Sergey Chesnokov
Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD, Google Scholar
Academic degree, academic title: Ph.D.
Position: Research Scientist
Research interests:
- Study of biodiversity of lichens in the Arctic and Asian part of Russia.
- Study of the composition of lichen substances using chromatography.
- Taxonomic studies using molecular genetic analysis.
Keywords: Lichens, biodiversity, taxonomy, Far East, Arctic, Siberia
Education and work experience:
2007-2011 – studied at the bachelor's degree at Tyumen State University, Tyumen.
2011-2013 – studied at the magistracy of the Tyumen State University, Tyumen.
2013-2016 – studied at the graduate school of the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, St. Petersburg.
2017 – defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic «Lichens of the Kodar ridge (Stanovoe Highland)» at the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, (supervisor L.A. Konoreva).
2011-2012 – Laboratory Assistant of the Department of Economic and Mathematical Methods and Computer Science of the Tyumen Agricultural Academy.
01.2013-05.2013 – Environmental Specialist at RASTAM-Ecology LLC.
2013-2016 – Senior Laboratory Sssistant with higher education at the Scientific and Educational Center of the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
2016-2021 – Research Assistant at the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS
2021 – until now – Research Scientist at the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
Grants and research projects:
Project leader:
- 2021-2022. Presidential Grant № MK-4984.2021.1.4 «Subtropical lichen species in the flora of the Russian Far East».
- 2018-2019. RFBR № 18-34-00332 mol_a «Taxonomic revision of the genera Arctoparmelia Hale and Flavocetraria Kärnefelt & Thell in Russia».
Member of research team:
- 2019-2021. RFBR № 19-54-50010 ЯФ_а «Morphological and molecular-phylogenetic study for the diversity of lichenized fungi of alpine-subalpine zones in southern Far East Russia and Japan».
- 2019-2021. RFBR № 19-44-390003 р_а «Lichenological assessment of forest ecosystems of the Kaliningrad region aimed to protect them and predict the consequences of anthropogenic transformation».
- 2019-2021. RFBR № 19-04-00074 А «Biodiversity and phylogenetic relationships of lichens of the Far East and West coast of North America on the example of the families Micareaceae and Teloschistaceae».
- 2018-2020. RFBR № 18-44-140019 р_а «Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of cryoprotectants of lichens in the Arctic and Subarctic».
- 2018-2020. RFBR № 18-05-60093 Arctic «Spatial and temporal changes in lichen- and bryophyte flora of Russian Arctic and adjacent territories in relation to natural processes and anthropogenic influence».
- 2017-2018. RFBR № 17-54-04030 Bel_mol_a «Lichens of мanor parks in Mogilev and Smolensk Regions, as a refuge and a reserve for conservation of lichen in Eastern Europe».
- 2017-2019. RFBR № 17-04-01483 А «Metabolome analysis as a new approach in chemotaxonomy of lichen genus».
- 2016-2018. RFBR № 16-04-01488 А «Critical revision of difficult groups of crustose lichens from the genera Pyrenodesmia and Micarea in Holarctic».
- 2015-2017. RFBR № 15-44-05105 r_east_a «Lichens of Sakha Republic (Yakutia): systematics, biology, ecology and analysis of distribution of rare taxa for the conservation of unic plant communities in conditions of the anthropogenic impact».
- 2015-2017. RFBR № 15-04-05971 А «Saxicolous lichens of the main mountain systems in Russia».
- 2014-2016. RFBR № 14-04-01411 А «Families Bacidiaceae, Coenogoniaceae, Gyalectaceae, Lecanoraceae and Umbilicariaceae in the lichen flora of Russia: taxonomy, ecology and geography».
- Trans-Baikal Territory, Kodar Ridge – 2014-2016.
- Yamal Peninsula – 2014.
- Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) – 2015, 2017.
- Murmansk Region – 2013, 2015, 2016, 2018.
- Sakhalin and Kuril Islands – 2017, 2019.
- Khabarovsk Territory – 2018, 2021.
- Republic of Chuvashiya – 2019.
- Franz Josef Land – 2019.
