N | Authors | Year | Title |
1. |
Fuchs L. |
1542. |
De historia stirpium commentarii insignes. Basileae. 896 p. [illus. Bulbus sylvestris (= G. lutea)] |
2. |
Fuchs L. |
1543. |
New Kreuterbuch. Basell. 516 p. [illus. Bulbus sylvestris (= G. lutea)] |
3. |
Fuchs L. |
1546. |
De historia stirpium commentrii insignes. Parisiis. 304 p. [Bulbus sylvestris (= G. lutea)] |
4. |
Fuchs L. |
1549. |
De stirpium historia comentariorum tomi vivae imagines. Basileae. 516 p. [illus. Bulbus sylvestris (= G. lutea)] |
5. |
Fuchs L. |
1550. |
L'Histoire des plantes. Lyon. 607 p. [illus. Bulbus silvestris (= G. lutea)] |
6. |
Tragus H. |
1552. |
De stirpium, maxime earum, quae in Germania nostra nascuntur. Argentor. 1200 p. [illus. Bulbus agrestis (= G. lutea)] |
7. |
Lobelius M. |
1576. |
Plantarum seu stirpium historia. Antverpiae. 671 p. [illus. Ornithogalon luteum (= G. pratensis)] |
8. |
Lobelius M. |
1581. |
Plantarum seu stirpium icones. Antverpiae. 280 p. [illus. Ornithogalon luteum (= G. pratensis)] |
9. |
Clusius C. |
1583. |
Rariorum aliquot stirpium. Antverpiae. 766 p. [illus. Ornithogalum Pannonicum luteo florae (= G. pusilla)] |
10. |
Dodonaeus R. |
1583. |
Stirpium historiae. Antverpiae. 860 p. [illus. Bulbus sylvestris (= G. pratensis)] |
11. |
Dalechampius J. |
1587. |
Historia generalis plantarum. Lugduni. 2. : 1097-1922. [illus. Bulbus silvestris (= G. lutea)] |
12. |
Lobelius M. |
1591. |
Icones stirpium seu plantarum. Antverpiae. 280 p. [illus. Ornithogalon luteum (= G. pratensis)] |
13. |
Clusius C. |
1601. |
Rarioirum plantarum historiae. Antverpiae. 364 p. [illus. Ornithogalum Pannon luteo florae (= G. pusilla), Ornithogalum pallido florae (= G. pratensis)] |
14. |
Renealmus P. |
1611. |
Specimen historiae plantarum. Parisiis. 152 p. [illus. ?????????? = G. pratensis, ?????? = G. pusilla] |
15. |
Columna (Colonna) F. |
1616. |
Minus cognitarum stirpium. Romae. |
16. |
Dodonaeus R. |
1616. |
Stirpium historiae. Antverpiae. 872 p. [illus. Bulbus sylvestris (= G. pratensis)] |
17. |
Bauhin J. |
1651. |
Historia plantdrum universalis. Ebrodunum. 2. 1074 p. |
18. |
Dalechamps J. |
1653. |
Histoire Generale des Plantes. Lyon. 2. 758 p. |
19. |
Chaåbraei D. |
1666. |
Stirpium icones et sciagraphia. Genevae. : 219. |
20. |
Dillenius J.J. |
1718. |
Catalogus plantarum circa Gissam sponte nascentium. Francofurt am Moenum. 256 p. |
21. |
Dillenius J.J. |
1719. |
Catalogus plantarum sponte circa Gissam nascentium, cum appendice... Francofurt am Moenum. 256 p. Appendix ad Catalogus plantarum sponte circa Gissam nascentium. 174 p. |
22. |
Boerhaave H. |
1727. |
Index alter plantarum quae in horto academico Lugduno-Batavo Aluntur. Lugduni Batavorum, 2: 142-143. |
23. |
Linnaeus C. |
1737. |
Hortus Cliffortianus. Amstel[ae]damum. 501 p. |
24. |
Linnaeus C. |
1745. |
Flora Svecica. Lugdunum Batavorum. 419 p. |
25. |
Linnaei C. |
1753. |
Ornithogalum. // Species plantarum. Holmiae. 1: 306. |
26. |
Linnaeus C. |
1762. |
Species plantarum. Holmiae, 1762. 1, ed. 2. 928 p. |
27. |
Linnaei C. (fil.) |
1781. |
Ornithogalum. // Supplementum plantarum systematis vegetabilium. Brunsvigae. Ed. 2 : 198-199. |
28. |
Pohl J. E. |
1806. |
Beschreibung einer seltenen bogmischen Pflanze, Ornithogalum bohemicum Zauschneri. Botanische Zeitung (Regensburg). 5: 342-347. |
29. |
Salisbury R. A. |
1806. |
On the Characters of a distinct Genus hitherto confounded with Ornithogalum, and called Gagea; with some Remarks on the Importance of Inflorescence in distinguishing Genera. In Koenig C. & Sims J. Annals of Botany. 2: 553-557. |
30. |
Pohl J.E. |
1814. |
Tentamen florae Bohemicae. Prag. 2. 234 S. |
31. |
Link H. F. |
1829. |
Ornithoxanthum. // Handbuch zur Erkennung der nutzbarsten und am haufigsten vorkommenden Gew[a]chse. Berlin. 2 : 161-162. |
