Tatiana Yurkovskaya

Tatiana Yurkovskaya

Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD

Academic degree, academic title: Dr.Sc.

Position: Leading Researcher

E-mail: TYurkovskaya@binran.ru

Research interests:

  • Geobotany.
  • Mire science.
  • Geobotanical mapping.
  • Ecology.
  • Biodiversity.
  • Classification and geography of vegetation cover.
  • Bryology.
  • Mire vegetation on small and medium-scale vegetation maps (maps of the USSR, Russia, Europe, CMEA countries, wall maps, maps for atlases).

Keywords: Vegetation, mire, taiga, geography, typology, classification, spatial organization, bryology

Education and work experience:

1953 – Leningrad State University, Faculty of Biology and Soil Science, Department of Geobotany. Dean Acad. A.L. Takhtadzhyan. Head Chair Corresponding Member RAS A.P. Shennikov.
1953-1956 – Postgraduate student of the Karelian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

1957-1965 – Research Assistant at Laboratory of Swamp Science and Land Reclamation of the Institute of Biology of the Karelian Branch of the Academy of Sciences (during the Khrushchev reorganization of the Russian Academy of Sciences of Petrozavodsk State University).
1965-1968 – Senior Researcher at Laboratory of Swamp Science and Land Reclamation of the Institute of Biology of the Karelian Branch of the Academy of Sciences (during the Khrushchev reorganization of the Russian Academy of Sciences of Petrozavodsk State University).
1968 – until now – Research Assistant, Senior Researcher, Leading Researcher, Head of the Laboratory and again Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Geography and Vegetation Mapping at the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
1989-2006 – Head of the Laboratory of Geography and Vegetation Mapping at the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.

Grants and research projects:

Project leader:

  • Participated in 11 RFBR grants as a leader, including 2 Soros grants.

Member of research team:

  • 2019-2021. Grant RFBR № 19-05-00830-A. «Sphagnum raised bogs of the South Ural region in the system of botanical and geographical zoning», project leader T.G. Ivchenko.
  • 2018. Grant RFBR № 18-04-20002 G Project for organizing an all-Russian scientific conference with international participation «IX Galkin Readings: «Natural and anthropogenic dynamics of bog ecosystems: results and research methods»», project leader V.A. Smagin
  • 2014-2016. Grant RFBR № 14-04-00362 A «Spatial structure and mapping of the vegetation cover of eutrophic key bogs in the South Ural region», project leader T.G. Ivchenko
  • 8 Grants RFBR, 3 International grants.
  • Performer of several projects of the Basic Research Programs of the Presidium of the RAS and OBN RAS.
  • Performer of the «International grant INCO Copernicus (France, Russia, Germany, Georgia)».

Other projects:

  • 2006-2008. The program of the Academy of Sciences under the leadership of Academician A. S. Isaev «Biodiversity and dynamics of gene pools». Subprogram «State and resource-ecological potential of terrestrial ecosystems in Northern Eurasia in the context of global changes». The work was carried out jointly with the Institute of Biology of the Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences The result was a monograph with a vegetation map. Yurkovskaya T.K., Elina G.A. Restored vegetation of Karelia on geobotanical and paleo maps. Petrozavodsk. 2009. 136 p.
  • 1980-2003. International Project «Vegetation Map of Europe». Coordinators R. Neuhausl, U. Boon.

Conferences and workshops:

Organizing committee:

  • All-Russian Conference «Russian Geobotany: Results and Prospects - to the 100th Anniversary of the Department of Geobotany Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences». Russia, St. Petersburg. September 26-30, 2022. Program Committee.
  • Chairman of the annual conference «Galkin Readings».


  • All-Russian scientific conference with international participation «XI Galkin Readings». Russia, St. Petersburg, April 21, 2021. Plenary report.

Professional memberships:

Editorial activity:

