Olga Galanina

Olga Galanina

Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD, Google Scholar

Academic degree, academic title: Ph.D.

Position: Senior Researcher

E-mail: OGalanina@binran.ru

Research interests:

  • Mire science.
  • Mire types.
  • Mire geography, vegetation, large-scale vegetation mapping.
  • Mire ecology.

Keywords: Mire massif, taiga, vegetation, structure, peat moss

Education and work experience:

1988-1994 – Department of Physical Geography and Landscape Planning, St. Petersburg State University.
2004 – PhD, BIN RAN. Thesis «Bog vegetation and its mapping in the south-western part of taiga oblast». Scientific adviser – Tatiana Yurkovskaya.

1994-2009 – Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, Laboratory of Geography and Vegetation Mapping
2009-2014 – Docent, Department of Geoecology and nature management, St. Petersburg State University.
2015-2016 – Research Scientist, laboratory of geography and vegetation mapping, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
2017 – until now – Senior Researcher, laboratory of general Geobotany.
2017 – until now – Docent, department of biogeography and nature conservation, St. Petersburg State University.

Grants and research projects:

Project Leader:

  • 2013-2015. RFBR 13-05-00837-а «Structure and spatial organization of floodplain and mire ecosystems on gypsum and limestones in Arkhangelsk Region».

Member of research team:

  • 2018-2019. RFBR 17-04-01749-а «Mires of Uplands on the Russian Plain: genesis, structure, vegetation and botanic-geographic value».
  • 2017-2019. RFBR 17-04-01856-а «Reaction of oligotrophic mire ecosystem on experimental changes of abiotic factors: Experimental manipulation of abiotic factors in a raised bog ecosystem: effects on soil respiration, plant communities and detrital food webs».
  • 2018. RFBR 18-05-20103-g Organization of event: international conference «Actual problems of biogeography». Russia, St. Petersburg, October 9-12, 2018.
  • 2018. RFBR 18-04-20002-g Organization of event «All-Russian scientific conference with international participation «XI Galkina’s Readings».

Conferences and workshops:

Organizing committee:

  • All-Russian scientific conference with international participation «XI Galkina’s Readings: «Geographic diversity of mires»». Russia, St. Petersburg, April 21, 2021. Member of Organizing Committee.
  • All-Russian scientific conference with international participation «X Galkina’s Readings «Structure and functions of mire ecosystems: results and research methods»». Russia, St. Petersburg, February 4-6, 2019. Member of Organizing Committee.
  • International Conference « Actual problems of biogeography». Russia, St. Petersburg, October 9-12, 2018. Member of Organizing Committee.
  • All-Russian scientific conference with international participation «IX Galkina’s Readings: Natural and anthropogenic dynamics of mire ecosystems: results and study methods»». Russia, St. Petersburg, February 5-7, 2018. Member of Organizing Committee.

Professional memberships:

Editorial activity:

Selected publications:


Nature of the reserve «Ozero Shchuchye». Ed. E.A. Volkova, G.A. Isachenko, V.N. Khramtsov. St. Petersburg. 2017. 188 p.

Zelenkevich N.A., Grummo D.G., Sozinov O.V., Galanina O.V. Flora and vegetation of raised bog of Belarus. Minsk, 2016. 244 p.

Nature of the Sestroretskaya Lowland. Ed. E.A. Volkova, G.A. Isachenko, V.N. Khramtsov. St. Petersburg. 2011. 264 p.


Panov V.V., Galanina O.V. Sesquicentennial Discussion about Mire in Russia. Izvestiya RGO. 2021. 153(2): 72-90.

Bengtsson F., Rydin H., … Galanina O. et al. Environmental drivers of Sphagnum growth in peatlands across the Holarctic region. Journal of Ecology. 2021. 109(1): 417-431.

Ellis L.T., Afonina O.M., … Galanina O.V. et al. New national and regional bryophyte records, 63. Journal of Bryology. 2020. 42(3): 281-296.

Granath G., Rydin H., … Galanina O. et al. Environmental and taxonomic controls of carbon and oxygen stable isotope composition in Sphagnum across broad climatic and geographic ranges. Biogeosciences. 2018. 15(16): 5189-5202.

Prokina K.I., Mylnikov A.P., Philippov D.A., Galanina O.V. First reports on heterotrophic flagellates in the mires of Arkhangelsk region, Russia. Biology Bulletin. 2017. 44(9): 1007-1018.

Sofronova E.V., Afonina O.M., … Galanina O.V. et al. New bryophyte records. 6. Arctoa. 2016. 25(1): 183-228.

Vellak K., Liira J., Karofeld E., Paal J., Galanina O., Noskova M. Drastic turnover of bryophyte vegetation on bog microforms initiated by air pollution in Northeastern Estonia and Bordering Russia. Wetlands. 2014. 34(6): 1097-1108.

Galanina O., Heikkila R. Comparison of Finnish and Russian approaches for large-scale vegetation mapping: a case study at Härkösuo Mire, Eastern Finland. Mires and Peat. 2007. 2: 1-16.

Galanina O.V. Comparative application of two vegetation classification approaches to large-scale mapping of bog vegetation. Suo. 2006. 57(3): 71-79.