32. |
Schultes J.A., Schultes J.H. |
1829. |
Systema vegetabilium. Stuttgardtiae. 7. 1074 p. |
33. |
Koch W.D.J. |
1837. |
Synopsis Florae germanicae et helveticae. Francofurti ad M. 1 : 711-713. [G. stenopetela, G. pratensis, G. arvensis, G. bohemica, G. saxatilis, G. liottardi, G. spathacea, G. minima, G. lutea, G. pusilla] |
34. |
Bernhardi J. J. |
1840. |
Genus Hornungia. // Flora. 23 : 390, 392. |
35. |
Zuccarini J. G. |
1843. |
Plantarum novarum et minus cognitarum. // Abhandlungen der Mathematisch-Phisicalischen Classe der Roniglich bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 3, 4: 229-232. |
36. |
Turczaninow N. S. |
1844. |
Plecostigma pauciflorum Turcz. - in Trautvetter E. R. Plantarum imagines et descriptiones floram Russicam illustrantes. Stuttgartiae. Tab. 2 : 8-9. |
37. |
Koch C. |
1849. |
Beitrage zu einer Flora des Oriens. Linneae. 22, 2 : 177-250. |
38. |
Irmisch J.F.T. |
1850. |
Zur Morphologie der monokotylischen Knollen-und Zwiebelgewachse. Reimer : Berlin. 286pp. |
39. |
Irmisch T. |
1850. |
Die Gattung Gagea Salisb. in ihren verbreitetsten einheimischen Arten. - Zur Morfologic der monokotylischen Knollen und Zwiebelgew[a]chse. Berlin. : 20-54. |
40. |
Bunge A. |
1854. |
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Flor Russlands und der Steppen Central-Asiens. - Mem. Acad. Petersb. 6 : 177-536. |
41. |
Hofmeister W. |
1861. |
Neue Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Embryobildung der Phanerogamen. 2. Monokotyledonen. Abh. kongl. Sachs. Ges. Wiss. (7): 629-760. |
42. |
Salisbury R.A. |
1866. |
Genera of plants. London. 143 p. |
43. |
Dulac L. J. |
1867. |
Flore du departement des Hautes-Pyrenees. Paris. 641 p. |
44. |
Regel. |
1876. |
Flora of Turkestan. Izv. obshch. lyubit. estescv. antripol. i etnografii. 21, 2 : 104-117. |
45. |
Boissier E. |
1882. |
Gagea. Flora orientalis. Geneve et Basiliae. 5: 203-211. |
46. |
Boissier E. |
1884. |
Gagea. Flora orientalis. Geneve et Basiliae: H. Georg. 5: 203-211. |
47. |
Tavel F. von. |
1887. |
Die mechanischen Schutzvorrichtungen der Zwiebeln. Ber. dt. bot. Ges. 5: 438-58. |
48. |
Heydrich L. |
1890. |
Beitrage zur vergleichenden Anatomie einiger Zwiebelgewachse. Inaug. Diss. : Halle 32 pp. [G. lutea. ] |
49. |
Flinck J.A. |
1891. |
Om den anatomiska byggnaden hos de vegetativa organen for upplagsnaring. Akad. Afh. Helsingfors. 140 pp. |
50. |
Kanitz A. |
1891. |
Szechenyia m. - A novenytani gyujtesek eredmenyei grof Szechenyi Bela Keletazsiai utjabol (1877-1880). Kolozsvar. : 844-855. |
51. |
Schulze R. |
1893. |
Beitrage zur vergleichenden Anatomie der Liliaceen, Haemodoraceen, Hypoxidoideen und Velloziaceen. Bot. Jb. 17: 295-394. |
52. |
Raunkiaer C. |
1895-99. |
De danske blomsterplanters Naturhistorie. 1. : Kjobenhavn. |
53. |
Shmalgausen I. |
1897. |
Genus Gagea Salisb. ¾ Flora of Average and Southern Russia, Crimea and Northern Caucasia. Kiev. 2: 501-505. |
54. |
Pascher A. |
1904. |
Ubersicht uber die Arten der Gattung Gagea. Lotos. N. F. 24 : 109-131. |
55. |
Scherer P.E. |
1904. |
Studien uber Gefassbundeltypen und Gefassformen. Beih. bot. Zbl. . (16): 67-110. |
56. |
Terracciano A. |
1904. |
Perla priorita della mie Gagearum novarum diagnoses. Palermo. 7 p. [G. afghanica, G. aitchisoniana, G. arvensis, G. bithynica, G. boissieri, G. confusa, G. cossoniana, G. distans, G. dubia, G. durieui, G. fibrosa, G. granatellii, G. haussknechtii ("hausskenechtii", nom. nud.), G. heldreichii, G. iberica, G. lacaitae, G. laevibulbos (nom. nud.), G. linearifolia, G. maroccana, G. mauritanica, G. micrantha, G. minimoides, G. olgae var articulata, G. perpusilla, G. reticulata, G. rhodiaca, G. sintenisii, G. syriaca] |
57. |
Pascher A. |
1905. |
Neue Arten und Varietaten der Gattung Gagea. Fedd. Repert. 1: 193-196. |
