Ivan Tatanov

Ivan Tatanov

Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD, Google Scholar

Position: Research Assistant

E-mail: tatanov@binran.ru

Phone number: +7 (812) 372-54-51 ext. 2241

Research interests:

Systematics, geography, evolution and phylogeny of vascular plants, botanical nomenclature, collections of type specimens, typification, flora of the European part of Russia and Caucasus, databases of herbarium collections, digitization of herbarium specimens, plant protection

Education and work experience:

In 2000 graduated with honors from the Natural-Geographical faculty of the Arzamas State Pedagogical Institute (Nizhny Novgorod Oblast). Qualification: Teacher of Geography and Biology, majoring in Geography. Thesis: «Botanico-geographical analysis and comparative carpological study of representatives of the family Ranunculaceae Juss. of flora of the Nizhny Novgorod Oblast» (under the supervision of PhD S. N. Trifonova).

In 2004 graduated from the Graduate School of the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS. Theme of dissertation research: «The genus Bolboschoenus (Asch.) Palla (Cyperaceae): systematics, geography, evolution» (under the supervision of DSc (Biol.) T. V. Egorova).

1995–2000 — Student of the Arzamas State Pedagogical Institute (now the Arzamas Branch of the Lobachevsky State National Research University of Nizhni Novgorod)
2000–2001 — Assistant lecturer of the Department of General Biology of the Natural-Geographical faculty of the Arzamas State Pedagogical Institute
2001–2004 — Postgraduate student of the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS
2001–2004 — Senior laboratory assistant-researcher of the Department of Herbarium of Higher Plants of the Komarov Botanical Institute
Since 2005 — Junior researcher of the Department of Herbarium of Higher Plants of the Komarov Botanical Institute

Grants and research projects:

  • RFBR grant «Systematics of the family Cyperaceae of the flora of Russia», № 00-04-49431-a (2001–2002, participant)
  • Personal grants of the St. Petersburg Government, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and RAS: M02-2.6K-143 («Genera Scirpus L., Schoenoplectus (Rchb.) Palla and Bolboschoenus (Asch.) Palla (Cyperaceae) in the flora of Russia and adjacent countries (systematics, chorology, evolution)», 2002), M03-2.6K-67 («The genus Bolboschoenus (Asch.) Palla (Cyperaceae): systematics, geography, evolution», 2003), M04-2.6K-389 («The genus Bolboschoenus (Asch.) Palla (Cyperaceae): systematics, geography, evolution», 2004)
  • RFBR grant «Systematics of the family Cyperaceae of the North Eurasia», № 03-04-49600-a (2003–2005, participant)
  • Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the support leading scientific schools, NSH-2198.2003.4: «Systematics, geography and evolution of vascular plants of Eurasia» (2003–2005, participant)
  • Grant of the St. Petersburg in the nomination «Postgraduate student — 2004», in the framework of the International Soros Program for Education in the field of exact sciences
  • RFBR grant «Systematics of the family Cyperaceae in the flora of Europe», № 06-04-48368-а (2006, participant; 2007–2008, head)
  • Basic Research Program of RAS Presidium «Biodiversity and dynamics of gene pools». Project: «Biodiversity of vascular plants of Russia» (2006–2008, participant)
  • Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (USA). Project: «Coordination and development of plant Red List assessments for the Caucasus biodiversity hotspot» (2006–2009, participant)
  • State contract № 322 of the St. Petersburg Government: «Inventory of the locations of vascular plants included in the Red Data Book of Nature of the St. Petersburg» (2007, participant)
  • RFBR grant «Publication of the translation into Russian of the “International code of botanical nomenclature (Vienna Code), adopted by the Seventeenth International Botanical Congress, Vienna, Austria, July 2005”», № 07-04-07012-d (2007–2009, participant)
  • RFBR grant «Publication of the volume 40 of the book “Novitates Systematicae Plantarum Vascularium”. T. 40», № 07-04-07013-d (2007–2009, participant)
  • RFBR grant «Class Magnoliopsida: subclassis Magnoliidae — Hamamelididae in the Caucasian flora», № 08-04-00500-а (2008–2010, participant)
  • RFBR grant «Morphology and taxonomy of modular groups monocotiledonous, originality and difference from dicotyledonous», № 08-04-00670-a (2008–2010, participant)
  • RFBR grant «Vascular plants of East Europe», № 08-04-00858-a (2008–2010, participant)
  • RFBR grant «Publication of the volume 41 of the book “Novitates Systematicae Plantarum Vascularium”», № 08-04-07003-d (2008–2010, participant)
  • State contract 02.518.11.7172 «Investigation of biological diversity of plants and fungi on the base of collection stocks of the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS» (2009–2010, participant)
  • Basic Research Program of RAS Presidium «Inventory of biological diversity of Russia» (2. Inventory of diversity of the plant world), subprogram «Biodiversity: inventory, functions, conservation". Project: «Monographic treatments of complex groups of vascular plants within whole ranges, extra-tropical Eurasia or Russia» (2009–2011, participant)
  • RFBR grant «Publication of the volume 42 of the book “Novitates Systematicae Plantarum Vascularium”», № 09-04-07055-d (2009–2011, participant)
  • RFBR grant «The organization and realization of the 3nd complex expedition on studying critical groups of monocotyledons (Monocotyledones) and dicotyledons (Dicotyledones) in the flora of mountain ecosystems of Russia», № 09-04-10103-к (2009, participant)
  • RFBR grant «The organization and realization of the 4nd complex expedition on studying critical groups of Monocotyledones and Dicotyledones in the flora of mountain ecosystems of Russia», № 10-04-10077-к (2010, participant)
  • State contract 16.518.11.7071 «Investigation of diversity of extant and fossil plants and fungi on the base of collection stocks of the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS as an object of scientific infrastructure in shared use» (2011–2012, participant)
  • RFBR grant «Publication of the “Caucasian flora conspectus”. Vol. 3, part 2», № 11-04-07020-d (2011–2012, participant)
  • RFBR grant «Publication of the volume 43 of the book “Novitates Systematicae Plantarum Vascularium”», № 11-04-07021-d (2011–2012, participant)
  • State contract № 40, 13.06.2012 (Committee for Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of the Novgorod Oblast — BIN RAS) «Survey and analysis of the status of populations of rare and endangered species of wild plants and fungi growing in the region and preparation of materials for publication and the Red Data Book of the Novgorod Oblast» (participant)
  • State contract № 27, 13.06.2012 (State Institution «Directorate of Specially Protected Natural Territories of St. Petersburg» — BIN RAS) «Survey of localities of vascular plants, lichens, fungi and bryophytes recorded in the Red Data Book of the St. Petersburg» (participant)
  • Basic Research Program of RAS Presidium «Wild life: current state and problems of development», subprogram «Biodiversity: state and dynamics». Project: «Characterization of the diversity of vascular plants of Russia at the level of large natural regions (subkingdom, region, province) as a ground for making and maintaining of Red Data Books of Russia and subjects of the Federation» (2012–2017, participant).
  • Program of the President of the Russian Federation for the support of leading scientific schools, NSH 7000.2012.4: «Biodiversity of vascular plants of Eurasia: flora, systematics, geography, evolution» (2012–2013, participant)
  • RFBR grant «Biodiversity of vascular plants of the Caucasus: systematics of some taxa and information database», № 12-04-01735-a (2012–2014, participant)
  • RFBR grant «Organization and conduct of the expedition to Dagestan», № 12-04-10065-к (2012, participant)
  • «The creation of a database and digitalization of herbarium specimens from Korea stored in the Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS» (National Institute of Biological Resources of the Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea — BIN RAS, 2012–2014, participant)
  • State contract № 38, 29.03.2013 «Services for the spring registration of vascular plants, lichens, bryophytes and fungi which are listed and recommended for including into the Red Data Book of the St. Petersburg» (participant)
  • RFBR grant «Systematics and taxonomy of Platanthera (Orchidaceae) of Asia», № 13-04-91178-GFEN_a (2013–2014, participant)
  • RFBR grant «Research project of the expedition to Dagestan», № 13-04-10123 K (2013, participant)
  • Grant RFFI «Type specimens of vascular plants from Siberia and the Russian Far East kept in the Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute (LE). Part 2 — Dicotyledons», № 14-04-00727 А (2014–2016, participant)
  • State contract № 9, 18.09.2014 «Implementation of works on preparation of materials for the creation of the Red Data Book of the Novgorod Oblast» (participant)
  • «Taxonomic study of plant species collected on the Korean Peninsula and stored in the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS» (National Institute of Biological Resources of the Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea — BIN RAS; 2015–2018 — participant, 2019 — supervisor)
  • State contract № GK 31, 10.05.2016 (State Institution «Directorate of Specially Protected Natural Territories of St. Petersburg» — BIN RAS) «Execution of works on preparation of textual part of essays about objects of flora and fauna included in the Red Data Book of the St. Petersburg» (participant)
  • State contract № GP-К 3/16, 01.08.2016 (Leningrad Oblast State Institution «Directorate of Forest management of the Leningrad Oblast») «Provision services of doing of Red Data Book of the Leningrad Oblast in the part of preparation of essays about objects of the plant world» (participant)