  • Editorial Board member of the Journal «Geobotanical Mapping» (1991-2013).
  • Member of the editorial board of Journal «Trudy Instorf».
  • Member of the editorial board of the series of monographs «Les cahiers de Braun-Blanquetia».
  • Editor of monographs:
    • Geobotanical zoning of the Non-Black Earth Region of the European part of the RSFSR. L. Science. 1989. 64 p. (with V.D. Alexandrova).
    • Payanskaya-Gvozdeva I.I. The structure of the vegetation cover of the northern taiga of the Kola Peninsula. L. Publishing house of BIN RAN. 1990. 110 p.
    • Malysheva N.V. Lichens of St. Petersburg. Proceedings of St. Petersburg. Islands of naturalists. SPb. Publishing house of St. Petersburg university. 2003. 3(79). 100 p.
    • Elina G.A., Lukashov A.D., Tokarev P.N. Mapping of vegetation and landscapes on Holocene time slices of the taiga zone of eastern Fennoscandia (using GIS technologies). St. Petersburg. Nauka. 2004. 100 p.
    • Research problems and goals in modern mire science in Russia. SPb. 2010. 276 p.
  • Conference Proceedings Editor:
    • Materials of the conference «VIII Galkin Readings». 2017. SPb. 135 p.
    • Materials of the conference «IX Galkin Readings». 2018. SPb. 260 p.
  • Co-editor of a series of collective monographs.

Selected publications:

Total published 450 works.


Yurkovskaya T.K., Elina G.A. Restored vegetation of Karelia on geobotanical and paleo maps. Publishing house of the KSC RAS. Petrozavodsk. 2009. 136 p. + map. (in Russian)

Vasilevich V.I., Yurkovskaya T.K. Alexander Petrovich Shennikov 1888 - 1962. Moscow: Nauka. 2007. 114 p. (in Russian)

Elina G.A., Lukashov A.D., Yurkovskaya T.K. Late Ice Age and Holocene of Eastern Fennoscandia (paleovegetation and paleogeography). Petrozavodsk: KSC RAS. 2000. 242 p. (in Russian)

Yurkovskaya T.K. Geography and cartography of vegetation of mires in European Russia and adjacent territories. Trydi BIN. Issue 4. SPb. 1992. 256 p. (in Russian).


Yurkovskaya T.K. Peatlands of the taiga north-east of European Russia. Botanical journal. 2021. 106(3): 211-228. ( in Russian)

Yurkovskaya T.K. Ecologia si geographia padurilor primare de mesteacan din Rusia. Bucovina forestiere. Suceava. Romania. 2020. 2: 1-12. (in Romanian)

Yurkovskaya T.K., Safronova I.N. Zonal regularities of the vegetation cover of Western Siberia. Botanical journal. 2019. 104 (1): 3-11. (in Russian)

Yurkovskaya T.K. Russian and Western Siberian forest-steppe: experience of the analysis. Problems of study and restoration of landscapes of the forest-steppe zone: historical, cultural and natural territories. Tula. 2018. 4: 146-15. ( in Russian)

Yurkovskaya T.K. Larch and pine forests on map of Russia. Collana Natura e aree protette 31. Ed. Achille G. Scritti in onore di Franco Pedrotti Trento. 2017. 63-75.

Yurkovskaya T.K. Latitudinal boundaries and ecotones of vegetation along the green belt of Fennoscandia. Proceedings of the Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2014. 6: 53-63. (in Russian)

Yurkovskaya T.K. Mires on the map of Russia. Mires from pole to pole. Lindholm, Tapio & Heikkilä, Raimo (eds.). Helsinki. [The Finnish Environment 32]. 2012. 31-38.

Yurkovskaya T.K. The relationship of taiga forests and mires in space and time. Bulletin of the Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2012. 14(1, issue. 5): 1416-1419. (in Russian)

Yurkovskaya T.K. Vegetation map M 1:15 000000. National Atlas of Soils of the Russian Federation. 2010. 46-51. (in Russian)

Yurkovskaya T.K. Meridional zonality and latitudinal differentiation of vegetation of mires of Russia. Research problems and goals in modern mire science in Russia. St. Petersburg. 2010. 165-178. (in Russian)

Yurkovskaya T.K., Kuznetsov O.L. Mire ecosystems of the White Sea basin [Sistema Belogo morya]. Vol. 1. Natural environment of the White Sea catchment area. Ed. A.P. Lisitsyn. Moscow: Nauchny mir. 2010. 278-300 [chapter Natural environment 14]. (in Russian)

Yurkovskaya T.K., Maksimov A.I. Sphagnum subfulvum (Sphagnaceae, Bryophyta) in the center of Western Siberia. Botanical journal. 2009. 94(2): 132-136. (in Russian)

Yurkovskaya T.K. Geobotanical mapping and compilation of analytical maps of vegetation. Actual problems of geobotany. Lectures. Petrozavodsk. 2007. 43-71. (in Russian)

Yurkovskaya T. Distribution of Mire Types in Russia. Moore von Sibirien bis Feuerland: Stafia T. 85, zugleich Kataloge der Oö Landesmuseen. 35: Neue Serie. Wien. 2005. 261-274.

Yurkovskaya T. Raised bogs on the North-East of Europe. Annali di Botanica: nuova serie. 2004. 4: 19-28.

Yurkovskaya T.K. Botanical Institute. V.L. Komarov RAS - the center of formation and development of geobotanical mapping in Russia. Botanical journal. 2004. 89(9): 1509-1514. (in Russian)

Ilyina I.S., Yurkovskaya T.K. Phytoecological mapping and its topical problems. Botanical journal. 1999. 84(12): 1-7. (in Russian)

Yurkovskaya T.K La structure de la vegetation des tourbieres dans les montagnes de la taiga du nord en Russie europeenne. Ecologie. 1998. 29(1-2): 221-226.

Yurkovskaya T. Mire system typology for use in vegetation mapping. Gunneria. Trondheim. 1995. 70: 73-82.

Yurkovskaya T.K. Higher units of classification of mire vegetation. Botanical journal. 1995. 80(11): 28-34. (in Russian).

Yurkovskaya T.K, Payanskaya-Gvozdeva I.I. Latitudinal differentiation of vegetation along the Russian-Finnish border. Botanical journal. 1993. 78(12): 72-98. (in Russian).

Elina G.A., Yurkovskaya T.K. Methods for determining the paleohydrological regime as the basis for objectifying the causes of succession of mire vegetation. Botanical journal. 1992. 77(7): 120-124. (in Russian).

Yurkovskaya T.K. Vegetation map of Karelia m. 1: 2 000 000. Atlas of the Karelian ASSR. M.: GUGK. 1989. P. 21. (in Russian).

Gribova S.A., Karamysheva Z.V., Neikheisl R., Yurkovskaya T.K. Mapping vegetation of mire systems. Geobotanical mapping 1988. L.: Nauka. 1988. 13-28. (in Russian).

Elina G.A., Yurkovskaya T.K. Mire ecosystems of the low mountains of the northern taiga. Mire ecosystems of the European North. Petrozavodsk: KSC of the USSR Academy of Sciences. 1988. P. 5-24. (in Russian).

Gribova S.A., Isachenko T.I., Kotova T.V., Lipatova V.V., Yurkovskaya T.K. Vegetation map of the European part of the USSR and the Caucasus for higher education m. 1: 2,000,000. M.: GUGK. 1987. 4 sheets. (in Russian).

Gribova S.A., Yurkovskaya T.K. To the geography of polygonal mires in the European part of the USSR. Geography and natural resources. 1984. 2: 41-46.

Yurkovskaya T.K. Peat species of boreal mires of the Arkhangelsk region. Mater. VII All-Union. meeting. on mire science. Kalinin: KSU. 1984. 48-55. (in Russian).

Yurkovskaya T.K. Mires of the Sula River basin (geobotanical sketch). Problems of ecology, geobotany, botanical geography and floristics. L.: Science. 1977. 59-68. (in Russian).

Isachenko T.I., Karpenko A.S., Gribova S.A., Yurkovskaya T.K. Geobotanical map of the Non-Chernozem zone of the RSFSR m. 1: 1,500,000. M.: GUGK. 1976. 4 sheets. (in Russian).

Isachenko T.I., Yurkovskaya T.K. The main types of vegetation combinations in Meshchera and their reflection on the map. Geobotanical mapping 1973. L.: Nauka. 1973. 3-16. (in Russian).

Yurkovskaya T.K. On some principles of constructing the legend of the vegetation map of mires. Geobotanical mapping 1968. L.: Nauka. 1968. 44-51. (in Russian).

Filimonova Z.I., Yurkovskaya T.K. On the study of biocenoses of ultradystrophic water bodies of bogs of southern Karelia. Questions of hydrobiology of water bodies in Karelia. Uch. Zap. Karelian. state Ped. in-that. Biologist. science. Petrozavodsk. 1964. 15: 97-103. (in Russian).

Elina G.A., Yurkovskaya T.K. On the near-Belomorian bogs of Karelia. Botanical journal. 1965. 50(4): 486 - 497. (in Russian).

Yurkovskaya T.K. On the ecology and geography of Sphagnum subfulvum Sjörs in the Karelian ASSR. Botanical journal. 1963. 48 (12): 1837-1838. (in Russian).

Yurkovskaya. T.K. On key mires of Karelia. Botanical journal. 1958. 43(4): 544-548. (in Russian).