The distribution of Sphenobaiera biloba Prynada in the Cretaceous of Northeastern Asia

N. V. Nosova, L. B. Golovneva


Аннотация статьи

A revision of Sphenobaiera biloba Prynada from Northeastern Asia is based on restudy of the type material from the Zyryanka River Basin (Prynada’s collection), as well as additional specimens from the type locality (Samylina’s collection) and collections from the Ul’ya and Anadyr rivers. A new extended diagnosis of S. biloba based on the leaf morphology and epidermal structure is proposed. Geographic and stratigraphic distribution of this species in Northern Asia is discussed. S. bilobais known in the Aptian of Eastern Siberia (Lena River Basin) and from the early-middle Albian to Coniacian of northeastern Russia. In the Late Cretaceous this species was considered as relict and related with volcanogenic deposits of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt.

Ключевые слова: Ginkgoales, Cretaceous, Northeastern Asia, Sphenobaiera

Цитирование статьи

Nosova, N. V., Golovneva, L. B. 2018. The distribution of Sphenobaiera biloba Prynada in the Cretaceous of Northeastern Asia. Палеоботаника, 9: 18—31.


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