Conferences and workshops:

  • XI Congress of the Russian Botanical Society. Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS, Novosibirsk — Altay State University, Barnaul, 18–22 August, 2003
  • VII International conference on Plant Morphology, dedicated to the memory of Ivan Grigorievich and Tatyana Ivanovna Serebryakov. Moscow State Pedagogical University, 12–14 November, 2004
  • Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa «Taksonomia, chorologia i ekologia roślin w dobie zagrożenia różnorodności biologicznej». Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań, Poland, 15–16 wrzesień 2005
  • International conference «Genetic Resources of Cultivated Plants» (in commemoration of the 120th birthday of E. N. Sinskaya). N. I. Vavilov All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Industry, St. Petersburg, 8–11 December, 2009
  • International conference «Study of the flora of the Caucasus» dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Academician A. L. Takhtajan. BIN RAS, Russian Botanical Society, Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy. Pyatigorsk, September, 27 — October, 1, 2010
  • XVIII International Botanical Congress. Melbourne, Australia, 24–30 July, 2011
  • Russian conference with international participation «Carpology and reproductive biology of Higher Plants» dedicated to the memory of Professor A. P. Melikian. Council of Botanical Gardens of Russia and Belarus, N. V. Tsitsin Main Botanical Garden RAS, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. N. V. Tsitsin Main Botanical Garden RAS, Moscow, 18–19 October, 2011
  • International conference «The role of Botanical Gardens in conservation of Plant Diversity» dedicated to 100th anniversary of Batumi Botanical Garden. Georgia, Batumi, 8–10 May, 2013
  • Russian-German workshop «Herbarium data management and dissemination». BIN RAS, St. Petersburg, 28–29 November, 2016
  • II International conference «Systematic and floristic studies of Northern Eurasia» (to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Prof. A. G. Yelenevsky). Moscow State Pedagogical University, December 5–8, 2018

Professional memberships:


Russia (North-West, center and south of the European part, Caucasus, Novosibirsk Oblast, Altai Krai), Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Finland, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Greece, Turkey, Israel, China (Sichuan, Guangdong), Republic of Korea (west coast, Jeju Island), India (West Bengal)

Editorial activity:

Selected publications:

More than 80 publications.

Egorova T. V., Tatanov I. V. 2002. Bolboschoenus glaucus (Lam.) S. G. Sm. (Cyperaceae) — species pro flora Caucasi nova // Novosti sist. vyssh. rast. T. 34. P. 33–42. (in Russ.)

Tatanov I. V. 2003. Bolboschoenus schmidii (Cyperaceae), a new species to the flora of the Middle Asia // Bot. Zhurn. Vol. 88, № 2. P. 97–100. (in Russ. with English abstract)

Tatanov I. V. 2003. On the distribution of Bolboschoenus glaucus (Cyperaceae) in the East Europe // Bot. Zhurn. Vol. 88, № 10. P. 106–111. (in Russ. with English abstract)

Tatanov I. V. 2003. De speciebus Bolboschoenus desoulavii (Drobow) A. E. Kozhev. et Bolboschoenus yagara (Ohwi) Y. C. Yang et M. Zhan (Cyperaceae) // Novosti sist. vyssh. rast. T. 35. P. 51–62. (in Russ.)

