Ilya Kucherov

Ilya Kucherov

Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD

Academic degree, academic title: Dr.Sc.

Position: Senior Researcher


Research interests:

  • Geobotany: classification and geographical variation of forest vegetation; influence of climatical, edaphical, and historical factors on plant community diversity formation; the problem of plant community integrity; geographical shifts in ecological and phytocoenotical behaviour of plants.
  • Botanical geography and comparative florology: plant chorology; phytogeographical and stadial analyses of local floras and coenofloras; florocoenogenesis.
  • Protection of rare plant communities and species.

Keywords: Geographical shifts in phytocoenotical behaviour of plants, history of flora and vegetation, dominant-floristic approach to vegetation classification, species position and community distribution dependencies upon climatical and edaphical factors, ecological and geographical analysis of coenofloras, dark-coniferous forests, pine forests, meadows, European Russia

Education and work experience:

1988 — graduated from the Forestry Faculty of the S.M. Kirov Forestry Academy, Leningrad
1989–1992 — postgraduate at the Komarov Botanical Institute of the RAS [BIN RAS], Dept. Far North Vegetation, specialty 03.00.05 [now 03.02.01] – «Botany»
1997 — PhD thesis «Endogenic dynamics of mountain tundra vegetation of Chukotka (by the example of the Amguema River reaches)»
2018 — Doct. Sci. thesis «Ecological-phytocoenotical diversity of light-coniferous forests in the middle and northern taiga of European Russia», specialty 03.02.08 — «Ecology (in biology)»

1988–1989 — forest engineer at "Giprolestrans" SDI
1992–1997 — Research Assistant, Dept. Far North Vegetation, BIN RAS
1997–2005 — Research Scientist, Dept. Far North Vegetation, BIN RAS. Simultaneously employed at the following state nature reserves: 1997–1998 — Kivach, 2000 — Pechora-Ilych, 2001 — Lapland.
2005–2015 — Senior Researcher, Dept. Forest Zone Vegetation, BIN RAS
2015 — until now — Senior Researcher, Dept. General Geobotany, BIN RAS

Grants and research projects:

Project leader:

  • 2019. RFBR №19-14-00012 D «Phytocoenotical and ecological diversity of light-coniferous forests in the middle- and northern-boreal subzones of European Russia».
  • 2001. Personal research grant of the German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, DAAD) «Die Gesetzmäßigkeiten der geographischen Verbreitung der diagnostischen Pflanzenarten von Syntaxonen der boreale Vegetations Europäischen Nordrusslands», internship supervisor – Prof. Dr. F.J.A. Daniёls, Inst. Ökologie der Pflanzen, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster.
  • 1997–1999. Government personal scholarship for outstanding young scientists.
  • 1997. Personal St.Petersburg administration grant «Studying the ecological and dynamical structure of biodiversity of vegetation cover in the mountain tundras of Chukotka».

Member of research team:

  • 2017–2018. RFBR №6-05-00783 A «Structure and spatial organization of the vegetation in nemoral refugium on northern slope of the Khamar-Daban Range (Eastern Siberia)».
  • 2006–2007. RBFR №04-04-49280 «Meadow vegetation of the North-West of European Russia».
  • 2006. Government contract №140 of 21.02.2006 «Elaboration of the Green Space information block»; Stage 2 – Urban forests, stage 4 (invited expert).
  • 2002. RFBR №02-04-49142 «Comparative typological characteristics of local and regional floras of the Russian Arctic and Subarctic (based upon the network of biodiversity monitoring points)».
  • 1999–2001. RFBR №99-04-49585 «Ecological and geographical structure of biodiversity of the Asian North: Vegetation cover».
  • 1999. Government Scientific-Technical Program (GSTP) «Biodiversity» grant «Comparative assessment of biodiversity of the Arctic plant world».
  • 1998. FTP «Integration» grant «Revealing the influence of vegetation cover on the mycorrhizal fungi community structure: Complex studies at forest permanent plots».
  • 1997–1998. GSTP «Biodiversity» grant № 63, 64 «Ecological and geographical structure of plant cover biodiversity in the Asian Arctic».
  • 1996–1998. RFBR №96-04-49779 «Program development and preparation of a monitoring point network for checking the plant cover biodiversity of the Asian Arctic at the local flora level».
  • 1995–1996. GSTP «Biodiversity» grant №21.42 «Ecological and geographical structure of plant cover biodiversity in the Asian Arctic: Development of measures for its monitoring and protection»
  • 1993–1995. RFBR №93-04-20056 «Development and testing of methods of maintaining the inventory of the plant cover biodiversity in the Asian North».

