Nadezhda Liksakova

Nadezhda Liksakova

Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD

Academic degree, academic title: Ph.D.

Position: Research Scientist


Research interests:

  • Vegetation of the North-West, Far East, Caucasus.
  • Biodiversity.
  • Vegetation classification.
  • Protection of plant communities. Environmental value criteria.
  • Land cover mapping.
  • Caucasus mountain mires vegetation.

Keywords: Geobotany, biodiversity, classification of vegetation, protection of vegetation

Education and work experience:

1999 — graduated from the magistracy of the Faculty of Biology and Soil Science of St. Petersburg State University with a degree in geobotany.
2002 — graduated from the postgraduate study of the Faculty of Biology and Soil Science, St. Petersburg State University.
2012 — Ph.D. thesis «Vegetation of the Chudovsky district (Novgorod region). Plant communities deserving protection», written under the guidance of Dr.Sc., prof. V.I. Vasilevich.

2003 — until now — employee of the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS (Engineer, Research Assistant, Research Scientist).

Grants and research projects:

Other projects:

  • Atlas of vascular plants of the North-West of the European part of Russia. It is created jointly with the staff of the Herbarium department and other scientists. Atlas is affiliated with the Botanical Institute. To date, 1 volume has been published, work is underway on volume 2.

Selected publications:


Sorokina I.A., Bubyreva V.A., Liksakova N.S. Atlas of wild plants of the Leningrad region. Moscow: KMK Scientific Publishing Association. 2018. 685 p. [In Russian]

Aksenov D.E., Glushkov I.V. ... Liksakova N.S. et al. Mapping high conservation value forests of Khabarovsky kray and Evreyskaya autonomic region, Russian Far East. St. Petersburg. 2011. [In Russian]

Skvortsov V.E., Liksakova N.S., Yanitskaya T.O. Protected plants of Primorsky Krai. A practical guide for forestry workers in the Primorsky Territory. Vladivostok. 2006. [In Russian]


Liksakova N.S., Doroshina G.Ya., Ivchenko T.G., Tuniev B.S., Shchukina K.V., Kessel D.S. Vegetation of swampy Khmelevsky lakes (Sochi national park, Krasnodar territory). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2024. 109(9): 837–848. [In Russian]

Liksakova N.S., Shilnikov D.S., Doroshina G.Ya. Vegetation of the mires of the Cherek Balkarsky river basin (Kabardino-Balkarian Republic). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2023. 108(12): 1065–1082.

Liksakova N.S., Glazkova E.A., Kuzmina E.Yu., Khokhlov S.F. New data on vegetation and soils of Urup (Kuril Islands). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2023. 108(3): 228–247.

Liksakova N. S., Glazkova E. A., Kuzmina E. Yu. To the vegetation of Urup Island (Kuril Islands). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2021. 106(8): 731–755.

Liksakova N. S., Kurbatova L. Е. Vegetation of Konevets Island (Ladoga Lake, Leningrad region). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2021. 106(5): 419–437.

Lysenko T.M., Shchukina K.V., Dutova Z.V., Liksakova N.S., Kessel D.S., Shilnikov D.S. New data on steppe vegetation of the magmatic mountains in the Northern Caucasus. Diversity of plant world. 2020. 4(7): 37–51. [In Russian]

Kessel D.S., Gadzhiataev M.G., Abdurakhmanova Z.I., Shchukina K.V., Liksakova N.S. Birch forests with Rhododendron caucasicum (Ericaceae) in the central and eastern part of the North Caucasus. Botanical Herald of the North Caucasus. 2020. 2: 46–56. [In Russian]

Glazkova E.A., Liksakova N.S. New and rare alien vascular plant species of the Kuril islands. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2020. 105(12): 1226–1234. [In Russian]

Glazkova E.A., Liksakova N.S. Nardus stricta L. (Poaceae), a new species to the flora of Russian Far East, its distribution and invasive potential. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2020. 105(6): 22–35. [In Russian]

Korablev A.P., Liksakova N.S., Mirin D.M., Oreshkin D.G., Efimov P.G. New species list of plants and lichens of Russia for Turboveg for Windows. Rastitelnost Rossii. 2020. 38: 151–156. [In Russian]

Glazkova E.A., Liksakova N.S., Doronina A.Yu., Himelbrant D.E., Stepanchikova I.S., Ginzburg E.G., Potemkin A.D. Valuable botanical objects of the Kurgalsky nature reserve (Leningrad region). 3. Coastal, aquatic and semiaquatic biotopes of high conservation value. The Kurgalsky reserve as an important plant area. Trudy KarNTs RAN. 2020. 1: 5–16. [In Russian]

Glazkova E.A., Liksakova N.S., Gimel’brant D.E., Doronina A.Yu., Stepanchikova I.S., Ginzburg E.G., Potemkin A.D. Valuable botanical objects of the Kurgalsky Nature Reserve (Leningrad Region). 2. Forests, mires, grasslands of high conservation value. Trudy KarNTs RAN. 2019. 8: 44–61. [In Russian]

Sorokina I.A., Liksakova N.S., Efimov P.G. Flora of the projected protected area “Ivinskiy Razliv” (Leningrad region, Podporoz’hye district): composition, structure, protected objects. Phitotsenoticheskoe raznoobrazie Vostochnoi Evropy. 2018. XII(2): 95–126. [In Russian]

Liksakova N.S., Glazkova E.A. Vegetation and conservation value of plant communities and biotopes of Lavansaari island (Gulf of Finland). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2018. 103(10): 1304–1335. [In Russian]

Liksakova N.S., Sorokina I.A. Rare plant communities of the planned protected areas in the east of the Leningrad region. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2017. 102(2): 232–248. [In Russian]

Sorokina I.A., Stepanchikova I.S., Himelbrant D.E., Liksakova N.S., Spirin V.A., Kushnevskaya E.V., Gagarina L.V., Efimov P.G. Brief overviews of three proposed protected areas in the eastern Leningrad region. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2017. 102(9): 1270–1289. [In Russian]

Liksakova N.S., Milakovsky B.D., Glushkov I.V., Ermoshkin A.V. Characteristic of vegetation of the upper reaches of the Duque and the Gorin river (Khabarovsk territory). Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2015. 100(10): 1048–1077. [In Russian]

Sorokina I.A., Himelbrant D.E. ... Liksakova N.S. et al. Forest certification as a tool for detection and conservation of biologically valuable forests and scientific research in the eastern part of Leningrad region. Vestnik Tverskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Biologiya i ekologiya. 2013. 32: 246–264. [In Russian]

Aksenov D.E., Dubinin M.Ju., Karpachevskiy M.L., Liksakova N.S., Skvortsov V.E., Smirnov D.Ju., Yanitskaya T.O. Allocation high conservation value forests of Primorsky kray. Categories important for vegetation conservation. In the collection: Forests of high conservation value in Russia: experience of identification and protection. Moscow. 2008. 43–56. [In Russian]

Liksakova N.S. The boreal deciduous forests of Chudovo district of Novgorod region. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2004. 89(8): 1319–1342. [In Russian]

Liksakova N.S. The oak forests of the Volkhov river flood-plain. Botanicheskii zhurnal. 2003. 88(10): 82–90. [In Russian]