea). Editor-in-Chief V.I. Grubov. Moscow — St. Petersburg. KMK Scientific Press. 2004. 188 p.
- Catalogue of type specimens of East-Asian vascular in the Herbarium of the V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute (LE) Part 2 (China). Editor-in-Chief A.E. Grabovskaya-Borodina. Moscow — St. Petersburg. KMK Scientific Press. 2010. 517 p.
The following editions were published:
- 2019-2021 — preparing the 17th volume of «Plants of Central Asia».
- 1989-2008 — publication of «Plants of Central Asia» (Volumes 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16).
- 1994 — «Gramineae Types Project, Catalogus Herbarii Graminearum C.B. Trinii (LE)» (with Smitsonian Institute, USA).
- 1993-1995 — «Study of flora and vegetation of specially protected areas of the Leningrad region» («Koporsky» nature reserve and nature reserve «Vepsky forest»).
- 1992-1994 — «Creation of a database on the flora of Russia and neighboring countries».
- 1992-1993 — «Flora of China» Project — coordinator for regional revisions of Russian authors, geographic detailing.
- 1979-1981 — «Plant life» Project.
2012—2019 Maintaining databases with scanned herbarium material (If you are interested in the data please contact Alisa Grabovskaya by e-mail):
- Database of plants from the Korea Peninsula.
- Database of plant type specimens from Korea.
- Database of plant type specimens from China (mainly East Asian China, updated 2010 edition).
- Database of plant type specimens from Japan (mainly from Honshu Island).
- RFBR project, 2009-2011. Database of S. Yano’s collection in Taiwan.
Conferences and workshops:
Organizing committee:
- Seminar dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.I. Grubov. Russia, St. Petersburg, 2017. Organizing committee.
- Exhibition «Mysterious Japanese plant collector S. Yano. Exhibition of international collaborative research with Russia». Taiwan, Taichung, National Museum of Natural Science, 2012. Organizing committee.
- Exhibition «С.J. Maximowicz, C. Chonoski and K. Miyabe». Japan, Sapporo, Museum of Hokkaido University. 2010. Organizing committee.
- Symposium dedicated to a joint research project at the National Institute of Biological Resources of the Ministry of the Environment, Republic of Korea, 2012. Oral Presentation.
Professional memberships:
- Russian Botanical Society (from 1978)
Editorial activity:
- Catalogue of the type specimens of East-Asian of vascular plants in the Herbarium of the V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute (LE). Part 2 (China). Ed.-in-Chief A.E. Grabovskaya-Borodina. M.; SPb.: KMK Scientific Press. 2010.
Selected publications:
Total 209 publications as of 04/21/2021
Takahashi H., Grabovskaya-Borodina A., Katsuyama T. The Type Locality of Carex scita (Cyperaceae) in Japan. Journal of Japanese Botany. 2020. 95(2): 95–101.
Grabovskaya-Borodina A.E., Tatanov I.V., Belyaeva I.V. Nomenclatural and taxonomic notes on some Salix taxa (Salicaceae) from Eastern Asia I. Skvortsovia. 2020. 5(4): 1–9.
Grabovskaya-Borodina A.E., Illarionova I.D., Jang H.D., Lee B.-Y., Suh M.H., Park J.M. A considerable review on type specimens of Korean vascular plants in the Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute (LE) Addition. Journal of Species Research. 2018. 7(1): 73–79.
Grabovskaya-Borodina A.E. Polygonaceae, Ranunculaceae (Actaea, Actinospora, Adonis, Anemone, Aquilegia, Atragene, Batrachium, Cimicifuga, Clematis, Enemion, Eranthis, Isopyrum, Pulsatilla, Ranunculus (with A.N. Luferov), Thalictrum, Trollius). Catalogue of the type specimens of the vascular plants from Siberia and the Russian Far East, kept in the Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute (LE). Part 2. 2018: 70–99, 191–206, 210, 212–215, 221–249. Editor-in-chief I.V. Sokolova. SPb—M. KMK Scientific Press. 500 p.
Grabovskaya-Borodina A.E., Gureeva I.I. Lectotypification of the name Salvia potaninii Krylov (Lamiaceae). Systematic notes on the materials of P.N. Krylov Herbarium of Tomsk State University. 2018. 116: 3–8.
Yakovlev G.P., Borodina-Grabovskaya A.E. Valery Ivanovich Grubov (to the centennial anniversary). Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2017. 102(3): 399–404.
Grabovskaya-Borodina A. Russian botanist Сarl Johann Maximowicz in Japan: Japanese Herbarium Collection in the Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (LE). Journal of Japanese Botany. 2016. 91 (Memorial Issue): 66–79.
Grabovskaya-Borodina A.E. Type specimens of the Siberian and Russian Far Eastern taxa of family Polygonaceae Juss. kept in the Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute (LE). Turczaninowia. 2015. 18(1): 27–43.
. Turczaninowia. 2015. 18(1): 27–43. A.E., Illarionova I.D., Yang T.Y.A. Investigation of S. Yano's specimens collected in Taiwan in 1896—1897 and located at the Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute (LE). Taiwania. 2014. 59(2): 164–189.
Kwak M., Lim J., Lee B., Grabovskaya-Borodina A., Illarionova I., Tatanov I. Korean type specimens of vascular plants deposited in Komarov Botanical Institute. 2013. National Institute of Biological Resources. 256 p., ill.
Grabovskaya-Borodina A. там же, Introduction: 4–11.
Grabovskaya-Borodina A.E., Illarionova I.D., Tatanov I.V., Lee B.-Y., Lim C.E. Type specimens of Korean Vascular Plants in the Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute (LE). Journal of Species Research. 2013. 2(2): 191–202.
