Irina Safronova

Irina Safronova

Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD

Academic degree, academic title: Dr.Sc.

Position: Leading Researcher


Phone number: +7 (812) 372-54-21

Research interests:

  • Botanical — geographic special features of steppe vegetation cover.
  • Botanical — geographil special features of desert vegetation cover.
  • Botanical — geographic division of Russia.
  • Small scale mapping of vegetation.
  • Special features of vegetation of the High Arctic.

Keywords: Botanical geography, biodiversity, vegetation mapping, arid and arctic ecosystems

Education and work experience:

1960 — graduated from the Geographical Faculty of Leningrad State University.
1962–1965 — postgraduate study in the Department of Geobotany of the Botanical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences under the direction of academic E.M. Lavrenko.

1960–1962 — worked at the Faculty of Geography as part of the Landscape-Geochemical Expedition.
1965 — until now — Leading Researcher in the Botanical Institute of the RAS.

Grants and research projects:

State task

  • From 2021. № 121032500047-1 «Vegetation of European Russia and Northern Asia: diversity, dynamics, principles of organization».
  • 2019–2020. AAAAAA-A19-119030690058-2 «Diversity, dynamics and principles of organization of plant communities in European Russia».
  • 2019–2020. AAAA-A19-119030690002-5 «Spatial organization, diversity and mapping of the vegetation cover of Northern Eurasia».

Project leader:

  • 2018–2020. RFBR №18-05-00688 «Trans-Volga and pre-Ural steppes: current state and mapping».
  • 2015–2017. RFBR №15-05-06773 «Vegetation cover of the Caspian Lowland in the system of botanical-geographic division».
  • 2011–2013. RFBR №11-05-00088 «Structure and dynamics of territorial plant complexes of different ranks in connection with geoecological conditions».
  • 2008–2010. RFBR №08-05-00586 «Botanical-geographic division of Russia».
  • 2004–2006. RFBR №04-04-49302 «Analysis of regional macrostructures of Asian Russia based on the phytoecological map M. 1 : 4,000,000».
  • 1998–2000. European Commission grant «VOLGAMAP — Ecosystems of the Volga Basin and effects on the Caspian sea».

Member of research team:

  • 2004–2006. Grant from the Japan Society for the Support of Science. «Integrated Vegetation mapping of Asia».
  • 2003–2007. Program Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. «Complex research in the Amur River Basin».
  • 2003–2005. Grant «Biodiversity» in the section «Presentation different levels of vegetation biodiversity on analytical maps of different scales».
  • 2001–2003. International project «Circumpolar map of Arctic vegetation scale 1: 7 500 000».
  • 1996–2000. International project «Vegetation map of Europe scale 1: 2 500 000».

Conferences and workshops:


Participated in numerous national and international scientific conferences with plenary and oral presentations,

  • In Russia: in Apatity, Astrakhan, Barnaul, Bryansk, Valdai, Vladivostok, Volgograd, Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Makhachkala, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Orenburg, Penza, Petrozavodsk, St. Petersburg, Saratov, Tula, Ulan-Ude, Ufa, etc.
  • Abroad: in Austria, Brazil, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Israel, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Kazakhstan, China, Mexico, Mongolia, Norway, Romania, Slovenia, Tunisia, Turkey, France, Sweden, Japan.

Professional memberships:

Editorial activity:

Selected publications:

Safronova I.N., Stepanova N.Yu., Kalmykova O.G., Karimova T.Yu. On the distribution of Stipa caspia C. Koch. on the Caspian lowland in Russia. Voprosy geografii. Modern biogeography of Northern Eurasia. 2023. 156: 106–118. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N., Stepanova N.Yu., Karimova T.Yu. et al. The Map of the Current Vegetation on the Territory of Distribution of the Population of Saiga tatarica tatarica L. in the North-Western Caspian Region. Arid Ecosystems. 2023. 13(3): 277–285.

Safronova I.N., Kalmykova O.G., Stepanova N.Yu., Karimova T.Yu. The southern border of the forest-steppe in the east of the Volga River (within the Samara region). Problems of studying and restoring landscapes of the forest-steppe zone: historical, cultural and natural territories. Tula. 2023. 5: 154− 159. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N., Karimova T.Yu., Stepanova N.Yu. The current vegetation cover of the North-Western Caspian Region and its mapping. Geography and natural resources. 2023. 5: 45‒51. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N., Karimova T.Yu. The steppes of Caragana species in Mongolia. Vegetation of the Baikal region and adjacent territories: materials of the All-Russian conference with international participation. Ulan-Ude. 2023. 119−124. [In Russian]

Ponirovski E.N., Safronova I.N., Kalmykova O.G. Biogeography: the textbook. Orenburg. 2023. 503 p. [In Russian]

Goryaev I.A., Safronova I.N. Halocnemeta Strobilacei Formation in the Caspian Lowland: Ecological–Phytocoenotic Classification and Characteristic Plant communities. Arid Ecosystems. 2022. 12(4): 414–421.