Tatanov I. V. 2003. The genus Bolboschoenus (Cyperaceae) of Russia and adjacent states // Botanical research in the Asiatic Russia: Proceedings of XI Congress of the Russian Botanical Society (18–22 August, 2003, Novosibirsk — Barnaul). Vol. 1. Barnaul. P. 293–294. (in Russ.)

Egorova T. V., Tatanov I. V. 2003. On systematic position of Bolboschoenus planiculmis and Bolboschoenus koshewnikowii (Cyperaceae) // Bot. Zhurn. Vol. 88, № 4. P. 133–144. (in Russ. with English abstract)

Tatanov I. V. 2004. The comparative carpology of Bolboschoenus species (Cyperaceae) in the context of the genus taxonomy // Bot. Zhurn. Vol. 89, № 8. P. 1225–1248. (in Russ. with English abstract)

Tatanov I. V. 2004. Systema generis Bolboschoenus (Asch.) Palla (Cyperaceae) // Novosti sist. vyssh. rast. T. 36. P. 80–95. (in Russ.)

Tatanov I. V. 2005. The genus Bolboschoenus (Cyperaceae) in the flora of the Caucasus // Bot. Zhurn. Vol. 90, № 10. P. 1573–1580. (in Russ. with English abstract)

Tatanov I. V. 2005. The system of the genus Bolboschoenus (Asch.) Palla (Cyperaceae) // Taksonomia, chorologia i ekologia roślin w dobie zagrożenia różnorodności biologicznej: Materiały konferencji naukowej dedukowanej Profesorowi dr. hab. Waldemarowi Żukowskiemu z okazji 70-lecia urodzin. Poznań. P. 200–201.

Tatanov I. V. 2006. Genus Bolboschoenus (Asch.) Palla // P. F. Maevsky. Flora srednei polosy evropeiskoi chasti Rossii [The flora of the middle belt of the European part of Russia]. 10th ed. Moscow. P. 122–123. (in Russ.)

Tatanov I. V. 2006. Bolboschoenus (Asch.) Palla // Caucasian flora conspectus / A. L. Takhtajan (ed.-in-chief). Vol. 2 / G. L. Menitsky, T. N. Popova (eds.). St. Petersburg. P. 182–186. (in Russ.)

Tatanov I. V. 2007. De independentia generis Bolboschoenus (Asch.) Palla et hujus positione in systemate familiae Cyperaceae Juss // Novosti sist. vyssh. rast. T. 39. P. 17–45. (in Russ.)

Tatanov I. V. 2007. Synopsis taxonomica generis Bolboschoenus (Asch.) Palla (Cyperaceae) // Novosti sist. vyssh. rast. T. 39. P. 46–149. (in Russ.)

Tatanov I. V. 2007. Hybrida intergenericus novus × Bolboschoenoplectus Tatanov (Cyperaceae) // Novosti sist. vyssh. rast. T. 39. P. 150–158. (in Russ.)

Tatanov I. V. 2008. Ancathia DC. // Caucasian flora conspectus / A. L. Takhtajan (ed.-in-chief). Vol. 3(1) / G. L. Menitsky et al. (eds.). St. Petersburg.; Moscow. P. 279. (in Russ.)

Tzvelev N. N., Kamelin R. V., Tscherneva O. V., Tatanov I. V. 2008. In memoriam: Tatiana Vladimirovna Egorova (1 XII 1930 — 6 V 2007) // Bot. Zhurn. Vol. 93, № 2. P. 351–363. (in Russ. with English abstract)

International code of botanical nomenclature (Vienna Code), adopted by the Seventeenth International Botanical Congress, Vienna, Austria, July 2005. Translate into Russian by T. V. Egorova, D. V. Geltman, I. V. Sokolova, I. V. Tatanov. Moscow; St. Petersburg, 2009. 282 p. (in Russ.)

Svetlova A. A., Tatanov I. V., Ivanova A. N. 2009. On taxonomic characters in the genus Linum L. (Linaceae) // Genetic Resources of Cultivated Plants. Problems of crop evolution and systematic: Materials of conference in commemoration of the 120th birthday of E. N. Sinskaya). St. Petersburg. P. 207–209. (in Russ.)

