Olga Voronova
Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD, Google Scholar
Academic degree, academic title: Ph.D.
Position: Senior Researcher
E-mail: o_voronova@binran.ru
Phone number: +7 (812) 372-54-41
Research interests:
- Cytoembryological study of the male and female reproductive structures development of perennial and annual sunflowers (species of the genus Helianthus L. and cultivated forms).
- Study of correlations in the development of reproductive structures and head flowering phases of perennial and annual sunflowers (species of the genus Helianthus L. and cultivated forms).
- Analysis of the germination characteristics and the degree of defectiveness (fertility) of pollen produced by different species of Helianthus L., as well as in lines, varieties and hybrids of cultivated sunflower.
- Study of the structural mechanisms responsible for the manifestation of the «semi-fertile pollen» trait in F2 and subsequent generations of hybrids obtained on the basis of CMS lines of cultivated sunflower (VIR 116 x VIR 195 and other combinations of crosses).
Keywords: Plant embryology, apomixis, correlations in reproductive structure development, macrosporogenesis, microsporogenesis, CMS, pollen fertility, in vitro tissue culture, Zea mays, Helianthus
Education and work experience:
1989–1994 — St. Petersburg State University, student. Diploma work «Experimental morphogenesis in tissue culture of peony (Paeonia anomala L.) in vitro»
1994–1999 — Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, postgraduate student. Ph.D. thesis «Morphogenetic potencies of the ovule Zea mays L.».
1999–2014 — Research assistant, then Research scientist at Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
2014 — up to now — Senior researcher at Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.
Grants and research projects:
Project Leader:
- 2012. Grant of the Russian Science Foundation № 12-04-06826-mob_g 2012 «Preparation and holding of the II (X) International Botanical Conference of young scientists in St. Petersburg on November 11–16, 2012».
- 2012. Target Program of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences «Support for Young Scientists». Section 2 «Conducting scientific schools for young scientists»: organization of the II(X) International Botanical Conference of Young Scientists in St. Petersburg on November 11–16, 2012.
Other projects: Conferences and workshops:
Organizing committee: Attendee: Professional memberships:
Editorial activity:
Selected publications:
Voronova O.N., Karabitsina Yu.I., Alpatieva N.V., Gavrilova V.A., Anisimova I.N. Phenomenon of cytoplasmic male sterility in sunflower and possible causes of decreased seed setting in F2 hybrids obtained using CMS lines. Bulletin of GNBS. 2024. 153: 97–106. Babro A.A., Voronova O.N. Features of microsporogenesis and pollen grain formation in Helianthus occidentalis (Asteraceae). Botanical Zhournal. 2024. 109(9): 876–885. Anisimova I.N., Alpatieva N.V., Voronova O.N. et al. A Recombination Suppressed Region of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Linkage Group 13 Covers Restoration of Fertility (Rf1) and Downy Mildew Resistance (Pl) Gene Clusters. Russian Journal of Genetics. 2023. 59(5): 453–465. Voronova O.N., Babro A.A., Lyubchenko A.V. Comparative embryological study of some Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) accessions with different seed-setting ability from the VIR collection. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. 2023. 184(2): 190–203. [In Russian] Voronova O.N., Ryazanova M.K. Embryology of Helianthus maximiliani (Asteraceae) [Embriologiya Helianthus maximiliani (Asteraceae)]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2022. 107(11): 1083–1099. [In Russian] Voronova O.N., Babro A.A., Shatskaya O.A. Some features of anther wall formation and microsporogenesis in tetraploid maize. The International Journal of Plant Reproductive Biology. 2021. 13(2): 95–102. Voronova O.N., Babro A.A. Formation of the embryo sac, development of the ovule and seed in Helianthus ciliaris and H. tuberosus (Asteraceae) [Formirovaniye zarodyshevogo meshka, razvitiye semyazachatka i semeni u Helianthus ciliaris i H. tuberosus (Asteraceae)]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2021. 106(3): 239–254. [In Russian] Voronova O.N. Callus formation and plant regeneration in some wild and cultivated species of sunflower. The International Journal of Plant Reproduction Biology. 2020. 12(2): 100–104. Voronova O.N. Chapter 3. Stages of Sunflower Development: Correlations in Male and Female Reproductive Structures Formation. Sunflowers: Cultivation, Uses and Ecological Significance. Ed. Érico de Sá Petit Lobão. New York: NOVA Science Publishers. 2020. 33–52. Voronova O.N., Gavrilova V.A. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of sunflower pollen (Helianthus L.) and its use in breeding work [Kolichestvennyy i kachestvennyy analiz pyl'tsy podsolnechnika (Helianthus L.) i yego ispol'zovaniye v selektsionnoy rabote]. Trudy po prikladnoy botanike, genetike i selektsii. 2019. 180(1): 95–104. [In Russian] Voronova O.N., Babro A.A. Apospory in Helianthus ciliaris DC. (Asteraceae). The International Journal of Plant Reproductive Biology. 2019. 11(1): 66–69. Babro A.A., Voronova O.N. Development of male reproductive structures in Helianthus ciliaris and H. tuberosus (Asteraceae). [Razvitiye muzhskikh reproduktivnykh struktur u Helianthus ciliaris i H. tuberosus (Asteraceae)]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2018. 103(9): 1093–1108. [In Russian] Voronova O.N., Babro A.A. Early stages of female reproductive structures formation in Helianthus ciliaris and H. tuberosus (Asteraceae). [Ranniye etapy formirovaniya zhenskikh reproduktivnykh struktur u Helianthus ciliaris i H. tuberosus (Asteraceae)]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2018. 103(4): 488–504. [In Russian] Voronova O.N. Chapter 3. Development of female reproductive structures and apomixis in sunflower. Sunflowers: Growth and Development, Environmental Influences and Pests/Diseases. Ed. J.I. Arribas. Nova Publishers. 2014. 43–60. Voronova O.N. Development of female reproduction structures and apomixis in some CMS lines of sunflower. Helia. 2013. 36(58): 47–60. Voronova O.N., Tolstaya T.T., Rozhkova V.T., Gavrilova V.A. Determination of pollen fertility in a number of wild perennial sunflower species and accessions from the collection growing at the VIR Kuban station. [Opredeleniye fertil'nosti pyl'tsy u ryada dikikh mnogoletnikh vidov i obraztsov podsolnechnika iz kollektsii, proizrastayushchey na Kubanskoy stantsii VIR]. Trudy po prikladnoy botanike, genetike i selektsii. 2011. 167: 145–158. [In Russian] Voronova O.N. Integumentary embryony in CMS sunflower line. Russ. J. Dev. Biol. 2010. 41(6): 394–399. Voronova O.N. Express analysis by the enlightenment method and its use in embryology. [Ekspress-analiz metodom prosvetleniya i yego ispol'zovaniye v embriologii]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2008. 93(10): 1620–1625. [In Russian] Voronova O.N., Gavrilova V.A. Aposporia in the sunflower [Aposporiya u podsolnechnika]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2007. 92(10): 1535–1544. [In Russian] Voronova O.N., Shamrov I.I., Batygina T.B. Ovule morphogenesis in normal and mutant Zea mays. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia. Series Botanika. 2003. 45(1): 155–160. Voronova O.N., Shamrov I.I., Batygina T.B. Morphogenesis of the Zea mays (Poaceae) ovule. [Morfogenez semyazachatka Zea mays (Poaceae)]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2002. 87(9): 10–26. [In Russian] Zhinkina N.A., Voronova O.N. On the method of staining embryological preparations. [K metodike okraski embriologicheskikh preparatov]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2000. 85(6): 168–171. [In Russian]