Anton Korablev

Anton Korablev

Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Russian Science Citation Index, ORCID iD, Google Scholar

Academic degree, academic title: Ph.D.

Position: Senior Researcher


Phone number: +7 (812) 372-54-18

Research interests:

  • Vegetation of the Kamchatka Peninsula.
  • Vegetation dynamics concerning volcanic activity.
  • Forests dynamics in Southern taiga (Central-Forest State Natural Biosphere Reserve).
  • Community assembly rules.
  • Functional diversity in plant communities.
  • Plant functional traits and adaptations of plants to environmental stress.

Keywords: phytocoenology, ecology, biogeography, functional ecology, biodiversity, vegetation dynamics, primary succession, syntaxonomy, biotic interactions, Kamchatka

Education and work experience:

2004 — bachelor of science in the Saint-Petersburg State Forest Technical University
2006 — master's degree in the Saint-Petersburg State Forest Technical University
2007–2010 — graduate school in Komarov Botanical Institute (V. Yu. Neshatayeva, head)
2011 — Ph.D. thesis «The Formation of the Forest Belt Vegetation on the Kamchatka Peninsula (by the example of the Tolbachinsky Dol volcanic plateau)»

2004 — Research assistant in the Central Forest State Nature Biosphere Reserve
2007–2015 — Scientific associate in the Laboratory of Plant Community Ecology, Komarov Botanical Institute
2015 — until now — Senior researcher in the Laboratory of Vegetation Science, Komarov Botanical Institute

Grants and research projects:

Project Leader:

Member of working group:

  • 2019–2021. RFBR №19-05-00805-а. «The patterns of vegetation cover differentiation and main botanical-geographical boundaries of the Beringian forest-tundra zone of the North-Eastern Asia».
  • 2016. RFBR №16-34-50229-мол_нр. «Study of the organization and dynamics of the volcanic habitats of the Central Kamchatka by the methods of the numerical ecology».
  • 2016–2018. RFBR №16-05-00736-а. «The plant cover of Northern Koryakia and its position in the system of phytogeographical zonation of North-Eastern Asia».
  • 2011–2013. RFBR №11-04-00027-а. «The patterns of vegetation cover differentiation and dynamics of the volcanic terrains on the example of Kamchatka».
  • 2008–2010. RFBR №08-04-01294-а. «The patterns of plant community volcanogenic transformation and dynamics on the example of Kamchatka».
  • 2005–2007. RFBR №05-04-48035-а. «The influence of volcanic eruptions to vegetation dynamics and evolution on the example of Kamchatka».

Other projects:

  • Species list of plants and lichens of Russia for Turboveg for Windows. Anton Korablev, Nadezhda Liksakova, Denis Mirin, Dmitry Oreshkin, Peter Efimov. The species list based upon the database of the Russian website Plantarium, which contains a species atlas and illustrated an online Handbook of plants and lichens. The new species list is currently the most comprehensive in Turboveg format for Russia. There are 84 805 species and subspecies taxa in the list, 37 760 (44.7 %) that are accepted, while the others are synonyms.
  • The Kamchatka Peninsula plant traits database. Custodian: Anton Korablev. It is a renewing database of categorical and continuous traits of vascular plants and some traits of mosses and lichens of essentially volcanic habitats in Kamchatka. By this time, 321 vascular, 176 moss, and 231 lichen species were included in the database. For the most vascular, 21 traits are assessed including Serebryakov’s life form, architecture features of plants, specific leaf area (SLA), leaf area (LA), and dry seed mass, etc. If you are interested in the data please contact Anton Korablev by e-mail.
  • European Russia vegetation plot database. The main custodians: Anton Korablev, Valentina Neshataeva, Nadezhda Liksakova. The database is based on the releves data collected by the staff of the former Laboratory of Forest Zone Vegetation in 1980–2000. Data on forest and meadow vegetation from the Russian North-West and Kirovskaya Oblast count more than 3000 releves. If you are interested in the data please contact Anton Korablev by e-mail.

