Daria Kessel

Daria Kessel

Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD, Google Scholar

Position: Research Assistant

E-mail: DKessel@binran.ru

Phone number: +7 (812) 372-54-18

Research interests:

  • Geobotany.
  • Structure and dynamics of plant communities.
  • Forest vegetation.
  • Biodiversity.
  • Nature conservation.
  • Plants in urban environments.

Keywords: Birch forests, vegetation dynamics, North Caucasus, mountain forests, green roofs, Betula, Sedum

Education and work experience:

2000 — graduated from Department of Geobotany and Plant Ecology, St. Petersburg State University, 2000.
2007 — graduated from the post-graduate program of St. Petersburg State University.

2012–2015 — Research Assistant at the Forest Zone Vegetation Laboratory of the BIN RAS.
2015 — until now — Research Assistant at the Laboratory of General Geobotany of the BIN RAS.

Professional memberships:

Editorial activity:

Selected publications:

Kessel D.S., Abdurakhmanova Z.I., Schukina K.V., Gadzhiataev M.G. The cenofloras of birch and pine forests of the Gunib plateau (Dagestan). Arid Ecosystems. 2022. 12(3): 272–278.

Sozinov O.V., Shchukina K.V., Kessel D.S., Liksakova N.S., Khmarik A.G. Heterogeneous variability of cenotic characteristics of the fallow with the participation of invasive species. Trudy Mordovskogo gosudarstvennogo prirodnogo zapovednika im. P.G. Smidovicha. 2022. 31: 234–241.

Kessel D.S., Gadzhiataev M.G., Abdurakhmanova Z.I., Shchukina K.V., Liksakova N.S. Birch forests with Rhododendron Caucasicum (Ericaceae) in the central and eastern part of the north Caucasus. Journal botanical herald of the north Caucasus. 2020. 2: 46–56. [In Russian]

Lysenko T.M., Shchukina K.V., Liksakova N.S., Kessel D.S. New data on steppe vegetation of the magmatic mountains in the northern Caucasus. Online journal «Diversity of plant world». 2020. 4 (7): 37–51. [In Russian]

Pukinskaya M.Yu., Kessel D.S., Shchukina K.V. Drying of fir-spruce forests of the Teberda nature reserve. Botanicheskiy zhurnal. 2019. 104(3): 337–362. [In Russian]

Kessel D.S., Shchukina K.V., Abdurakhmanova Z.I., Gadzhiataev M.G., Shilnikov D.S. Variety of grass-shrub layer of birch forests of Teberdinsky reserve and natural park «Upper Gunib». Phytodiversity of Eastern Europe. 2019. XIII(3): 239–252. [In Russian]

Korablev A.P., Kessel D.S., Pukinskaia M.Yu., Schukina K.V., Volkov V.P. Drivers of field layers composition in nemoral spruce forests (Picea abies l.) of Central-forest nature reserve. Bulletin of the Tver State University. Series: Biology and Ecology. 2018. 4: 118–125. [In Russian]

Vasilevich V.I., Kessel D.S. Species diversity of birch and grey alder forest communities of northwest Russia. Botanicheskiy zhurnal. 2017. 102(5): 585–597. [In Russian]

Ignatev S.A., Kessel D.S. Effect of surface geometry and insolation on temperature profile of green roof in Saint-Petersburg environment. Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. 220: 622–626. [In Russian]

Kessel D.S., Kozminskaya Т.L., Shelestovskayа Ya.A. Initial stages of overgrowing of sand dunes of the Kurchskaya and Vislinskaya spits of the Baltic sea (Kaliningrad region). Botanicheskiy zhurnal. 2003. 88(7): 62–75. [In Russian]

Kozminskaya Т.L., Kessel D.S. Geobotanical characteristics of vegetation of the Curonian and Vislin spit of the Baltic sea. Bulletin of the Saint Petersburg University. Series 3. Biology. 2001. 2: 116–118.