Conferences and workshops:


  • International Conference «Botany and Botanists in a Changing World», dedicated to the 135-the anniversary of the Botany Chair and the 145-th the anniversary of the Tomsk State University. Tomsk, Nov. 14–16, 2023.
  • II International Conference «Vegetation of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia». Bryansk, Oct. 12–14, 2020.
  • International Bryological Conference, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of birth of A.L. Abramova. BIN RAS, St. Petersburg, Oct. 12–16, 2015.
  • V All-Russian Geobotanical Training Conference. St. Petersburg State University, St.Petersburg, Oct. 4–9, 2015.
  • Russian Geobotany (main milestones and prospects): All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation. BIN RAS, St. Petersburg, Sept. 20–24, 2011.
  • Fundamental and Applied Problems of Botany at the Beginning of the XXI Сentury: All-Russian Conference, XII Congress of the Russian Botanical Society. Petrozavodsk, Karelian Sci. Centre RAS, Sept. 22–27, 2008.
  • Second International Workshop on Circumpolar Vegetation Classification and Mapping. Tromsø, Norway, June 2–6, 2004.
  • II Training Seminar on Comparative Florology, Mari Chodra National Park. Sept. 11–15, 2000.
  • V International Meeting on Comparative Florology. Izhevsk, Sept. 15–18, 1998.
  • International Conference on Northern Wilderness Areas. Arctic Center, Univ. Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland, Dec. 7–9, 1994.
  • IV Workshop on Comparative Florology. Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve, Belarus, Sept. 16–21, 1993.

Professional memberships:

Editorial activity:

Selected publications:


Kucherov I.B. Phytocoenotical and ecological diversity of light-coniferous forests in the middle- and northern-boreal subzones of European Russia [Tsenoticheskoye i ekologicheskoye raznoobraziye svetlokhvoinykh lesov srednei i severnoi taigi Evropeiskoi Rossii]. St. Petersburg: Marathon, 2019. 568 p. [In Russian.]

Kekisheva Yu.Ye., Nakvasina E.N., Kucherov I.B. Middle-boreal spruce forests: Geobotanical aspects [Yelovye lesa srednei taigi: geobotanicheskii aspekt]. Arkhangelsk: SAFU, 2017. 137 p. [In Russian.]

Razumovskaya A.V., Kucherov I.B., Puchnina L.V. Vascular plants of Kenozero National Park (An annotated checklist) [Sosudistye rasteniya natsional'nogo parka "Kenozerskii" (Annotirovannyi spisok vidov)]. Severodvinsk: Partnyor NP, 2012. 162 p. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B, Milevskaya S.N., Tikhomirov A.A. Vascular plants of Kivach Nature Reserve: An annotated checklist [Sosudistye rasteniya zapovednika “Kivach” (Annotirovannyi spisok vidov)]. Flora i fauna zapovednikov. Iss. 64. Moscow: IPEE RAS, 2000. 108 p. [In Russian.]


Kucherov I.B., Zverev A.A., Chinenko S.V. Phytocoenotical positions of hypoarctic plant species in boreal-forest zone communities of European Russia [Tsenoticheskie pozitsii gipoarkticheskikh vidov rastenii v soobshchestvakh tayozhnoi zony Evropeiskoi Rossii]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Biologiia [Tomsk State University Journal of Biology]. 2023. 61: 45–87. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B., Zverev A.A., Chinenko S.V. Phytocoenotical behaviour of arctic and arctic-alpine plant species in boreal-forest zone communities of European Russia [Tsenoticheskie pozitsii arkticheskikh i arktoal'piiskikh vidov rastenii v soobshchestvakh tayozhnoi zony Evropeiskoi Rossii]. Rastitelnyi mir Aziatskoi Rossii: Vestnik Tsentralnogo Sibirskogo Botanicheskogo Sada SO RAN. 2023. 16(3): 191–216. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B., Kutenkov S.A, Chepinoga V.V. Mesoeutrophic crane's-bill peatmoss spruce forests of European Russia and the Urals [Geranievye sfagnovye mezoevtrofnye el'niki severnoi taigi Evropeiskoi Rossii i Urala]. Vestnik Tverskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriia Biologiia i ekologiia [Proc. Tver' State Univ. Series Biology and Ecology]. 2023. 1(69): 186–216. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B., Zverev A.A. Phytocoenotical behaviour of nemoral and boreal-nemoral plant species in taiga zone communities [Tsenoticheskiye pozitsii nemoralnykh i boreonemoralnykh vidov rasteniy v soobshchestvakh tayozhnoi zony]. Turczaninowia. 2022. 25(3): 129–152. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I. B., Novikova L. A., Senator S. A. Phytocoenotic behaviour of multizonal meadow plant species in meadow steppes [Tsenoticheskiye pozitsii polizonal'nykh lugovykh vidov rasteniy v lugovykh stepyakh]. Rastitelnyi mir Aziatskoi Rossii: Vestnik Tsentralnogo Sibirskogo Botanicheskogo Sada SO RAN. 2022. 1: 35–58. [In Russian]

