Svetlana Chinenko

Svetlana Chinenko

Author Identifiers: Russian Science Citation Index

Academic degree, academic title: Ph.D.

Position: Research Assistant


Research interests:

  • Far North flora and vegetation.

Keywords: Comparative floristic, local floras, plant communities, tundra, Far North, Arctic, Subarctic

Education and work experience:

1996-2002 – Phytocoenology and plant ecology department, Biology Faculty of St. Petersburg State University.
2003-2005 – graduate school in Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
2008 – Ph.D. thesis defense in Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.

2006-2019 – Research Assistant of Laboratory of Far North vegetation Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
2019 – until now – Research Assistant of Laboratory of geography and vegetation mapping Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.

Grants and research projects:

Member of research team:

  • 2013-2015. RFBR № 13-04-01682а «Study of the spatial structure of the floristic complexes of the Yakutia sector of the Arctic and Subarctic» (leader T.M. Koroleva).
  • 2010-2012. RFBR № 10-04-01087а «Comparative study of the parameters of local floras as a basis for the floristic subdivision of the Asian Arctic and Subarctic» (leader T.M. Koroleva).
  • 2010-2012. RFBR № 10-04-01114а «Species and community chorology analysis both for the purposes of the latitudinal zonal typology and an assessment of climatogenic dynamics of the Arctic plant cover» (leader N. V. Matveyeva).
  • 2006-2008. RFBR № 06-04-49295a «Syntaxonomical diversities within the Arctic and its dependence on the ecological and geographical factors» (leader N. V. Matveyeva).
  • 2005-2007. RFBR № 05-04-49583 «Development and testing of methods of comparative floristry (according to the monitoring of the biodiversity of the Asian Arctic)» (leader T.M. Koroleva).
  • 2003-2004. RFBR № 02-04-49142a «Comparative typological characteristics of local and regional floras of the Russian Arctic and Subarctic (according to the network of biodiversity monitoring points)» (leader B.A. Yurtsev).

Conferences and workshops:


  • Arctic Vegetation Archive. RF, Arkhangelsk, May 20-24, 2019. Poster.
  • Biodiversity of Far North ecosystems: inventory, monitoring, protection: III all-Russian scientific conference. RF, Syktyvkar, November 20-24, 2017. Plenary and oral reports.
  • X International school-seminar in comparative floristic. RF, Krasnodar, April 14-18, 2014. Oral report.
  • Biodiversity of Far North ecosystems: inventory, monitoring, protection. RF, Syktyvkar, June 3-7, 2013. Oral report.
  • 13th Russian Botanical Society Meeting. RF, Tolyatti, September 16-22, 2013. Oral report.
  • All-Russian school-seminar in comparative floristic. RF, Ryazan, May 23-28, 2010. Oral report.
  • Biodiversity of Far North plant cover: inventory, monitoring, protection. RF, Syktyvkar, May 22-26, 2006. Oral report.
  • Second International Workshop on Circumpolar Vegetation Classification and Mapping. Norway, Tromsø, June 2-6, 2004. Poster.

Professional memberships:


  • Yamal-Nenets autonomous region – 1998-2002.
  • Murmansk region – 2003-2006, 2011.
  • Nenets autonomous region – 2009.
  • Northern parts of Krasnoyarsk region – 2010-2013, 2016-2018.
  • Northern Yakutia – 2014, 2015.

Selected publications:

Koptseva E.M., Mirin D.M., Chinenko S.V. To the 70th anniversary Olga Ivanovna Sumina. Botanical journal. 2021. 106(9): 495-516.

Telyatnikov M.Yu., Troeva E.I., Chinenko S.V., Pristyazhnyuk S.A., Cherosov M.M. Mountain tundras vegetation and floodplain meadows in the northern part of Anabar plateau (Central Siberia). [Rastitelnost’ gornyh tundr i poimennyh lugov severnoy chasti Anabarskogo plato (Srednyaya Sibir’)]. Rastitelnyj mir Asiatsoj Rossii. 2017. 1(25): 63-85. [in Russian]

Khitun O.V., Koroleva T.M., Chinenko S.V., Petrovsky V.V., Pospelova E.B., Pospelov I.N., Zverev A.A. Application of local floras for floristic subdivision and monitoring of vascular plant diversity in the Russian Arctic. Arctic Science. 2016. 2(3): 103-126.

Koroleva T.M., Zverev A.A., Petrovsky V.V., Pospelov I.N., Pospelova E.B., Khitun O.V., Chinenko S.V. Reflection of the latitudinal differentiation of the Far North vegetation cover in the local floras structure. Theoretical and Applied Ecology. 2014. 1: 12-15.

Chinenko S.V., Khitun O.V. Interlandscape floras study in Far North experience. [Opyt vnutrilandshaftnogo izucheniya flor na Krainem Severe]. Sravnitel’naya floristika: analiz vidovogo raznoobraziya rasteniy. Problemy. Perspektivy. “Tolmachevskiye chteniya”: sbornik statey po materialam X mezhdunarodnoy shkoly-seminara po sravnitel’noy floristike.. Krasnodar: Kubanskiy gos. univ. 2014: 223—231. [in Russian]

Chinenko S.V. Comparative analysis of coenotic floras of the eastern part of the Murman Coast of Kola Peninsula. [Sravnitel’nyi analiz cenoflor vostochnoy chasti Murmanskogo poberezhya Kolskogo poluostrova]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2013. 98(2): 134-166. [in Russian]

Chinenko S.V. Comparison of local floras of the eastern part of the Kola Peninsula Murman Coast with those of adjacent regions: taxa and life forms composition. [Sravneniye lokal’nuh flor vostochnoy chasti Murmanskogo poberezhya Kolskogo poluostrova i sosednih regionov: sostav taksonov I zhiznennyh form]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2013. 98(1): 10-24. [in Russian]

Koroleva N.E., Chinenko S.V., Sortland E.B. Marshes, beaches, and brackish water vegetation of Murmanskiy, Terskiy and east of Kandalakshskiy bereg (Murmansk region, Russia). [Soobshchestva marshey, plyazhey I primorskogo poymennogo efemeretuma Murmanskogo, Terskogo I vostoka Kandalakshskogo berega (Murmanskaya oblast’)]. Phytoraznoobraziye Vostochnoy Evropy. 2011. 9: 26-62. [in Russian]

Chinenko S.V. Local floras of the eastern part of the northern coast of Kola peninsula in comparison with local floras of adjacent regions. Botanicheskii zhurnal. [Sravneniye lokal’nuh flor vostochnoy chasti severnogo poberezhya Kolskogo poluostrova s lokal’nymi florami i sosednih regionov]. 2008. 93(1): 60-81. [in Russian]