Professional memberships:

Editorial activity:

Selected publications:


Neshataeva, V.Yu., Pesterov A.O., Korablev A.P. Rastitel’nost’ Vostochnogo vulkanicheskogo poiasa Kamchatki (v predelah Kronotskogo zapovednika) [Vegetation of the Eastern Volcanic Belt of Kamchatka (within the Kronotsky Reserve)]. 2021. 328 p. [In Russian]

Vyakina, M.P., Himelbrandt, D.E., Golovneva, L.B., Dulin, M.V., Korablev, A.P., Kuznetsova, E.S., Kuzmina, E.Yu., Neshataev, V.Yu., Neshataeva, V.Yu., Stepanchikova I.S., Chernyadieva I.V., Yakubov V.V. Rastitel'nyi pokrov vulkanicheskikh plato Tsentral'noi Kamchatki (Klyuchevskaya gruppa vulkanov) [Vegetation Cover of Volcanic Plateaus of Central Kamchatka (the Kluchevskaya Volcanoes Group)]. 2014. 460 P. [In Russian]


Bilaya N.A., Korablev A.P., Zelenkovsky P.S., Chukov S.N. Ecological and Geochemical Features of Soils of the Tolbachik Dol Volcanic Plateau. Eurasian Soil Science. 2022. 55: 404-412.

Korablev A., Smirnov V., Neshataeva V., Kuzmin I., Nekrasov T. Plant dispersal strategies in primary succession on the Tolbachinsky Dol volcanic Plateau (Russia). Journal of Vegetation Science. 2020. 31(6): 954–966.

Korablev A.P., Liksakova N.S., Mirin D.M., Oreshkin D.G, Efimov P.G. New species list of plants and lichens of Russia for Turboveg for Windows. Rastitel'nost' Rossii. 2020. 38: 151–156.

Goryaev I.A., Korablev A.P. Halophytic Vegetation in the West Caspian Lowland. Contemporary Problems of Ecology. 2020. 13(5): 514–521.

Nekrasov T.L., Korablev A.P. Impact of volcanic ahsfalls on the species diversity of vascular plants in larch forests of the Klyuchevskaya volcano group (kamchatka). Tver State University Bulletin. Series: Biology and Ecology. 2019. 4(56): 63–72.

Neshataeva V.Yu., Neshatayev V.Yu., Korablev A.P., Katyutin P.N. Floodplain forests of the Penzhinskii district, Kamchatka territory. Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2018. 103(4): 1212–1239.

Korablev A.P., Kessel D.S., Pukinskaia M.Yu., Schukina K.V., Volkov V.P. Drivers of field layers composition in nemoral spruce forests (Picea abies l.) of Central Forest Nature Reserve. Tver State University Bulletin. Series: Biology and Ecology. 2018. 4: 118–125.

Korablev A.P., Smirnov V.E., Neshataeva V.Yu., Khanina L.G. Plant Life-Forms and Environmental Filtering During Primary Succession on Loose Volcanic Substrata (Kamchatka, Russia). Biology Bulletin. 2018. 45(3): 255–264.

Neshataeva V.Yu., Neshataev V.Yu., Korablev A.P. The stone-birch forests of the south of the Koryak upland on the northern border of their area. Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2016. 101(12): 50–69.

Korablev A.P., Neshataeva V.Yu. Primary plant successions of forest belt vegetation on the Tolbachinskii Dol volcanic plateau (Kamchatka). Biology Bulletin. 2016. 43(4): 307–317.

Neshataeva V.Yu., Neshataev V.Yu., Korablev A.P., Kuzmina E.Yu. Vegetation of coastal salt marshes of the gulf of Korf (Olutorsky district, Kamchatsky Krai). Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2014. 99(8): 868–894.

Korablev A.P., Neshataeva V.Yu. The forest vegetation dynamics on the lava-flows of Tolbachik volcano Plateau (the Kluchevskaya Volcano Group, Kamchatka). Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2011. 96(11): 1440–1457.

Neshatayeva V.Yu., Vyatkina M.P., Korablev A.P. Ajan spruce (Picea ajanensis) forests in the Central Kamchatka. Botanicheskii Zhurnal. 2010. 95(11): 1521-1549.