Kucherov I. B., Kutenkov S. A., Razumovskaya A. V. Mesoeutrophic meadowsweet-trefoil peatmoss spruce forests of European Russia [Tavolgovo-vakhtovye sfagnovye mezoevtrofnye el'niki Evropeiskoi Rossii]. Vestnik Tverskogo gosudardstvennogo universiteta. Biologiya i Ekologiya. 2022. 1(65): 114–140. [In Russian]

Preislerová Z., Jiménez-Alfaro B. … Kucherov I. et al. Distribution maps of vegetation alliances in Europe. Applied Vegetation Science. 2022. 25(e12642): 1–12.

Kucherov I.B. Pine forests on carbonate rock and gypsum outcrops in middle- and northern-boreal European Russia. Les Cahiers de Braun-Blanquetia. 2021. 8: 36.

Kucherov I.B., Grishutkina G.A., Teleganova V.V., Potemkin A.D. Diagnostic potential of epiphytic bryophytes in forest vegetation classification. BIO Web of Conferences. 2021.38: 00065.

Kucherov I.B. Invasions of bird-dispersed shrub species in specially protected natural reservations of Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad Region [Ob invaziyakh ornitokhornykh kustarnikov na osobo okhranyaemykh prirodnykh territoriyakh Sankt-Peterburga i Leningradskoi oblasti]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Biologiya. 2021. 54: 21–44. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B., Shchukina K.V., Tatarenko I.V. et al. Great burnet floodplain meadows along Eurosiberian longitudinal gradient. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2020. 105(12): 1169–1190. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B., Kutenkov S.A. Mesotrophic horsetail, tall-fern-horsetail and hop-leaved raspberry-horsetail peatmoss spruce forests of middle- and southern-boreal European Russia and Urals [Mezotrofnye yel'niki khvoshchovye, krupnopaporotnikovo- i khmelenichno-khvoshchovye sfagnovye srednei i yuzhnoi taigi Evropeiskoi Rossii i Urala]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2020. 105(5): 438–457. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B., Kutenkov S.A. Mesotrophic cloudberry-horsetail peatmoss spruce forests of northern and middle-boreal European Russia and Urals [Mezotrofnye yel'niki moroshkovo-khvoshchyovye sfagnovye severnoi i srednei taigi Evropeiskoi Rossii i Urala]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2020. 105(3): 263–279. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B., Kutenkov S.A. Mesotrophic dwarfshrub peatmoss and peatmoss-feathermoss spruce forests of European Russia and Urals [Mezotrofnye kustarnichkovye sfagnovye i sfagnovo-zelenomoshnye yel'niki Evropeiskoi Rossii i Urala]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2019. 104(6): 859–887. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B., Kutenkov S.A. Oligotrophic peatmoss spruce forests of European Russia and the Urals [Oligotrofnye sfagnovye yel'niki Evropeiskoi Rossii i Urala]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2019. 104(1): 12–40. [In Russian.]

Pätsch R., Jašková A., Chytrý M., Kucherov I.B., Schaminée J.H.J., Bergmeier E., Janssen J.A.M. Making them visible and usable – vegetation-plot observations from Fennoscandia based on historical species-quantity scales. Applied Vegetation Science. 2019. 22: 465–473.

