Galina Anisimova

Galina Anisimova

Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD

Academic degree, academic title: Ph.D.

Position: Senior Researcher


Research interests:

  • Morphology.
  • Embryology.
  • Reproductive biology.

Keywords: Ovule, seed, microsporogenesis, megasporogenesis, pollen grain, embryo sac, embryo

Education and work experience:

1976 — graduated from the Zhdanov Leningrad State University.

1976 — until now — employee of the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.

Grants and research projects:

State task

  • AAAA-A18-118051590112-8 «Polyvariation of morphogenetic developmental programmes of plant reproductive structures, natural and artificial models of their realization».

Member of research team:

  • 2014–2015. Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for support of the leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation, №NSh-5282.2014.4 «Development of the theory of plant reproduction from the standpoint of the problem of integrity and reliability of biosystems. Polyvariance of morphogenetic development programs, natural and artificial models of their implementation».
  • 2014–2016. RFBR №16-04-01809-a «Morphogenesis, structural-functional organization and evolution of reproductive structures in the system of the subgenus Esula Pers. of the genus Euphorbia L. (Euphorbiaceae)».

Professional memberships:

Selected publications:

Anisimova G.M., Shamrov I.I. Formation of the anther in Monanthes anagensis и M. muralis (Crassulaceae). Botanicheskiy Zhurnal. 2024. 109(5): 428–445. [In Russian]

Anisimova G.V., Shamrov I.I. Anther structure in Crassula ericoides, C. intermedia and C. multicava (Crassulaceae). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2023. 108(4): 22–36. [In Russian]

Shamrov I.I., Anisimova G.M. Structure of bicarpellate gynoecium in Symphytum asperum (Boraginaceae) in relation to erem formation. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2023. 108(6): 513–533. [In Russian]

Anisimova G.M., Shamrov I.I. Anther wall formation in Aeonium balsamiferum and A. ciliatum (Crassulaceae). Doklady Biological Sciences. 2022. 506(5): 160–171.

Anisimova G.M., Shamrov I.I. The formation of anther wall in Aeonium balsamiferum and A. ciliatum (Crassulaceae). Botanicheskii Zurnal. 2022. 107(6): 561–581.

Anisimova G.M., Shamrov I.I. Gynoecium and ovule structure in Sedum kamtschaticum and Sedum palmeri (Crassulaceae). Botanicheskiy Zhurnal. 2021. 106(4): 50–68.

Shamrov I.I., Anisimova G.M., Babro A.A. Early stages of anther development in flowering plants. Botanica Pacifica. A journal of plant science and conservation. 2020. 9(2): 1–10.

Shamrov I.I., Anisimova G.M., Torshilova A.A., LevichevI I. G. Gynoecium and ovule structure in some species of Crinum (Amaryllidaceae). Botanicheskiy Zhurnal. 2020. 105(8): 3–18.

Shamrov I.I., Anisimova G M., Babro А. А. Formation of microsporangium wall of anther and tapetum typification in angiospers. Botanicheskiy Zhurnal. 2019. 104(7): 1001–1032.

Anisimova G.M. Anther structure and development in some species of subgenera Esula of genera Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae). Botanicheskiy Zhurnal. 2019. 104(2): 3–22. [In Russian]

Anisimova G.M., Shamrov I.I. Gynoecium and ovule morphogenesis in Kalanchoe laxiflora and K. tubiflora (Crassulaceae). Botanicheskiy Zhurnal. 2018. 103(6): 675–694.

Anisimova G.M. Anther structure, microsporogenesis and polen grain in Kalanchoe nyikae (Crassulaceae). Botanicheskiy Zhurnal. 2016. 101(12): 1378–1389.