Sukhorukov (Suchorukow) A. P., Balandin S. A., Agafonov V. A., Alexeev Yu. E., Buzunova I. O., Efimov P. G., Ivanenko Yu. A., Lazkov G. A., Lindeman G. V., Luferov A. N., Mavrodiev E. V., Nilova M. V., Sennikov A. N., Tatanov I. V., Khlyzova N. Yu., Scholz H., Scherbakov A. V., Yurtseva O. V. 2010. The identification manual of vascular plants of the Tambov Region / A. P Sukhorukov. Tula. 350 p. (in Russ.)

Svetlova A. A., Tatanov I. V. 2010. Genus Linum DC. ex Perleb. (Linaceae) in the flora of the Caucasus // Study of the flora of the Caucasus: Proceedings of conference. Pyatigorsk. P. 94–96. (in Russ.)

Filonenko A. V., Tatanov I. V. 2011. Phylogenetic ralationships of Dimetra (Oleaceae / Verbenaceae / Nyctanthaceae) based on comparative carpology data // Carpology and reproductive biology of Higher Plants: Proceedings of the Russian conference with international participation dedicated to the memory of Professor A. P. Melikian (18–19 October 2011, Moscow). Moscow. P. 235–241. (in Russ.)

Levichev I. G., Krasovskaya L. S., Tatanov I. V. 2011. Singularity and differences between monocotyledons and dicotyledons // XVIII International Botanical Congress. Melbourne, Australia, 24–30 July 2011. IBC2011_Abstract_Book.pdf. S. 544–545.

Tatanov I. V. 2012. Fam. Cytinaceae A. Rich., Nigella L., fam. Molluginaceae Bartl., fam. Aizoaceae Martinov, fam. Juglandaceae DC. ex Perleb // Caucasian flora conspectus / A. L. Takhtajan (ed.-in-chief). Vol. 3(2) / G. L. Kudrjashova, I. V. Tatanov (eds.). St. Petersburg; Moscow. P. 58, 83–87, 137, 141, 299–307. (in Russ.)

Stepanova N. Yu., Tatanov I. V. 2012. On two species of the genus Schoenoplectus section Pterolepis (Cyperaceae) // Bot. Zhurn. Vol. 97, № 8. P. 1099–1108. (in Russ. with English abstract)

Tatanov I. V., Shvanova V. V. 2013. «A compendium of the Caucasus flora»: preliminary result of the Caucasian flora inventory // The role of Botanical Gardens in conservation of Plant Diversity: Proceeding of the international scientific practical conference dedicated to 100th anniversary of Batumi Botanical Garden. Batumi, Georgia, 8–10 May, 2013. Pt. 2. Flora and Plant Diversity, Plant Selection, Plant Protection. Batumi. P. 145–148. (in Russ. with English abstract)

Grabovskaya-Borodina A. E., Illarionova I. D., Tatanov I. V., Lee B.-Y., Lim C. E. 2013. Type specimens of Korean vascular plants in the Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute (LE) // Journ. Species Research. Vol. 2, № 2. P. 191–202. https://doi.org/10.12651/JSR.2013.2.2.191

Kwak M., Lim J., Lee B., Grabovskaya-Borodina A. E., Illarionova I. D., Tatanov I. V. 2013. Korean Type Specimens of Vascular Plants Deposited in Komarov Botanical Institute. Incheon. 255 p.

Tatanov I. V. 2014. Carex, Cyperaceae, Rhynchospora // Great Russian Encyclopedia. Vol. 24. Moscow. P. 568, 569, 746. (in Russ.)

Tatanov I. V., Kapranova N. N. 2014. Arecaceae, or Palmae // Great Russian Encyclopedia. Vol. 25. Moscow. P. 172–173. (in Russ.)

Piwowarczyk R., Tatanov I. 2014. Orobanche laxissima Uhlich & Rätzel (Orobanchaceae) — a new species for Dagestan (Russia) and Azerbaijan // Biodiv. Res. Conserv. Vol. 32. P. 25–28. https://doi.org/10.2478/biorc-2013-0014

Tatanov I. V. 2015. Genus Bolboschoenus (Asch.) Palla // P. F. Maevsky. Flora srednei polosy evropeiskoi chasti Rossii [The flora of the middle belt of the European part of Russia]. 10th ed. Moscow. (in Russ.)