Grabovskaya-Borodina A.E. Rumex. East Europe flora conspectus. Vol. 1. Edited by N.N. Tzvelev. M.; SPb: KMK Scientific Press. 2012. 306-316.
Grabovskaya-Borodina A.E. Rheum, Rumex, Oxyria, Fagopyrum, Atraphaxis, Calligonum. Caucasian flora conspectus. Vol. 3(2). Ed. in chief. A.L. Takhtadzhyan. M.; SPb: KMK Scientific Press. 2012. 250–257, 262, 270–271.
Takahashi H., Grabovskaya-Borodina A. Typification of Acer miyabei Maxim. (Aceraceae). Journal of Japanese Botany. 2011. 86(6): 367–370.
Grabovskaya-Borodina A.E. Preface, Lycopodiaceae, Ephedraceae, Acer truncatum, Alismataceae, Anacardiaceae, Aquifoliaceae, Balsaminaceae, Bretschneideraceae, Callitrichaceae, Capparaceae, Сoriariaceae, Daphniphyllaceae, Dipsacaceae, Ebenaceae, Elaeagnaceae, Eriocaulaceae, Acacia macrophylla, Astragalus scaberrimus, Cercis chinensis, Gleditsia heterophylla, Guldenstaedtia multiflora, G. stenophylla, Hedysarum brachypterum, Lespedeza medicaginoides, Melilotus graveolens, Oxytropis bicolor, O. hirta, Vicia gigantea, V. tridentata, Hippocastanaceae, Juncaceae, Liliaceae s. l., Moraceae, Amitostigma potaninii, Orobanchaceae, Oxalidaceae, Paeoniaceae, Papaveraceae, Poaceae, Polygonaceae, Potamogetonaceae, Ranunculaceae, Sapindaceae, Solanaceae, Sterculiaceae, Tamaricaceae, Grewia parviflora, Violaceae, Zingiberaceae. Catalogue of the type specimens of East-Asian of vascular plants in the Herbarium of the V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute (LE). Part 2 (China). Ed.-in-Chief A.E. Grabovskaya-Borodina. M.; SPb.: KMK Scientific Press. 2010. 5–10, 16, 30–31, 41, 45, 47, 54–57, 60–61, 92–93, 114–115, 117, 151–152, 167– 169, 174, 181, 184-185, 192-195, 198-199, 201, 205, 232, 244, 262-268, 285, 311, 316-319, 321-335, 339-344, 361-372, 477-478, 486-487, 496-498, 500.
Li A., Bao B., Grabovskaya-Borodina A.E., Hong S.P., McNeill J., Mosyakin S.L., Ohba H., Park C.W. Polygonaceae in Wu Z.Y., Raven P.H. Flora of China. (Ulmaceae through Basellaceae): Science Press, Beijing, and Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis. 2003. 5: 277–350.
Borodina-Grabovskaya A.E. Gottfried Merzbacher (1843-1826) and his collection of plants from the Eastern Tien Shan in the Herbarium of the Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Russian-German connections in biology and medicine. SPb. 2003. 4: 130–135.
Grubov V.I., Borodina-Grabovskaya A.E. Cooperation of C.J. Maximowicz with Japanese botanists in the study of the flora of Japan. Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2001. 86(9): 148–153.
Luferov A.N., Borodina-Grabovskaya A.E. On the buttercups (Ranunculus) of the sections Xanthobatrachium (Prantl) L.Benson и Polyphylii (Tzvel.) Luferov et Borod.-Grabovsk. Turczaninowia. 2001. 4(3): 10–26.
Borodina-Grabovskaya A.E. Fam. Ranunculaceae. Plants of Central Asia. SPb. 2001. 12: 10–142.
Borodina-Grabovskaya A.E. Fam. Polygonaceae. Catalogue of the type specimens of Central Asian vascular plants in the Herbarium of the V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute (LE). Ed. Grubov V.I. SPb.: University Press. 2000. 178–186.
Grabovskaya (Borodina) A.E. Genus Sorrel—Rumex L. Flora of Eastern Europe. SPb.: Mir i Semja-95. 1996. 9: 101-119.
Borodina-Grabovskaya A.E. Fam. Polygonaceae Juss. Vascular plants synopsis of Vietnamese flora.SPb.: Mir i Semja-95. 1996. 2: 144–154.
Borodina A.E. Fam. Polygonaceae Juss. Plants of Central Asia. 1989. 9: 77–130.
Borodina A.E. Genus Rumex L. (Polygonaceae) in Caucasian flora. Novitates Systematicae Plantarum Vascularium. 1989. 26: 57–63.
Dyrenkov S.A., Borodina A.E. Changes in the flora and plant groupings of the primary taiga forest as a result of concentrated felling. Protection of the gene pool of natural flora. Novosibirsk. 1983. 37–44.
Borodina A.E. The main trends in the evolution of the genus Rumex L. (Polygonaceae) and its system. Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 1979. 64(4): 541–553.
Borodina A.E. Species of the genus Rumex L. in the European part of the USSR. 3. Subgen. Rumex. Novitates Systematicae Plantarum Vascularium. 1979. 16: 96–114.
Borodina A.E. Species of the genus Rumex L. in the European part of the USSR. 2. Subgen. Acetosa (Mill.) Rech. f. and Acetosella (Meissn.) Rech. f. Novitates Systematicae Plantarum Vascularium. 1979. 15: 99–113.
Borodina A.E. Species of the genus Rumex L. in the European part of the USSR. 1. Subgen. Rumex sect. Rumex subsect. Maritimi Rech. f. Novitates Systematicae Plantarum Vascularium. 1977. 14: 64–73.
Borodina A.E. About new localities of some species of Siberian origin on the territory of the Leningrad region. Leningrad State University Bulletin. Biol. 1975. 3(9): 147–149.