News of Historia Gagearum Web-site
- 01.02.2007
- The chapters "List of Taxa", "Greetings", "Home", "Bibliography","Publications and Information" have been updated
- 26.12.2006
- The first trial version of the web-site has ben exposed on web-server of Komarov Botanical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
- 26.12.2006
- New program for project database supply has been developed
- 24.05.2005
- Article "Phytogeographic analysis of genus Gagea" has been exposed on the site(see here)
- 24.05.2005
- "Articles" chapher of the site has been created
- 23.05.2005
- "News" chapter of the site has been created
- 23.05.2005
- Web-site "Colloquium Gagearum" has been created and exposed