58. |
Theorin P.G.E. |
1905. |
Tillagg till kannedomen om vaxttrichomerna. [Nachtrag zur Kenntnis der Trichome bei Pflanzen.] Ark. Bot. 18. 24 pp |
59. |
Terracciano A. |
1905a. |
Gagearum species flore orientalis ad exemplaria imprimis in herbariis Boissier et Barbey servata. - Bull. Herb. Boissier. 5, 11 : 1061-1076. |
60. |
Terracciano A. |
1905b. |
Gagearum species flore orientalis ad exemplaria imprimis in herbariis Boissier et Barbey servata. - Bull. Herb. Boissier. 5, 12 : 1113-1128. |
61. |
Diels L. |
1906. |
Jugendformen und Blutenreife im Pflanzenreich. Berlin. 130 S. |
62. |
Misczenko P. |
1906. |
Genus Gagea Salisb. - in Kusnetzow N., Busch N., Fomin A. Flora Caucasiko critica. Jurjev. 2, 4 : 145-176. |
63. |
Pascher A. |
1906. |
Novae Gageae. - Repert. nov. spec. reg. veg. 2 : 67-68. |
64. |
Sernander R. |
1906. |
Entwurf einer Monographie der europaischen Myrmekochoren. - Kgl. Sven. Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 41, 7, S 410. |
65. |
Terracciano A. |
1906. |
Gagearum species flore orientalis ad exemplaria imprimis in herbariis Boissier et Barbey servata. - Bull. Herb. Boissier. 6, 2 : 105-120. |
66. |
Terracciano A. |
1906. |
Gagearum species flore orientalis ad exemplaria imprimis in herbariis Boissier et Barbey servata. - Bull. Herb. Boissier. 6(2): 105-120. |
67. |
Ascherson P. |
1907. |
Graebner P. Gagea. Synopsis der Mitteleuropaischen Flora. Leipzig, 3: 74-93. |
68. |
Pascher A. |
1907a. |
Gagea bohemica - eine mediterrane Pflanze. Botanische Jahrbucher fur Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie. 39: 306-317. |
69. |
Pascher A. |
1907b. |
Conspectus Gagearum Asiae. Bul. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscau. 19: 352-375. |
70. |
Misczenko P. |
1908. |
The review of species of genus Gagea of a flora of Caucasus and Crimea. ¾ Acta Hort. bot. Univ. imp. Jurjevensis. 9: 57-87. |
71. |
Fomin A., Woronow G. |
1909. |
Determinant of plants of Caucasus and Crimea. Tiflis. 1. 331 p. |
72. |
Briquet J. |
1910. |
Prodrome de la flore Corse. Geneve, Bale & Lyon. 1 : 286. |
73. |
Misczenko P. |
1912-13. |
Gagea Salisb. in Kusnetzov I., Busch E., Fomin A. Flora Caucasica critica. 2(4): 137-176. |
74. |
Salisbury E.J. |
1916. |
The emergences of the aerial organs in woodland plants. J. Ecol. 4: 121-128. |
75. |
Woronow G., Schelkownikow A. |
1916. |
Schedae ad herbarium florae Caucasicae. Fasc. V-VIII (¹¹ 201-400). Tiflis. : 93. |
76. |
Vvedenskyi A.I. |
1923. |
Genus Gagea Salisb. - Determinant of plants of vicinities of Tashkent. Tashkent. 1: 58-62. |
77. |
Grossheim A., Schischkin B. |
1924. |
Schedae ad herbarium "Plantae orientales exsiccatae". Fasc. I-VIII. Tiflis. 52 p. |
78. |
Vvedenskyi A.I. |
1925. |
Genus Gagea Salisb. - The list of plants of a herbarium of a flora of Central Asia. Tashkent. 3: 3-5. Prilozh. k Byull. Sr. As. gos univ. 9. |
79. |
Stenar H. |
1927. |
Ueber die Entwicklung des siebenkernigen Embryosackes bei Gagea lutea Ker. nebst einigen Bemerkungen uber die Reduktions - teilung bei Gagea minima Ker. Svensk. Bot. Tidskr. 21: 344-360. [G. lutea, G. minima] |
80. |
Grossheim A., Schischkin B. |
1928. |
Schedae ad herbarium "Plantae orientales exsiccatae". Fasc. IX-XVI. Tiflis. 92 p. |
81. |
Grossheim A.A. |
1928. |
Flora of Caucasus. Tiflis. 1. 296 p. |
82. |
Krylov P. |
1929. |
Genus Gagea Salisb. - Flora of Western Siberia, ed. 2, Tomsk. 3: 592-602. |
83. |
Vvedenskyi A.I. |
1932. |
Genus Gagea Salisb. - Flora of Turkmenia. Leningrad: Science Academy of USSR publishing. 1, 2 : 257-269. |
84. |
Grossheim A.A. |
1935. |
Genus Gagea Salisb. - Flora of USSR. Leningrad. 4: 61-112, 734-738, img. 6-9, 44. |
85. |
Buxbaum F. |
1936. |
Die Entwicklungslinien der Lilioideae. I. Die Wurmbaeoideae. // -II. Die systematische Stellung der Gattung Gagea. // -III. Die Lilioideae Engl. Bot. Arch. 38. 213-96 (1936). |
