Galina Malysheva
Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD, Google Scholar
Academic degree, academic title: Ph.D.
Position: Leading Engineer
Research interests:
- Features of the seasonal dynamics of plant communities in the zonal aspect.
- Eastern European steppes in the contact zone of the Black Sea and Trans-Volga-Kazakhstan provinces (Saratov region), their current state, typology, biodiversity and classification.
Keywords: Steppes, biodiversity, classification, regionalization
Education and work experience:
1958 – graduated from the Saratov State University. N.G. Chernyshevsky, Faculty of Geography, Department of Physical Geography.
1961-1964 – postgraduate student of the Department of Geobotany, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
1965 – defended her Ph.D. thesis «Principles and methods of small-scale phytophenological mapping», Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, (supervisor G.E. Shultz).
1959–1961 – a seasonal guide of the Botanical Garden of Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
1964–1986 – Research Assistant, Department of Geobotany, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
1986–1992 – Research Scientist, Department of Geobotany, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
1992–2013 – Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Vegetation of the Steppe Zone, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
2013–2020 – Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Geography and Vegetation Mapping, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
2020 – until now – Leading Engineer, Laboratory of Geography and Vegetation Mapping, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
Grants and research projects:
Member of research team:
3 RFBR grants, 2 programs of fundamental research of the Presidium of the RAS OOB RAS and 3 projects supported by the St. Petersburg Scientific Center. Currently, the executor of the program of the Public Health Organization of the Russian Academy of Sciences «Plant Resources».
- 1996. RFBR № 96–04–49682–а «Natural and anthropogenic dynamics of steppe vegetation in the European part of Russia (Voronezh and Astrakhan regions)».
- «The current state of the Volga steppes».
- «Coenotic diversity of meadow steppes of the European part of Russia».
- «Assessment of the current state of steppe ecosystems in the European part of Russia (composition, structure, functioning in connection with anthropogenic impact)».
- «Transformation of the vegetation cover of meadow steppes under the influence of anthropogenic and climatic factors».
- «The influence of climatic factors on the change in the species diversity of steppe communities».
Conferences and workshops:
Organizing committee:
- XII International Botanical Congress. Russia, Leningrad, 1975. Member of the Organizing Committee, chairman of the Registration Commission.
- X-XIII Delegate Congress of the RBO. Russia, Tolyatti, 2014. Oral report.
- All-Russian Geobotanical Conference with International Participation: Modern Geobotany: Major Milestones and Prospects. Russia, St. Petersburg, 2011. Oral report.
- VI-VII UBO Delegate Congress. Russia, Petrozavodsk, 2011. Oral report.
- III International Symposium on Biorhythms. Holland, Noordwijk, 22-29 August 1971. Oral report.
Professional memberships:
Editorial activity:
- Member of the editorial board of the collective monograph «Pistachios of Badkhy»
- Editor of the collective monograph «Deciduous xerophilous forests, light forests and shrubs»
- Member of the Editorial and Publishing Council of independent editions of the works of BIN RAS
- Head of the editorial and publishing group of independent editions of the Proceedings of the BIN RAS (1989-1998)
Selected publications:
Malysheva G.S. . Phytodiversity of Eastern Europe. 2018. 12(1): 170-188.
Malysheva G.S. Syntaxonomic analysis of the tyrsa formation of the Khvalynsky National Park. Phytodiversity of Eastern Europe. 2016. 10(4): 52-70.
Malysheva G.S., Malakhovsky P.D. Taxonomic analysis of the peristograss formation of the Khvalynsky National Park. Phytodiversity of Eastern Europe. 2015. 9(3): 165-184.
Malysheva G.S., Malakhovsky P.D. About the zonation of vegetation on the Volga Upland (within the Saratov region). Scientific works of the Khvalynsky National Park. Saratov-Khvalynsk, Ed. center "Science". 2013. 5: 3-8.
Malysheva G.S., Malakhovsky P.D. Steppes of the Volga Upland. Botanical journal. 2012. 97(1): 58-73.
Malysheva G.S., Malakhovsky P.D. Forest-steppe of the Volga Upland. Botanical journal. 2008. 93(4): 600-610.
Malysheva G.S., Malakhovsky P.D. Diversity of the steppes of the Saratov Trans-Volga region and their current state. Botanical journal. 2004. 89(6): 973-986.
Malysheva G.S., Malakhovsky P.D. Types of steppes of the Middle Volga region in the contact zone of the Black Sea and Trans-Volga-Kazakhstan provinces. Arid ecosystems. 2000. 6(11-12): 48-56.
Deciduous xerophilous forests, woodlands and shrubs. Proceedings of the BIN RAS. SPb. 1995. 17: 93-106; 143-144; 148-166.
Malysheva G.S. Methodical guide to the preparation of phytophenological maps. L. Science. 1968. 64 p.
Badkhyz pistachios. L. Science. 1989. 111-116; 137-155; 164-171.
Malysheva G.S. Phenorhythmotypes of mountain forests on the southern slope of the Northwest Caucasus. Botanical journal. 1978. 68(10): 1403-1414.
Malysheva G.S. Seasonal rhythm of phytocenoses. The structure and productivity of spruce forests in the southern taiga. L. Science. 1973. 71-89.
Malysheva G.S. A series of phytophenological maps in the atlases of the Leningrad (1967), Novgorod (1969), Murmansk (1971) regions, in the atlas of natural conditions and natural resources of the Ukrainian SSR (1970) and the atlas of forests of the USSR (1970).