Kucherov I.B. Shifts in ecological and phytocoenotical behavior of Molinia caerulea (Poaceae) [Izmenchivost' ekologo-tsenoticheskoi priurochennosti Molinia caerulea (Poaceae)]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2017. 102(11): 1475–1503. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B. On the subdivision of distribution types of multizonal and multiregional species for purposes of the adjoint analysis of vascular, bryophyte, and lichen floras [O podrazdelenii tipov arealov polizonalnykh i plyuriregionalnykh vidov dlya tselei sopryazhennogo analiza flor sosudistykh rasteniy, mokhoobraznykh i lishainikov]. Komarovskiye chteniya (Vladivostok). 2016. 64: 138–197. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B. Linear response of plant composition and abundance to climatic factors in upland meadows of the North and North-West of European Russia [Lineinaya zavisimost' sostava i obiliya vidov rastenii ot klimaticheskikh faktorov na sukhodol'nykh lugakh Severa i Severo-Zapada Evropeiskoi Rossii]. Fitoraznoobraziye Vostochnoy Evropy [Phytodiversity of Eastern Europe]. 2016. 10(2): 4–32. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B. Linear response of plant composition and abundance to climatic factors in northern- and middle-boreal spruce forests of European Russia [Lineinaya zavisimost' sostava i obiliya vidov rastenii ot klimaticheskikh faktorov v yel'nikakh srednei I severnoi taigi Evropeiskoi Rossii]. Fitoraznoobraziye Vostochnoy Evropy [Phytodiversity of Eastern Europe]. 2015. 9(3): 6–26. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B. Response of plant composition and abundance to bedrock type and soil texture in pine forests of middle- and northern-boreal European Russia [Zavisimost' sostava i obiliya vidov rastenii ot tipa pochvoobrazuyushchei porody i mekhanicheskogo sostava pochv v sosnyakakh srednei i severnoi taigi Evropeiskoi Rossii]. Trudy Karel'skogo Nauchnogo Tsentra Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Biogeografiya. 2015. 6: 3–18. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B., Zverev A.A. Spectra of latitudinal chorological elements of the floras of light-coniferous forest syntaxa in the north of European Russia: An analysis implying species dominance [Shirotnaya geograficheskaya struktura tsenoflor svetlokhvoinykh lesov severa Evropeiskoi Rossii: Analiz s uchetom dominirovaniya vidov]. Tomsk State University Journal of Biology [Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Biologiya]. 2014. 26(2): 53–73. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B. Lichen-feathermoss and feathermoss pine forests of middle- and northern-boreal European Russia [Lishainikovo-zelenomoshnye i zelenomoshnye sosnyaki srednei i severnoi taigi Evropeiskoi Rossii]. Komarovskiye chteniya (Vladivostok). 2013. 61: 159–217. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B. Mesic grass- and herb-feathermoss pine forests of northern- and middle-boreal forest subzones of European Russia [Travyano-zelenomoshnye mezofil'nye sosnyaki srednei i severnoi taigi Evropeiskoi Rossii]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2013. 98(9): 1108–1129. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B., Kutenkov S.A. Dwarfshrub sphagnum-feathermoss and sphagnum pine forests of northern and middle taiga of European Russia [Kustarnichkovye sfagnovo-zelenomoshnye i sfagnovye sosnyaki srednei i severnoi taigi Evropeiskoi Rossii]. Trudy Karel'skogo Nauchnogo Tsentra Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Biogeografiya. 2012. 1: 16–32. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B., Zverev A.A. Scots pine-lichen forests in the middle and northern taiga of European Russia [Lishainikovye sosnyaki srednei i severnoi taigi Evropeiskoi Rossii]. Tomsk State University Journal of Biology [Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Biologiya]. 2012. 19(3): 46–80. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B., Kutenkov S.A. Grass-peatmoss pine forests of the middle and northern taiga of European Russia [Travyano-sfagnovye sosnyaki srednei i severnoi taigi Evropeiskoi Rossii]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2011. 96(6): 733–763. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B., Zverev A.A. Siberian larch forests in the north-east of European Russia. II. Northern and middle taiga forests [Listvennichnye lesa severo-vostoka Evropeiskoi Rossii. II. Sredne- i severotayoznye lesa]. Tomsk State University Journal of Biology [Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Biologiya]. 2011. 13(1): 28–50. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B., Zverev A.A. Siberian larch forests in the north-east of European Russia. I. Subarctic and subalpine open woodlands [Listvennichnye lesa severo-vostoka Evropeiskoi Rossii. I. Predtundrovye i podgoltsovye redkolesia]. Tomsk State University Journal of Biology [Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Biologiya]. 2010. 11(3): 81–109. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B. The problem of conservatism of species composition of plant communities [Problema konservatizma vidovogo sostava rastitel'nykh soobshchestv]. Trudy Karel'skogo Nauchnogo Tsentra Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Biogeografiya. 2010. 10: 3–15. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B., Razumovskaya A.V., Churakova E.Yu. Spruce forests of the "Kenozerskii" National Park (Arkhangelsk Region) [Yelovye lesa natsional'nogo parka "Kenozerskii" (Arkhangelskaya oblast')]. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2010. 95(9): 1268–1301. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B. Chorological pattern in the Aconito-Piceetum in middle and northern taiga of European Russia. Abhandlungen aus dem Westfälischen Museum für Naturkunde. Hf 3/4: Aspekte der Geobotanik – From Local to Global. 2008. 313–324.