86. |
Romanov I.D. |
1936. |
Die Embryosackentwicklung in der Gattung Gagea Salisb. Planta. 25: 438-459. |
87. |
Westergaard M. |
1936. |
A cytological study of Gagea spathacea with a note on the chromosome number and embryo-sac formation in Gagea minima. ¾ Campt. Rend. Trav. Labor. Carlsb. ser. Physiol. 21, 18 : 437-451. |
88. |
Buxbaum F. |
1937. |
Die Entwicklungslinien der Lilioidae. II. Die Systematischen Stellung der Gattung Gagea. Botanische Archiv. 38: 305-389. |
89. |
Florova V.M., Ramenskyi L.G. |
1937. |
Opredelitel rasteniy v netsetuschem sostoyanii dlya sredney chasti SSSR (2 izd.). Leningrad: Selkhozgiz. 1. 431p. |
90. |
Stroh G. |
1937. |
Die Gattung Gagea Salisb. Beihefte Botanische Centrlablatt. 57(B): 485-520. |
91. |
Artemchuk I.V. |
1940. |
Pro novi vidy Gagea Salisb. dlya URSR. - Zhurn. inst. bot. AN URSR. 23(31) : 61-64. |
92. |
Joshi A.C. |
1940. |
Development of tthe embryo sac of Gagea fascicularis Salisb. Bull. Torrey bot. Cl. 67. 155-8. |
93. |
Popov M.G. |
1940. |
Flora Almatinskogo gos. zapovenika. - Trudy Almat. gos. zapovednika. Alma-Ata: Kazizdat. 3, 50 p. |
94. |
Chugayeva G.S. |
1941. |
Materialy k flore Zeravshana . - Trudy Uzb. gos. un. nov. ser. 31, biol. 16 : 1-38. (separate proof-sheet, incomplete). |
95. |
Vvedensyi A.I. |
1941. |
Genus Gagea. - Flora of Uzbekistan. Tashkent : Uzb. depart Sc. Academy of USSR publishing. 1 : 411-426, 541-543. |
96. |
Pascher A. |
1942. |
Uber Wurzeldimorphismus (Korbchenwurzeln) bei Gagea. Beihefte zum Botanischen Centralblatt. 61, A(3): 437-461. |
97. |
Takhtajan A.L. |
1943. |
Sootnosheniya ontogeneza i filogeneza u vysshikh rasteniy. Nauchn. tr. Erevan. gos. univer. 22: 71-176. |
98. |
Bianchi R. |
1946. |
Untersuchengen uber die Fortpflanzunsver-haltnisse von Gagea fistulosa (Ramond) Ker-Gawl. und Lloydia serotina (L.)Rehb. - Ber. Schweiz. Bot. Ges. 56 : 573-582. |
99. |
Popov M.G., Chugayeva G.S. |
1946. |
Materialy do flory doliny Zeravshana v Serendij Azii. - Nauk. zap. L'viv. derzh. un-tu. 4, 3, ser. biol.: 123-163. |
100. |
Vvedensyi A.I. |
1946. |
Novye lileinye Tadzhikistana. - Bot. mat. Bot. inst. AN SSSR. 9, 4-12 : 236-239. |
101. |
Geitler L. |
1948. |
Notizen zur endomitotischen Polyploidi-sierung in Trichocyton und Elaisomen sowie uber Kernstrukturen bei Gagea lutea. - Chromosoma, 3 : 4. |
102. |
Thielke C. |
1948. |
Beitrage zur Entwicklungsgeschichte unifazialer Blatter. Planta. 36. 154-77. |
103. |
Artemchuk I.V. |
1949. |
O polimorfizme v rode Gagea Salisb. - Uchen. zap. Chernovitskogo gos. un. 1, ser. biol. 2 : 92-93. |
104. |
Goloskokov V.P. |
1949. |
Flora i rastitel'nost' vysokogornykh poyasov Zailijskogo Alatau. Alma-Ata: AN KazSSR, 203 p. |
105. |
1952. |
Bolshaya Sovetskaya Entsiklopediya. Leningrad: Sovetskaya Entsikopediya. 13 : 231. |
106. |
Serebryakov I.G. |
1952. |
Morfologiya vegetativnykh ogranov vysshikh rastenij. Moskva: Sov. nauka. 392 p. |
107. |
Schtamm V.A. |
1954. |
K biologii gusinogo luka. - Byull. Gl. bot. sada. 19 : 90-95 |
108. |
Zachariadi C. |
1956. |
O specie noua pentru Flora R. P. R. si unile consideratis asupra heteroriziei genul Gagea. ¾ Comunicarile Academiei Republicii Populare Romine. 6, 12 : 1377-1387. |
109. |
Buxbaum F. |
1958. |
Der Morfologische Typus und die Systematische Stellung der Gattung Calochortus. - Beitrage zur Biologie der Pflanzen. 34, 3 : 405-452. |
110. |
Goloskokov V.P. |
1958. |
Rod Gagea. - Flora Kazakhstana. Alma-Ata: izd-vo AN KazSSR. 2 : 118-134. |
111. |
Maire R. |
1958. |
Flore de l'Afrique du Nord. Paris. 5. 307 p. |
112. |
Uphof J. C. Th. |
1958. |
A review of the genus Gagea Salisb. Herbertia. Plant Life. 14(1): 124-132. |
113. |
Uphof J. C. Th. |
1959. |
