Ekaterina Kudryavtseva

Ekaterina Kudryavtseva

Author Identifiers: Google Scholar

Position: Postgraduate Student

E-mail: EKudryavtseva@binran.ru

Research interests:

  • Intercellular communications in the phylogenesis of brown algae.

Keywords: Brown algae, intercellular communications, plasmodesmata, ultrstructure

Education and work experience:

2017 – graduated from the bachelor's degree at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Physical Education and Life Safety of the Murmansk Arctic State University.
2019 – graduated from the magistracy of the Faculty of Biology, St. Petersburg State University.
2019 – until now – postgraduate student of the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS.

Selected publications:

Voskoboynikov G.M., Golyak I.V., Zubova E.Yu., Kudryavtseva E.O. The experience of development of the Barents sea algae-macrophytes cryobank. Vestnik SSC RAS. 2015. 11(4): 93–95.