Vasjukov V. M., Tatanov I. V. 2016. New combinations in genera Campanula L. (Campanulaceae) and Chamaecytisus Link (Fabaceae) // Turczaninowia. Vol. 19, № 2. P. 67–69. (in Russ. with English abstract). https://doi.org/10.14258/turczaninowia.19.2.8

Vasjukov V. M., Tatanov I. V. 2016. A note on Chamaecytisus ssyreiszczikovii (Fabaceae) // Phytodiversity of Eastern Europe. Vol. 10, № 3. P. 65–67. (in Russ. with English abstract)

Shiyan N. M., Pavlenko-Baryshena V. S., Tatanov I. V. 2017. Lectotypification of five subspecies name of Hieracium auriculoides and H. brachiatum (Asteraceae) described by D. I. Litvinov and K. H. Zahn from North Caucasus // Укр. ботан. журн. Т. 73, № 6. C. 531–538. https://doi.org/10.15407/ukrbotj74.06.532

Probatova N. S., Tatanov I. V. 2018. Grasses of Russia: study in progress // Systematic and floristic studies of Northern Eurasia: Proceedings of the II International conference «Systematic and floristic studies of Northern Eurasia» (to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Prof. A. G. Yelenevsky), Moscow, December 5–8, 2018. Vol. 2 / V. P. Viktorov (ed.). Moscow: Moscow State Pedagogical University. P. 212–217. (in Russ.)

Saksonov S. V., Vasjukov V. M., Tatanov I. V. 2018. Lectotypification of Valeriana spryginii (Valerianaceae) from European Russia // Phytodiversity of Eastern Europe. Vol. 12, № 2. С. 150–152. https://doi.org/10.24411/2072-8816-2018-10017

Rätzel S., Domina G., Raab-Straube E. von, Tatanov I.V., Uhlich H. 2018. Phelipanche gussoneana (Lojac.) Domina, Raab-Straube, Rätzel et Uhlich, comb. nov. // E. von Raab-Straube, Th. Raus (eds.). 2018: Euro+Med-Checklist Notulae, 9 [Notulae ad floram euromediterraneam pertinentes № 38] // Willdenowia. Vol. 48, № 2. P. 209–210. https://doi.org/10.3372/wi.48.48203

Tatanov I. V., Vasjukov V. M. 2019. Nomenclatural novelties in Berberidaceae and Asteraceae // Turczaninowia. 2019. Vol. 22, № 2. P. 133. https://doi.org/10.14258/turczaninowia.22.2.8

Mosyakin S. L., Sokolova I. V., Tatanov I. V. 2019. A corrected type designation for Lophozonia heterocarpa, with an update on the lectotype of Fagus obliqua (≡ Nothofagus obliqua, Lophozonia obliqua) (Nothofagaceae) // Phytotaxa. 2019. Vol. 424, № 3. P. 177-183. http://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.424.3.5

Tatanov I. V. 2019. Nikolai Nikolaevich Tzvelev // N. N. Tzvelev, N. S. Probatova. Grasses of Russia / I. V. Tatanov (ed. particip.). Moscow: KMK Sci. Press. P. 635–638.

Tatanov I. V. 2019. Nina Sergeevna Probatova // N. N. Tzvelev, N. S. Probatova. Grasses of Russia / I. V. Tatanov (ed. particip.). Moscow: KMK Sci. Press. P. 639–640.

Krivenko D. A., Tatanov I. V., Belyaeva I. V. 2020. Validation of two varieties of Oxytropis tragacanthoides (Fabaceae) from Southern Siberia // Botanica Pacifica. Vol. 9, № 1. P. 171–174. http://doi.org/10.17581/bp.2020.09111

Grabovskaya-Borodina A. E., Tatanov I. V., Belyaeva I. V. 2020. Nomenclatural and taxonomic notes on some Salix taxa (Salicaceae) from Eastern Asia I // Skvortsovia. Vol. 5, № 4. P. 1–9.