A review of the genus Gagea Salisb. - Herbertia. Plant Life. 15, 1 : 151-161. |
114. |
Bochantsev V.P., Butkov A.Ya., Vvedenskyi A.I. |
1960. |
Opredelitel' dikorastuschikh rastenij Golodnoj stepi. - Tr. Tashkent. gos. un. 178, Bot. : 70-71. |
115. |
Uphof J. C. Th. |
1960. |
A review of the genus Gagea Salisb. - Amaryllis. Plant Life. 16, 1 : 163-176. |
116. |
Kasapligil B. |
1961. |
Foliar xeromorphy of certain geophytic monocotyledons. Madro. no 16. 43-70. |
117. |
Bresinsky A. |
1963. |
Bau, Entwicklungsgeschichte und Inhaltsstoffe der Elaiosomen. Studien zur myrmekochoren Verbreitung von Samen und Fruchten. Bibl. Bot., Heft 126, 54 pp. |
118. |
Goloskokov V.P. |
1963. |
Gerbarij tipov rastenij Kazakhstana. - Bot. mat. inst. bot. AN Kaz SSR. 1 : 4-11. |
119. |
Kugler H. |
1963. |
UV-Musterungen auf Bluten und ihr Zustandekommen. Planta. 59. 296-329. |
120. |
Vvedenskyi A.I. |
1963. |
Rod Gagea. - Flora Tadzhikskoj SSR. Moskva-Leningrad: izd-vo AN SSSR. 2 : 212-239. |
121. |
Melchior H. |
1964. |
Engler's A. Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien. Berlin. 2, 520 s. 21. |
122. |
Goryshina T.K. |
1965. |
Anatomical structure of the leaves of early-spring ephemeroids in an oak forest. Vest. Leningrad. Univ. 20. (3): 45-51. [G. lutea.] |
123. |
Gryshina T.K. |
1965. |
Anatomical structure of the leaves of early-spring ephemeroids in an oak forest. Vest. Leningrad. Univ. 20. (3): 45-51. [G. lutea, etc.] |
124. |
Kirpichnikov M.E. |
1965. |
O date publikatsii odnoj vazhnoj raboty A.A.Bunge. - Bot. zhurn. 50, 5 : 728-729. |
125. |
Nair P.K.K., Sharma M. |
1965. |
Pollen morphology of Liliaceae. J. Palynol. 1. 38-61. |
126. |
Nikitin V.V. |
1965. |
Rod Gagea. - Illyustrirovannyj opredelitel rastenij okrestnostej Ashkhabada. Moskva-Leningrad: Nauka. : 80-82. |
127. |
Savchenko MI, Komar GA. |
1965. |
Morphology of the monocotyledonous ovules. pp. 74-113. In: Flower morphology and reproductive process of angiosperms Akad. Nauk SSSR. ed./eds.: Yakovlev, M, S. |
128. |
Vasilchenko I.T. |
1965. |
Neotenicheskiye izmemeniya u rastenij. Moskva-Leningrad: izd-vo Nauka. 84s. |
129. |
Komarov B.M. |
1967. |
Rod Gagea Salisb. - Opredelitel rastenij Severnogo Tadzhikistana. Dushanbe: Donish. : 116-119. |
130. |
Huber H. |
1969. |
Die Samenmerkmale und Verwandtschafts-verhaltnisse der Liliifloren. ¾ Mitt. Bot. Staatssamml. Munchen. 8, 2 : 219-538. |
131. |
Koul A. K., Khan A. U. |
1969. |
Chromosome number of some Hinalayan species of the genus Gagea Salisb. ¾ Sci. and Cult. 35, 12 ; 689-690. |
132. |
Tsagalova V.G. |
1969. |
Rod Gagea Salisb. - Illustrirovannyj opredelitel rastenij Kazakhstana. Alma-Ata: izd-vo Nauka KazSSR. 1 : 166-172. |
133. |
Yelenevskij A.G. |
1969. |
Perspektivy primeneniya politipecheskoi kontseptsii vida v sistematike rastenij. - Zhurn obsch. biol. 30, 2 : 174-185. |
134. |
Greuter W. |
1970. |
The taxonomic position of Lloydia graeca (Liliaceae) and related species. Israel yuornal of botany. 19: 155-160. |
135. |
Baan M.S.M. |
1971. |
Gagea lutea (L.) Ker-Gawl. in Schoorl. Gorteria 5. (11): 264-265. |
136. |
Heyn C.C., Dafni A. |
1971. |
Studies in the genus Gagea (Liliaceae). I. The platyspermous species in Israel and neighbouring areas. Israel J. Bot. 20(3): 214-233. |
137. |
Kamelin R.V. |
1971. |
Vidovoj sostav rastitel'nogo pokrova uscheliya reki Varzob. Vysshiye rasteniya. Flora i rastitel'nost' uscheliya ðåêè Varzob. - Tr. inst. bot. Tadzh. SSR. 22 : 151-213. |
138. |
Khinkova Ts. |
1971. |
Floristichno suobshtenie Gagea bohemica (Zanschn.) Roem. et Schult. [Flora communication on Gagea bohemica (Zanschn.) Roem. et Schult.]. Izv. Bot. Inst. (Sofia) 21. 237-238. |
139. |
Palov V.N. |
1971. |
Obzor vidov roda Gagea Salisb. Zapadnogo Tyan'-Shanya. - Nov. sist. vyssh. rastenij. 1970. Leningrad: Nauka. : 73-83. |