Kucherov I.B., Filimonova L.V., Kutenkov S.A., Maksimov A.I., Maksimova T.A. Proportions of species distribution types in vascular floras of Kivach Reserve forest syntaxa [Geograficheskaya struktura lesnykh tsenoflor zapovednika "Kivach"]. Trudy Karel'skogo Nauchnogo Tsentra Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Petrozavodsk, 2006. 10:6 9–82. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B., Golovina Ye.O., Chepinoga V.V. Materials on the history of flora of the Keret Archipelago [Materialy po istorii flory Keretskogo archipelaga]. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya 3: Biologiya. 2005. 3(3): 32–45. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B, Daniëls F.J.A. Vegetation of the classes Carici-Kobresietea and Cleistogenetea squarrosae in Central Chukotka. Phytocoenologia. 2005. 35(4): 1019–1066.

Kucherov I.B. Chorological pattern in plant affinity to vegetation of different types and its causes (by the example of North-European forests) [Geograficheskaya izmenchivost' tsenoticheskoi priurochennosti rastenii i yeyo prichiny (na primere lesov Evropeiskogo Severa]. Journal of General Biology [Zhurnal obshchei biologii]. 2003. 64(6): 479–500. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B., Zagidullina A.T. Self-recovery of plant communities: examples, mechanisms, approaches to description [Samovosstanovleniye rastitel'nykh soobshchestv: primery, mekhanizmy, podkhody k opisaniyu]. Journal of General Biology [Zhurnal obshchei biologii]. 2001. 62(5): 410–424. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B., Milevskaya S.N., Polozova T.G. Structure of the Kivach Reserve flora in the context of comparison of local floras along the East-Fennoscandian latitudinal gradient [Struktura flory zapovednika “Kivach” v kontekste sravneniya lokal'nykh flor na shirotnom profile Vostochnoi Fennoskandii]. Sravnitel'naya floristika na rubezhe III tysyacheletiya: dostizheniya, problemy, perspektivy. St. Petersburg: BIN RAS, 2000. 63–83. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B., Naumenko N.I. System of regional latitudinal elements for the analysis of boreal floras of East Fennoscandia [Sistema regional'nykh shirotnykh elementov dlya analiza boreal'nykh flor Vostochnoi Fennoskandii]. Sravnitel'naya floristika na rubezhe III tysyacheletiya: dostizheniya, problemy, perspektivy. St. Petersburg: BIN RAS, 2000. 37–62. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B., Tarasevich V.F., Mikhailova E.R. Vegetation, climate, and cultural flora of the Pskov region by the end of the I millennium A.D. according to palynological data. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2000. 85(1): 26–45. [In Russian]

Kucherov I.B., Milevskaya S.N., Naumenko N.I., Sennikov A.N. On the richness of local vascular flora of Kivach Reserve and the limits of species distribution in Karelia Onegensis [O bogatstve lokal'noi flory zapovednika "Kivach" i predelakh rasprostraneniya vidov v Zaonezhskoi Karelii]. Izucheniye biologicheskogo raznoobraziya metodami sravnitel'noi floristiki. St. Petersburg: NIIKH SPbGU, 1998. 119–150. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B. Dry tundra succession in Central Chukotka. Northern Wilderness Areas: Ecology, Sustainability, Values. Rovaniemi: Arctic Center, 1995. 378–385.

Kucherov I.B. On the complementarity principle in phytocoenology: Methodological reasons for the rise of complementary approaches in vegetation study [O printsipe dopolnitel'nosti v geobotanike: Metodologicheskiye predposylki vozniknoveniya komplementarnykh podkhodov k izucheniyu rastitel'nosti]. Journal of General Biology [Zhurnal obshchei biologii]. 1995. 56(4): 486–505. [In Russian.]

Kucherov I.B., Payanskaya-Gvozdeva I.I. Methods of recording vegetation state [Metody opisaniya sostoyaniya rastitelnosti]. Antropogennaya dinamika rastitelnogo pokrova Arktiki i Subarktiki: printsipy i metody izucheniya. 1995. 51–64. [In Russian.]