Safronova I.N., Yurkovskaya T.K. Zonal regularities of vegetation cover in Central and North-Eastern Siberia. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2022. 107(8): 749–756. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N. Garden in desert. Collection of scientific articles: Introduction, conservation of biodiversity and green construction in a changing climate and anthropogenic impact. Aktau, Kazakhstan. 2022. 204–210. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N. The current state of vegetation cover of the European desert. Materials of the conference "Russian geobotany: results and prospects" (to the 100th anniversary of the Department of Geobotany BIN) September 26–30, St. Petersburg. 2022. 100–102. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N. Communities of Artemisieta lerchianae in the desert zone in the North-Western Caspian Lowland. Collection of articles of the II-th All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Topical issues of natural sciences in modern scientific knowledge", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor V.A. Bananova. Elista. 2022. 296–303. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N. Zavolhsko-zauralsk steppes of the middle subzone of the steppe zone: of formation diversity and regional features. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2021. 106(12): 1180–1191. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N., Kalmykova O.G., Stepanova N.Yu. The Trans-Volga-Trans-Ural steppes of the northern subzone of the steppe zone: features of modern formation diversity. Arid ecosystems. 2020. 10(4): 255–260.

Safronova I.N. Reserve «Black Lands» in the system of botanical-geographic division. Journal of Field Research. 2020. 7: 40–47. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N., Kholod S.S., Gavrilo M.V., Yezhov O.N. Floristic and phytocenotic diversity of the vegetation cover of the Franz Josef Land archipelago. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2020. 105(2): 133–151. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N. Rare communities of the desert steppes of the Russian Caspian Sea region and their preservation. Atlantis Highlights in Material Sciences and Technology, Proceedings of the International Symposium «Engineering and Earth Sciences: Applied and Fundamental Research». 2019. 1: 634–637. [in English]

Yurkovskaya T.K., Safronova I.N. Zonal division of the vegetation cover of Western Siberia. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2019. 104(1): 3-11. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N. Semi-desert-a paradox of the twentieth century. Arid ecosystems. 2019. 25, 1(78): 3–9. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N., Karimova T.Y., Zhargalsaykhan L. Assessment of the current state of the vegetation cover of the Khentei aimag of Mongolia. Arid ecosystems. 2018. 24, 1(74): 65–75. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N., Stepanova N.Y. Contemporary vegetation cover of the Caspian Lowland in the South-East of Europe. Scritti in onore di Franco Pedrotti. Collana Natura e aree protette. Trento. 2017. 31: 94–101. [In English]

Safronova I., Golovina E. On the steppes and shrub thickets in the Onon Dahuria. Vegetation Structure and Function at Multiple Spatial, Temporal and Conceptual Scales. Geobotany Studies series of Springer. 2016. 229–240.

Safronova I.N., Yurkovskaya T.K. Zonal regul Botanicheskii zhurnal. arities of the vegetation cover of the plains of European Russia and their mapping. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2015. 100 (11): 1121–1141. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N. General regularities of the vegetation cover of the Bogdinsk-Baskunchak Nature Reserve. The state and long-term changes of the natural environment on the territory of the Bogdinsk-Baskunchak Nature Reserve. Chapter in the monograph. Volgograd. 2012. 103–129. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N., Kalmykova O.G. Zoning issues and the role of nature reserves in their solution. Proceedings of the Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2012. 14, 1(6): 1638–1641. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N. Botanical and geographical zoning of the Turan deserts as the basis of rational nature management. Arid ecosystems for the 100th anniversary of the birth of N.T. Nechaeva. Moscow. 2010. 16, 2(42): 47–53. [In Russian]

Safronova I. On the shrub thickets and shrub steppes in the forest-steppe belt of the South-Eastern Baikal region. Aspekte der Geobotanik – From Local to Global / Abhandlungen aus dem Westfalischen Museum fur Naturkunde. Munster (Germany). 2008. 70(3/4): 335–342.

Safronova I. Studies on the halophyte desert vegetation in the Northern Caspian region (Caspian Lowland and Mangyshlak). Biosaline Agriculture and High Salinity Tolerance / Adelly/Öztürk/Ashraf/Grignon (eds). Basel-Boston-Berlin:Birkhauser Verlag AG. 2008. 221–232.