140. |
Pavlov V.N. |
1971. |
Obzor vidov roda Gagea Salisb. Zapadnogo Tyan-Shanya. (Conspectus specierum generis Gagea Salisb. florae Tjan-Schan occidentalis). Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 7. 73-83 (1970 publ. 1971). |
141. |
Sobko V.G. |
1971. |
Dva novykh vida z rodiny Liliaceae. - Ukr. bot. zhurn. 28, 4 : 438-442. |
142. |
Sobko V.G. |
1971. |
Dva novykh vydy z rodyny Liliaceae. (Two new species of the family Liliaceae). Ukr. Bot. Zhurn. 28. (4): 438-442. |
143. |
Vvedenskyi A.I. |
1971. |
Rod Gagea Salisb. - Opredelitel' rastenij Srednej Azii. Tashkent: Fan. 2 : 27-39. |
144. |
Bhatnagar S.P., Johri B.M. |
1972. |
Development of angiosperm seeds. In: Seed biology . Academic Press: New York. ed./eds.: Kozlowski, T, T. pp. 77-149. |
145. |
Davlianidze M.T. |
1972. |
Dannye k tsitotaksonomicheskomu issledovaniyu vidov Gagea ioannis Grossh. i G. glacialis C. Koch. (Addenda ad cognitionem Gagea ioannis Grossh. et G. glacialis C. Koch (cytotaxonomia)). Zam. Sist. Geogr. Rast. (Tbilisi) 29. 76-84. |
146. |
Davlianidze M.T. |
1972. |
Konspekt kavkazskikh predstavitelyej roda Gagea Salisb. I. Zam. po sist. i geogr. rastenij. Tbilisi. 29: 69-75. |
147. |
Davlianidze M.T. |
1972. |
Konspekt kavkazskikh vidov roda Gagea Salisb.: 1. (Generis Gagea Salisb. conspectus specierum Caucasicarum: 1). Zam. Sist. Geogr. Rast. (Tbilisi) 29. 69-75. |
148. |
Kers L.E. |
1972. |
Gagea spathacea i Sodermanland. (Gagea spathacea (Hayne) Salisb. is reported from Sodermanland, Sweden). Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 66. (4): 443-445. |
149. |
Klooster W.P. ten, Lanjouw H. |
1972. |
Gagea lutea (L.) Ker-Gawl. en Gagea spathacea (Hayne) Salisb. in Drente. Gorteria 6. (5): 80-86. |
150. |
Krasnova A.M. |
1972. |
Priazovsl'ki vydy rodu Gagea Salisb. Ukr. bot. zhurn. 29(2): 200-206. |
151. |
Krasnova A.M. |
1972. |
Pryazovs'ki vydy rodu Gagea Salisb. (The Azov Sea area species of the genus Gagea Salisb.). Ukr. Bot. Zhurn. 29. (2): 200-206. |
152. |
Privalova L.A. |
1972. |
Rod Gagea Salisb. - Opredelitel' vysshikh rastenij Kryma. Leningrad: Nauka. : 85-87. |
153. |
Schnedler W. |
1972. |
Ein Vorkommen des Scheiden-Goldsternes (Gagea spathacea (Hayne) Gilib.) im Lahn-Dill-Gebiet. Hess. Flor. Briefe 21. (2): 22-24. |
154. |
Speta F. |
1972. |
Entwicklungsgeschichte und Karyologie von Elaiosomen an Samen und Fruchten. ¾ Natur. Jarhb. Stadt Linz. : 9-65. |
155. |
Stieperaere H. |
1972. |
Gagea lutea (L.) Ker-Gawl. te Hertsberge (prov. West-VI., Belgie). Gorteria 6. (2): 24-27. |
156. |
Accetto M. |
1973. |
Prispevek k poznavanju razsirjenosti vrste Gagea spathacea v Sloveniji. (A contribution to the knowledge of the spread of the species Gagea spathacea in Slovenia). Biol. Vestn. 21. (2): 111-115. |
157. |
Davlianidze M.T. |
1973. |
Konspekt Kavkazskikh predstavitelei roda Gagea Salisb.: 2. (Generis Gagea Salisb. conspectus specierum Caucasicarum: 2). Zam. Sist. Geogr. Rast. (Tbilisi) 30. 62-66. |
158. |
Davlianidze M.T. |
1973. |
Kospekt kavkazskikh predstavitelej roda Gagea Salisb. II. Zametki po sistematike i geografii rastenij. Tbilisi. 30: 62-66. |
159. |
Jansen M.T., Mennema J. |
1973. |
Gagea villosa (Bieb.) Duby in Nederland. Gorteria 6. (8): 125-128. |
160. |
Koul A. K., Khan A. U. |
1973. |
Cytotaxonomical conspectus of the flora Kaschmir (1). Chromosome numbers of some common plants. ¾ Phyton (Asulria). 15,1-2 : 57-66. |
161. |
Love A., Kjellovist E. |
1973. |
Cytotaxonomy of Spanish plants. II. Monocotyledons. - Lagascalia. 3(2) : 147-182. |
162. |
Radulescu D. |
1973. |
Recherches morpho-palynologiques sur la famille lilicaeae. Lucr. Grad. bot. Bucuresti (1973). 133-248. |
163. |
Slob A. |
1973. |
Tulip allergens in Alstroemeria and some other Liliiflorae. Phytochemistry. 12. 811-15. |