- Novaya Zemlya, Vaygach and Matveev Islands – 2020.
- Primorsky Territory – 2020.
- Izvestia TSIK, Arcticheskiy Institut and Sverdrup Islands – 2021.
- Paramushir Island – 2021.
- Magadan Region - 2021.
Selected publications:
Konoreva L.A., Chesnokov S.V., Stepanchikova I.S., Spribille T., Björk, C., Williston, P. Nine Micarea species new to Canada including five species new to North America. Herzogia. 2021. 34: 18-37.
Frolov I.V., Vondrák J., … Chesnokov S.V. et al. Three new species of crustose Teloschistaceae in Siberia and the Far East. The Lichenologist. 2021. 53: 233-243.
Chesnokov S., Konoreva L. Addition to the lichen flora of Iturup Island (Sakhalin Region, Russian Far East). Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii. 2021. 55(2): 379-392.
Galanina I.A., Chesnokov S.V., Himelbrant D.E. et al. Rinodina sibirica (Physciaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) in Eurasia. Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii. 2021. 55(2): 393-404.
Аristarkhova E.A., Konoreva L.A., Chesnokov S.V. New records of a rare and protected Bryocaulon pseudosatoanum in the south of the Russian Far East. Bulluten Botanicheskogo sada-Instituta DVO RAN. 2021. 26: 7-13.
Himelbrant D.E., Stepanchikova I.S., Chesnokov S.V., Konoreva L.A., Rodionova A.A., Kuznetsova E.S., Schiefelbein U. New records of lichens and allied fungi from the Leningrad Region, Russia. XI. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica. 2021. 58: 51-59.
Stepanchikova I.S., Himelbrant D.E., Kuznetsova E.S., Chesnokov S.V., Konoreva L.A., Pankova V.V. The lichens of Pukhtolova Gora (St. Petersburg, Russia). Folia Cryptogamica Estonica. 2021. 58: 73-86.
7. Stepanchikova I.S., Himelbrant D.E., Chesnokov S.V., Korolev K.S., Andreev M.P. The lichen species proposed to the Red Data Book of the Kaliningrad Region. Vestnik Tverskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seria Biologia I ecologia. 2021. 4(64): 131-152.
Konoreva L., Chesnokov S. Lichens of the Innvika Bay, Prins Oscars Land (Nordaustlandet, Svalbard). Czech Polar Reports. 2021. 11(2): 253-269.
Konoreva L.A., Chesnokov S.V., Tagirdzhanova G.M. Remarkable records of Micarea (Pilocarpaceae) from the Russian Far East. II. Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii. 2021. 55(1): 163-177.
Kuznetsova E.S., Stepanchikova I.S., Skirina I.F., Chesnokov S.V., Himelbrant D.E. A revision of the lichen genus Platismatia (Parmeliaceae) in Russia, with a key to the species. Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii. 2021. 55(1): 179-194.
Davydov E.A., Yakovchenko L., Konoreva L., Chesnokov S., Ezhkin A., Galanina I., Paukov A. New records of lichens from the Russian Far East. II. Species from forest habitats. Opuscula philolichenum. 2021. 20: 54-70
Gagarina L.V., Chesnokov S.V., Konoreva L.A., Stepanchikova I.S., Yatsyna A.P., Kataeva O.A., Notov A. A., Zhurbenko M. P. Lichens of the former manors in the Smolensk Region of Russia. Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii. 2020. 54(1): 93-116.
Konoreva L., Chesnokov S., Yakovchenko L., Ohmura Y., Davydov E.A. New records to the lichen biota of Russia, 1 – Sakhalin Region, with new records for the Russian Far East and the Asian part of Russia. Botanica Pacifica. 2020. 9(2): 161-173.
Popov E.S., Chesnokov S.V., Konoreva L.A. et al. Stictis s.l. (Ostropales, Ascomycota) in the Russian Far East. Botanica Pacifica. 2020. 9(2): 95-102.
Tarasova V., Konoreva L., ... Chesnokov S. et al. New and rare lichens and allied fungi from Arkhangelsk region, North-West Russia. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica. 2020. 57: 85-100.
Stepanchikova I., Himelbrant D., Kuznetsova E., Motiejūnaitė J., Chesnokov S., Konoreva L., Gagarina L. The lichens of the northern shore of the Gulf of Finland in the limits of St. Petersburg, Russia – diversity on the edge of the megapolis. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica. 2020. 57: 101-132.
Davydov E.A., Yakovchenko L.S., Urbanavichene I., Konoreva L., Chesnokov S., Kharpukhaeva T., Obermayer W. Umbilicaria orientalis – a new species of Umbilicaria subg. Papillophora with an East Asian distribution: morphological delimitation and molecular evidence. The Lichenologist. 2020. 52(5): 353-364.
Konoreva L.A., Chesnokov S.V., Korolev K.S., Himelbrant D.E. On the Micarea prasina group in the Kaliningrad Region. Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii. 2020. 54(2): 429-440.
Czernyadjeva I.V., Ahti T., ... Konoreva L.A. et al. New cryptogamic records. 6. Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii. 2020. 54(2): 537-557.
Yakovchenko L., Davydov E.A., Paukov A., Konoreva L., Chesnokov S., Ohmura Y. New records of arctic-alpine lichens from the Russian Far East. Herzogia. 2020. 33: 455-472.
Konoreva L., Prokopiev I., Frolov I., Chesnokov S., Rozhina S., Poryadina L., Shavarda A. Metabolite profiling of the Cladonia lichens using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 2019. 85: 3-12.
Konoreva L.A., Kholod S.S., Chesnokov S.V., Zhurbenko M.P. Lichens of Franz Josef Land archipelago. Polish Polar Research. 2019. 40(2): 139-170.
Muchnik E.E., Konoreva L.A., Chesnokov S.V., Paukov A.G., Tsurykau A., Gerasimova J.V. New and otherwise noteworthy records of lichenized and lichenicolous fungi from central European Russia. Herzogia. 2019. 32(1): 111-126.
Yatsyna A.P., Golubkov V.V., Himelbrant D.E., Konoreva L.A., Kuznetsova E.S., Chesnokov S.V. ФFlora of Belarus. Lichens. Vol. 1. Minsk: Belarusian Navuka. 2019. 344 с.
Chesnokov S.V., Prokopiev I.A., Frolov I.V., Konoreva L.A., Evdokimov G.S., Shavarda A.L. Arctoparmelia collatolica (Parmeliaceae), a new species from Siberia, Russia. The Lichenologist. 2019. 51(5): 407-417.
Davydov E.A., Chesnokov S.V., Konoreva L.A., Andreev M.P. Umbilicariaceae (lichenized Ascomycota) from the Stanovoye Nagor’e Highlands (South Siberia, Russia). Herzogi. 2019. 32(2): 472-484.
Konoreva L., Chesnokov S., Kuznetsova E., Stepanchikova I. Remarkable records of Micarea from the Russian Far East and significant extension of M. laeta and M. microareolata Range. Botanica. 2019. 25(2): 186-201.
Konoreva L., Kozhin M., Chesnokov S., Hong S.G. Lichens and vascular plants in Duvefjorden area on Nordaustlandet, Svalbard. Czech Polar Reports. 2019. 9(2): 182-199.
Tchabanenko S.I., Konoreva L.A., Chesnokov S.V. Lichens collected in the Sakhalin Botanical Garden: new records for Russia, the Russian Far East and Sakhalin Island. Botanica Pacifica. 2018. 7(1): 71-79.
Chesnokov S., Konoreva L., Paukov A. New species and records of saxicolous lichens from the Kodar Range (Trans-Baikal Territory, Russia). Plant and Fungal Systematics. 2018. 63(1): 11-21.
Konoreva L., Tchabanenko S., Ezhkin A., Schumm F., Chesnokov S. New and noteworthy lichen and allied fungi records from Sakhalin Island, Far East of Russia. Herzogia. 2018. 31: 276-292.
Konoreva L., Chesnokov S., Stepanchikova I., Frolov I., Gagarina L., Tchabanenko S. Discovery of Coenogonium isidiatum (Coenogoniaceae, Ostropomycetidae) disjunct in northeastern Asia. Opuscula Philolichenum. 2018. 17: 322-329.
Prokopiev I.A., Poryadina L.N., Konoreva L.A., Chesnokov S.V., Shavarda A.L. Variation in the Composition of Secondary Metabolites in Flavocetraria Lichens from Western Siberia. Russian Journal of Ecology. 2018. 49(5): 401-405.
Konoreva L.A., Chesnokov S.V., Poryadina L.N. Lichen genus Micarea Fr. in Asian Part of Russia. Sakha Republic (Yakutia) and Trans-Baikal Territory. Turczaninowia. 2018. 21(3): 102-120.
Chesnokov S.V., Konoreva L.A., Andreev M.P. New records of rare and protected species of lichens on Kodar Ridge (Kalarsky District, Trans-Baikal Territory). Turczaninowia. 2017. 20(1): 80-98.
Konoreva L.A., Frolov I.V., Chesnokov S.V. Lichens and allied fungi from the Pechenga district and surroundings (Lapponia Petsamoënsis, Murmansk Region, Russia). Folia Cryptogamica Estonica. 2017. 54: 17-23.
Gagarina L.V., Poryadina L.N., Chesnokov S.V., Konoreva L.A. The lichen genus Usnea Dill. ex Adans. in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). Botanica Pacifica. 2017. 6(1): 31-36.
Chesnokov S.V., Konoreva L.A., Poryadina L.N., Paukov A.G., Kuznetsova E.S., Andreev M.P., Gagarina L.V. New and interesting lichen records for Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). III. Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii. 2017. 51: 220-231.
Poryadina L.N., Konoreva L.A., Chesnokov S.V. et al. Section 8. Lichens. Red Book of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Vol. 1: Rare and Endangered Species of Plants and Fungi. Moscow: OOO "Reart", 2017. 331-352.
Chesnokov S.V., Lishtva A.V. Lichens of Kodar Range: Addition to the Lichen Flora of the Visimsky Reserve. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. 2016. 15: 37-46.
Chesnokov S.V., Konoreva L.A., Yatsyna A.P., Andreev M.P., Poryadina L.N., Vondrák J., Himelbrant D.E. New and rare lichens from Sakha Republic (Yakutia). II. Vestnik Tverskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seria Biologia I ecologia. 2016. 4: 219-240.
Konoreva L.A., Chesnokov S.V., Davydov E.A. Stictis and Schizoxylon (Stictidaceae, Ostropales) in Russia. Herzogia. 2016. 29(2): 706-711.
Motiejūnaitė J., Chesnokov S.V., Czarnota P. at al. Ninety-one species of lichens and allied fungi new to Latvia with a list of additional records from Kurzeme. Herzogia. 2016. 29(1): 143-163.
Vondrák J., Frolov I., ... Chesnokov S. et al. The extensive geographical range of several species of Teloschistaceae: Evidence from Russia. The Lichenologist. 2016. 48(3): 171-189.
Zhurbenko M.P., Chesnokov S.V., Konoreva L.A. Lichenicolous fungi from Kodar Range, Trans-Baikal Territory of Russia. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica. 2016. 53: 9-22.
Chesnokov S.V., Konoreva L.A., Poryadina L.N., Kuznetsova E.S., Himelbrant D.E., Kataeva O.A., Andreev M.P. New and interesting lichens for Sakha Republic (Yakutia). Vestnik Tverskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seria Biologia I ecologia. 2015. 4: 174-185.
Chesnokov S., Konoreva L. Additions to the Lichen Biota of SE Siberia: records from the Stanovoye Nagor’e Highlands (Trans-Baikal Region, Russia). Polish Botanical Journal. 2015. 60(2): 203-216.
Gerasimova Yu.V., Konoreva L.A., Chesnokov S.V. The first record of Bacidia reagens (Ramalinaceae) for Eurasia. Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii. 2014. 48: 230-232.