Yurkovskaya T.K., Ilina I.C., Safronova I.N. Vegetation. Map Scale 1 : 15 000 000. National Atlas of Russia. Nature. Ecology. M. 2007. 2: 328–329. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N. Map of modern vegetation along the railway from the Yaindyki staton to the port Olya (south-western part of the Volga River delta). Geobotanical mapping. St. Petersburg-Petrozavodsk. 2007. 57–80. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N. Can a subzone of desert steppes be called an ecotone? Arid ecosystems. 2006. 12(30–31): 20–27. [In Russian]

Safronova I. Ecological classification of steppe and desert vegetation for the European vegetation map. Anwendung und Auswertung der Karte der naturlichen Vegetation Europas / Application and Analysis of the Map of the Natural Vegetation of Europe. Bonn (Bundesamt für Naturschutz) BfN-Skripten. Bonn. Germany. 2005. 151–161.

Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map, Scale 1:7 500 000. CAVM Team. Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF). Map No 1. US Fish and Wildlife Service, Anchorage, Alaska. 2003. 1 sheet.

Safronova I.N. Phytoecological mapping of the Northern Caspian Sea. Geobotanical mapping 2001–2002. St. Petersburg, 2002. 44–65. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N. About the Caspian sub province of the Sahara-Gobi Desert region. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2002. 87(3): 57–62. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N., Yurkovskaya T.K., Miklyaeva I.M., Ogureeva G.N., Kotova T.V. Zones and types of vegetation belts in Russia and adjacent territories. For higher scooles. Map. Scale. 1 : 8 000 000. M.: TOO "EKOR". 1999. On 2 sheets. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N., Yurkovskaya T.K., Miklyaeva I.M., Ogureeva G.N., Kotova T.V. Zones and types of vegetation beltes in Russia and adjacent territories. Scale 1 : 8 000 000. Explanatory text and legend to the map. Moscow. 1999. 64 p. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N. Phytocenotic characteristics of Mangyshlak warmwood-Artemisieta terrae-albae, Artemisieta lerchianae and Artemisieta kemrudicae. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 1998. 83(4): 16–29. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N. Deserts of Mangyshlak (essay on vegetation). Proceedings of BIN RAS. Issue 18. SPb. 1996. 212 p. [In Russian]

Rachkovskaya E.I., Safronova I.N. New map of botanical-geographic division of Kazakhstan and Central Asia within the desert region. Geobotanical mapping 1992. Leningrad. 1994. 33–49. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N. About the flora of the Bolshevik Island (Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 1993. 78(2): 79–84. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N. Flora of Kolguev Island. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 1990. 75(11): 1538–1547. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N., Khodachek E.A. On the flora and vegetation of the islands of Andrey, Uedineniya and Visa (Arctic Ocean). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 1989. 74(7): 1003–1011. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N. On the vegetation of the Meibel and Hooker Islands (Franz Josef Land Archipelago). Natural complexes of the Arctic and issues of their protection. Leningrad: Hydrometeoizdat. 1986. 51–63. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N. The flora of October Revolution Island. Proceedings of the AANII «Studies of the ice cover and periglacial of the Northern Land». Leningrad: Hydrometeoizdat. 1981. 367: 142–151. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N. Vegetation cover of the steppe part of the Poduralsky plateau. Modern problems of biogeography. Leningrad. 1980. 60–68. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N. To the flora of Kotelny Island (Novosibirsk Islands). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 1980. 65(4): 544–551. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N. Deserts. Vegetation of the European part of the USSR. Leningrad. 1980. 285–295. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N. Middle-scale vegetation map of the steppe part of the Poduralsky plateau (Aktobe region). Geobotanical mapping 1979. Leningrad. 1979. 21–32. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N. Areas of steppe shrubs from the genus Spiraea L. (family Rosaceae Juss.) and the genus Caragana Lam. (family Fabaceae Lindl.) and communities with their participation on the territory of the Kazakh melkosopochnik. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 1976. 61(5): 663–675. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N. Basic regularities of vegetation cover distribution and geobotanical devision of steppes in the eastern part of the Aktobe region. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 1971 56(1): 31–47. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N. On the distribution of Stipa korshinsky Roshev. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 1968. 54(5): 769–771. [In Russian]

Safronova I.N. Shrub steppes and shrub thickets in the dry-steppe and desert-steppe subzones of Central Kazakhstan. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 1963. 48(10): 1527–1533. [In Russian]