164. |
Willis J. C. |
1973. |
A dictionary of the flowering plants and ferns. Cambridge. 1236 p. |
165. |
Dersch G. |
1974. |
Uber Gagea spathacea (Hayne) Salisb. und ihre Verbreitung in den Mittelgebirgslandschaften. Gottinger Flor. Rundbr. 8. (2): 43-50. |
166. |
Gvaladze G.E. |
1974. |
(Sinergidy u nekotorykh vidov roda Gagea). (Synergids of some species of the genus Gagea). Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSR 74. (2): 421-423. |
167. |
Klokov M.V. |
1974. |
Nekotorye vidy, upominaemye v literature, no do sikh por ne opisannye. (Species nonnullae in literature botanica citatae sed adhuc non descriptae.) Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Nizsh. Rast. (Kiev) 1974. 98-117. |
168. |
Klokov M.V. |
1974. |
Nekotorye vidy, upominayemyie v literature, no do sikh por ne opisannyie. - Nov. sist. vyssh. i nizsh. rastenij. Kiev: Naukova dumka. : 98-102. |
169. |
Koch J. |
1974. |
Ein weiterer Fundort von Gagea spathacea (Hayne) Salisb. im sudosteuropaischen Areal. Gottinger Flor. Rundbr. 8. (4): 108-110. |
170. |
Mesicek J, Hrouda L. |
1974. |
Chromosome numbers in Czechoslovak species of Gagea (Liliaceae). Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 9. (4): 359-368. |
171. |
Sobko V.G. |
1974. |
Zirochki zernyasti (Gagea granulosa Turcz.) na Ukraini. - Ukr. bot. zhurn. 31, 1 : 113-116. |
172. |
Sobko V.G. |
1974. |
Zirochky zernyasti (Gagea granulosa Turch.) na Ukrayini. Ukr. Bot. Zhurn. 31. (1): 113-116. |
173. |
El Gazzar A., Badawi A.A. |
1975. |
The taxonomic position of Asparagus L. Phytologia. 29. 472-6. |
174. |
Goloskokov V.P. |
1975. |
Zametka o Gagea vaginata M. Pop. - Bot. mat. inst. bot. AN Kaz SSR. 9 : 7-9. |
175. |
Goloskokov V.P. |
1975. |
Zametka o Gagea vaginata M. Pop. (Nota de Gagea vaginata M. Pop.) Bot. Mater. Gerb. Inst. Bot. Akad. Nauk Kaz. SSR 9. 7 - 9. |
176. |
Koch J. |
1975. |
Richtigstellung zu Gagea spathacea (Hayne) Salisb. Gottinger Flor. Rundbr. 9. (1): 29. |
177. |
Saddiqi S.A, Hashmi S. |
1975. |
The development of female gametophyte in Gagea persica Boiss. Geobios. Jodhpur. 2. 87-8. |
178. |
Saddiqi S.A., Hashmi S. |
1975. |
The development of female gametophyte in Gagea persica Boiss. Geobios (Jodhpur) 2(2-3): 87- 88. |
179. |
Slob A., Jekel B., Jong B., Schlatmann E. |
1975. |
On the occurrence of tuliposides in the Liliiflorae. Phytochemistry. 14: 1997-2005. |
180. |
Williams C.A. |
1975. |
Biosystematics of the Monocotyledoneae-flavonoid patterns in leaves of the Liliaceae. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 3. 229-44. 168 spp. |
181. |
Davlianidze M.T. |
1976. |
Karkazskie predstaviteli roda Gagea Salisb. [Caucasian representatives of the genus Gagea Salisb.] Tbilisi. 159 p. - illus., chromos., key., Abstr. in Ref. Zhurn., 5(2): V504K (1977). Ref. in Bull. Signal., Biol. Physiol. Veg., 39(1): 321 (1978) [G. alexeenkoana, G. anisanthos, G. bulbifera, G. caroli-kochii, G. chanae, G. charadzae, G. chlorantha, G. commutata, G. confusa, G. dubia, G. gageoides, G. germainae, G. glacialis, G. helenae, G. improvisa, G. joannis, G. lutea, G. minima, G. pusilla, G. stipitata, G. sulfurea, G. taurica, G. tenera, G. tenuifolia, G. tenuisimma, G. villosa] |
182. |
Davlianidze M.T. |
1976. |
Kavkazskiye predstaviteli roda Gagea Salisb. Tbilisi. 169 p. [G. alexeenkoana, G. anisanthos, G. bulbifera, G. caroli-kochii, G. chanae, G. charadzae, G. chlorantha, G. commutata, G. confusa, G. dubia, G. gageoides, G. germainae, G. glacialis, G. helenae, G. improvisa, G. joannis, G. lutea, G. minima, G. pusilla, G. stipitata, G. sulfurea, G. taurica, G. tenera, G. tenuifolia, G. tenuisimma, G. villosa] |
183. |
Kausch W., Schumacher W. |
1976. |
Uber die Vorkommen des Wald-Goldsterns (Gagea lutea (L.) Ker-G., Liliaceae) an der Urft und ihren Nebenbachen (Nordeifel). Decheniana 129. 3 - 8. |
184. |
Kobeleva T.P. |
1976. |
Semejstvo Liliaceae. - Flora Severo-Vostoka Evropejskoj chasti SSSR. Leningrad: Nauka. 2 : 110-111. |
185. |
Loode J.W.D., Weeda E.J. |
1976. |
Geelsterren in Twente en het Duitse grensgebied. Levende Nat. 79. (10): 222 - 228 - Illus., maps. |
186. |
Mehra P.N, Sachdeva S.K. |
1976. |
Cytological observations on some W. Himalayan monocots. 11. Smilacaceae, Liliaceae and Trilliaceae. Cytologia. 41. 5-22. |
187. |
Mullerott M. |
1976. |
Zum Vorkommen und zur Morphologie von Gagea-Arten insbesondere von Gagea villosa (Mb.) Duby. Hoppea 35. 279 - 286 - Illus., maps. |
188. |
Koul A.K., Wafai B.A., Wakhlu A.K. |
1976[1977]. |
Studies on the genus Gagea. III. Sporogenesis, early embryogeny and endosperm development in hexaploid Gagea stipitata. Phytomorphology. 26. 255-63. |
189. |
Crockart I.B. |
1977. |
A note on the yellow star of Bethlehem. Forth Nat. Hist. 2. 69 - 70. Abstr. in BSBI Abstr., no.10: p.14 (1980). [G. lutea] |
190. |
Crockart I.B. |
1977. |
A note on the yellow star-of-Bethlehem. Forth. Nat. Hist., 2. 69-70. [G. lutea] |
191. |
Haeupler H. |
1977. |
Bestimmungsschlussel der Gagea-Arten im sudlichen Niedersachsen im blutenlosen Zustand. Gottinger Flor. Rundbr. 11(1). Beiblatt no. 5 - Illus., key. |
192. |
Heyn C.C., Dafni A. |
1977. |
Studies in the genus Gagea (Liliaceae). II.The non-platyspermous species from the Galilee, the Golan Heights and Mt. Hermon. Israel. J. Bot. 26(1): 11 - 22 - Illus., chrom. nos., key. |
193. |
Ivaschenko A.A. |
1977. |
Nobyie gusinyie luki dlya zapovednika Aksu-Dzhabagly. - Bot. mat. gerbariya inst. bot. AN KazSSR. Alma-Ata: Nauka Kaz SSR. 10 : 5-12. |
194. |
Ivashchenko A.A. |
1977. |
Novye gusinye luki dlya Zapovednika Aksu - Dzhabagly. (Species novae Gageae in Reservato Aksu - Dzhabagly crescentes.) Bot. Mater. Gerb. Inst. Bot. Akad. Nauk Kaz. SSR 10. 5 - 12. |
195. |
Jansen M.T. |
1977. |
De Akkergeelster, Gagea villosa in Nederland. Levende Nat. 80. (12): 276 - 279 - Illus., map. |
196. |
Petrova T.F. |
1977. |
Tsitoembryologiya lileinykh. Podsemejstvo Lilioideae. Leningrad: Nauka. 214 p. |
197. |
Vvedensyi A.I. |
1977. |
Rod Gagea Salisb. - Spisok rastenij Gerbariya flory SSSR. Leningrad: Nauka. 21, 111-114 (No 5509-5521) : 6 - 10. |
198. |
Weinert E. |
1977. |
Was ist Gagea pomeranica Ruthe? Mitt. Flor. Kart. Halle 3. (1): 75 - 79. Ref. in Excerpta Bot. A, 33(3): p.192 (1979). |
199. |
Wittenberger G. |
1977. |
Bemerkungen zu Gagea pomeranica Ruthe. Mitt. Flor. Kart. Halle 3. (2): 49 - 52. Ref. in Excerpta Bot., A, 33(3): p.193 (1979). |
200. |
Wittenberger G. |
1977. |
Bemerkungen zu Gagea pomeranico Ruthe. Mitt. Flor. Kart. Halle, 3. (2): 49-52 - illus., key. |
201. |
Zoz I.G., Kultenko U.S. |
1977. |
O bolee redkikh i novykh rasteniyakh Khar'kovskoj oblasti. - Nov. sist. vyssh. i nizsh. rastenij. 1976. Kiev: Naukova dumka. : 125-130. |
202. |
Gabrielyan E.Ts, Gusyan K.E. |
1978. |
Dva novykh dlya Armenii vida iz roda Gagea (Liliaceae). (Two new species of the genus Gagea (Liliaceae).) Biol. Zhurn. Arm. 31. (3): 331. [G. lutea, G. minima] |
203. |
Haeupler H. |
1978. |
Determinatietabel voor Gagea-soorten in niet-bloeiende toestand. Gorteria 9. (1): 6 - 7 - key. |
204. |
John H, Zenker E. |
1978. |
Beobachtungen zum Auftreten der Gattung Gagea Salisb. in der Umgebung von Halle. Mitt. Flor. Kart. Halle 4. (1): 44 - 50 - Abstr. in Excerpta Bot., A, 36(2): p.114 (1981). |
205. |
Komar G.A. |
1978. |
Arills and arill-like formations in some Liliales. Bot. Zh. SSSR. 63. 937-55. |
206. |
Komar G.A. |
1978. |
Arillusy i arillusopodobnyie obrazovaniya u nekotorykh Liliales. - Bot. zhurn. 63, 7 : 937-955. |
207. |
Richardson I.B.K. |
1978. |
Short notes. Gagea Salisb. in Heywood Flora Europea. