Olga Khitun

Olga Khitun

Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD

Academic degree, academic title: Ph.D.

Position: Research Scientist

E-mail: OKhitun@binran.ru

Research interests:

  • Flora and vegetation of the Arctic: West Siberian Arctic, Yakutia (the Indigirka River low reachers), Scandinavian Subarctic. Intralandscape structure of flora, partial flora.
  • Problems of recovery of disturbed plant cover in the Arctic.
  • Complex analysis of local floras characters at the example of the Russian Arctic local floras monitoring network and approbation of their implementation for floristic regionalization.
  • Zonal changes of vegetation cover.
  • Impact of climate change.

Keywords: Flora, vegetation, local and partial floras, Arctic, monitoring, regionalization, zonal changes, cryogenic landslides, anthropogenic disturbances

Education and work experience:

1980-1985 – Leningrad State University, Botany department.
1986-1989 – postgraduate education, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
2006 – PhD thesis «Zonal and ecotopological differentiation of flora of the central part of the West Siberian Arctic (Gydansky and Tazovsky Peninsulas)».

1989-2018 – Senior Laboratory Assistant, Research Assistant, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, laboratory of vegetation of the Far North, group of the Arctic flora of the USSR.
2018 – until now – Research Scientist, Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, laboratory of geography and vegetation mapping.

Grants and research projects:

Member of research team:

  • 2013-2015. Grant RFBR № 13-04-01682 Study of the spatial structure of floristic complexes of Yakutian Arctic and Subarctic. PI: Koroleva T.M. (BIN RAS)
  • 2010-2012. Grant RFBR № 10-04-01087 Comparative study of the parameters of local floras as a base for floristic subdivision of the Asian Arctic and Subarctic. PI: Koroleva T.M.
  • 2005-2007. Grant RFBR № 05-04-49583 Development and approbation of the methods of comparative floristics (on the data from the sites off biodiversity monitoring network in the Asian Arctic). PI: Koroleva T.M.
  • 2002-2004. Grant RFBR № 02-04-49142 Comparative typological characteristics of local and regional floras of the Russian Arctic and Subarctic (on the data from sites of biodiversity monitoring network). PI: Yurtsev B.A.
  • 2001-2003. Grant RFBR № 01-04-49795 Flora of the vascular plants of the dried shelf of the Kara Sea (the Arctic Ocean), its formation and contemporary state. PI: Rebristaya O.V.
  • 1999-2001. Grant RFBR № 99-04-49585, Gradients of biodiversity in the Russian Arctic based on the analysis of local floras monitoring network. PI: Yurtsev B.A.
  • 1998-2000. Grant RFBR № 98-04-49614, Revealing of the influence of climate change on the composition and structure of partial floras in the West Siberian Arctic. PI: Rebristaya O.V.
  • 1996-1998. Grant RFBR № 96-04-49779-а. Development of the program and preparation of the sites for biodiversity monitoring network in the Asian Arctic at the base of local floras. PI: Yurtsev B.A.

Conferences and workshops:


  • The Sixth International Symposium on the Study of Alien Species «Invasion of Alien Species in Holarctic. Borok-VI». Russia, Uglich, Borok, October 11-15, 2021. Oral report.

Professional memberships:

Editorial activity:

  • Editor of the monography of Olga V.Rebristaya «Flora of the Yamal Peninsula. Modern state and history of formation» 2013.

Selected publications:

Author or co-author of almost 100 scientific papers (excluding conference abstracts).

Teljatnikov M. Yu., Khitun O.V., Czernjadjeva I.V., Kuzmina E. Yu., Ermokhina K. A. Vegetation of the Upper Yareiyakha headwaters (southern tundra subzone, Tazovsky Peninsula). Turczaninowia. 2021. 24(3): 5-24.

Telyatnikov M.Yu, Khitun O.V., Czernyadjeva I.V., Kuzmina E.Yu., Ermokhina K.A. A contribution to the syntaxonomic diversity of the Tazovsky Peninsula, Arctic Russia. Botanica Pacifica. A journal of plant science and conservation. 2021. 10(1): 37-51.

Epstein H., Walker D., ... Khitun O. et al. Spatial patterns of arctic tundra vegetation biomass, NDVI, and LAI on different soils along the Eurasia Arctic Transect, and insights for a changing Arctic. Environmental Research Letters. 2021. 16(1): 014008.

Khitun O., Koroleva T.M., Petrovsky V.V., Iturrate-Garcia M., Schaepman-Strub G. Study of the vascular plants diversity in the surroundings of the Kytalyk Research Station (Arctic Yakutia). ARPHA Proceedings. Issue 2. III Russian National Conference “Information Technology in Biodiversity Research” Ekaterinburg. Pensoft publishers ltd. 2020. 37-50.

Pismarkina E.V., Khitun O.V. Allien species in Yamal Nenets Autonomous Area (Russia): additions to flora. Turczaninowia. 2019. 22(1): 26–34.

Walker D.A., Epstein H.E., ... Khitun O. et al. Vegetation on mesic loamy and sandy soils along a 1700-rm maritime Eurasia Arctic Transect. Applied Vegetation Science. 2019. 22(1): 150-167.

Khitun O.V., Chinenko S.V., Zverev A.A., Koroleva T.M., Petrovsky V.V., Pospelov I.N., Pospelova E.B. Gradients of Taxonomic Diversity among Local Floras in the Russian Arctic. In: The Fourth International Scientific Conference Ecology and Geography of Plants and Plant Communities, KnE Life Sciences. 2018. 80-87.

Khitun O. Intralandscape differentiation of the local flora in the central part of the Gydansky Penin-sula (West Siberian Arctic). Czech Polar Reports. 2016. 6(2): 191-209.

Iturrate-Garcia M., O'Brien M.J., Khitun O., Abiven S., Niklaus P.A., Schaepman-Strub G. Interactive effects between plant functional types and soil factors on tundra species diversity and community composition. Ecology and Evolution. 2016. 6(22): 8126-8137.

Khitun O.V., Koroleva T.M., Chinenko S.V., Petrovsky V.V., Pospelova E.B., Pospelov I.N., Zverev A. Application of local floras for floristic subdivision and monitoring vascular plant diversity in the Russian Arctic. Arctic Science. 2016. 2(3): 103-126.

Khitun O., Ermokhina K., Czernyadjeva I., Leibman M., Khomutov A. Floristic complexes on landslides of different age in Central Yamal, West Siberian Low Arctic, Russia. Fennia. 2015. 193(1): 31–52.

Khitun O.V., Baranova O.G., Zverev A.A., Pospelova E.B.,Rebristaya O.V. A brief survay of some comparative floristics studies in Russia during 2004-2012 (in memory of B.A. Yurtsev and to his 80th anniversary). [Kratkii obzor nekotorykh sravnitelno-floristicheskikh issledovanii v Rossii za 2004-2012. (v pamyat o B.A.Yurtseve I k ego 80-letiju]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2013. 98(1): 3-9.

Koroleva T.M., Zverev A.A. ... Khitun O.V. et al. Latitudinal geographical structure of the Asian Arctic local floras: analysis of distribution of groups and fractions. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2012. 97(9): 69-89.

Walker D.A., Epstein H.E., ... Khitun O.V. et al. Environment, vegetation and greenness (NDVI) along the North America and Eurasia Arctic transects. Environmental Research Letters. IOP Publishing, 2012. 17 pp.

Khitun O.V., Zverev A.A. Approbation of rarely used indexes for the analysis of local and partial floras [Aprobatziya redkoispolzuemykh pokazatelei dlya analiza lokalnykh i partzialnykh flor]. Vestnik Udmurtskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Series Biology, Earth sciences. 2012. 3: 55-70.

Kaarlejärvi E., Baxter R., ... Khitun O et al. Effects of warming on shrub abundance and chemistry drive ecosystems-level changes in a forest-tundra ecotone. Ecosystems. 2012. 15: 1219-1233.

Leibman M.O., Moskalenko N.G., Orekhov P.T., Khomutov A.V., Gameev I.F., Khitun O.V., Walker D.A., Epstein H. E. Interrelation of cryogenic and biotic components of geosystems in cryolithozone of West Siberia along the “Yamal” transect. [Vzaimodeistvie kriogennykh I bioticheskih komponent geosistem v kriolitozone Zapadnoi Sibiri na transekte “Yamal”]. Polar Cryosphere and continental waters. Paulsen Editions. Moscow-Saint-Petersburg. 2011. 171-192.

Koroleva T.M., Zverev A.A., ... Khitun O.V. et al. Longitudinal geographical structure of local and regional floras of the Asian Arctic. 1. [Dolgotnaya geograficheskaya struktura lokalnykh I regionalnykh flor Aziatskoi Arktiki. 1.]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2008. 93(2): 193-220.

Khitun O.V.,Zverev A.A.,Rebristaya O.V. Changes of structure of latitudinal geographical elements in local and partial floras in the West Siberian Arctic along the zonal gradient. [Izmenenie struktury shirotnyh geograficheskikh elementov lokalnykh I partzialnykh flor Zapadno-Sibirskoi Arktiki na zonalnom gradient]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2007. 92(12): 65-81.

Jonsdottir J.S., Khitun O.,Stenström A. Biomass and nutrient responses of a clonal tundra sedge to climate warming. Canadian Journal of Botany. 2005. 83: 1608-1621.

Yurtsev B-A., Zverev A.A., Katenin A.E., Koroleva T.M., Petrovsky V.V., Rebristaya O.V., Sekretareva N.A., Khitun O.V., Khodachek E.А. Spatial structure of species diversity of local and regional floras of the Asian Arctic (by the data of biodiversity monitoring network. [Prostranstvennaya struktura vidovogo raznoobrazija lokalnykh i regionalnykh flor Aziatskoi Arktiki (po dannum seti punktov monitoringa bioraznoobraziya)]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2004. 89(11): 1–39.

Khitun O.V. Analysis of intralandscape structure of flora of the middle reaches of the Khalmeryakha River (Gydansky Peninsula). [Analiz vnutrilandshaftnoi strukturyflory srednego techeniya reki Khalmeryakha (Gydanskii poluostrov)]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2003. 88(10): 21-39.

Khitun O.V. Intralandscape structure of flora of the Tinikyakha River mouth surroundings (northern hypoarctic tundra, Gyadansky Peninsula). [Vnutrilandshaftnaya struktura flory okrestnostei ustjya reki Tinikyakha (severnye gipoarkticheskie tundry Gydanskogo poluostrova]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2002. 87(8): 1-24.

Khitun O.V. Comparative analysis of local and partial floras in two subzones of West Siberian Arctic (Gydansky and Tazovsky Peninsulas). [Sravnitelnui analis lokalnukh i partzialnukh flor v dvukh podzonakh Zapadnosibirskoi Arktiki (Gydanskii i Tazovskii poluostrova)]. In: Yurtsev B.A., ed. Study of biodiversity with the methods of comparative floristics. 1998. 173-201.

Khitun O., Rebristaya O. Study of plant species diversity in the West Siberian Arctic. In: Watson A., Aplet G., Hendee, J. (comps.) Personal, Societal and Ecological Values of the Wilderness. Proc. RMRS-P-4. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 1998. 42-48.

Khitun O. Self-recovery after technogenic and natural disturbances in the central part of the Yamal peninsula (Western Siberian Arctic). In: Crawford, R.M.M. (editor). Disturbance and recovery in Arctic lands: an ecological perspective. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Press. 1997. 531-562.

Rebristaya O.V., Khitun O.V., Czernyadjeva I.V. Technogenous disturbances and natural recovery of vegetation in the northern hypoarctic tundra subzone on the Yamal Peninsula. [Tekhnogennue narusheniya I estestvennoe vosstanovlenie rastitelnosti v podzone severnykh gipoarkticheskikh tundr na poluostrove Yamal]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 1993. 78(3): 122–135.

Khitun O. Intralandscape diversity of the flora of Tazovsky peninsula. In: Sippola, A-L., Alaraudanjoki, P., Forbes, B., Hallikainen, V., eds. Northern wilderness areas: ecology, sustainability, values. Arctic Centre Publications. 1995. 7: 365-377.

Khitun O.V. Floristic characteristic of habitats in two local floras on Tazovsky Peninsula (West Siberia). [Floristicheskaya kharakteristika ekotopov dvukh lokalnukh flor na Tazovskom poluostrove]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 1989. 74(10): 1466–1476.

Rebristaya O.V., Tvorogov V.A., Khitun O.V. Flora of the Tazovskii Peninsula (north of the West Siberia). [Flora Tazovskogo poluostrova (sever Zapadnoi Sibiri)]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 1989. 74(1): 22–35.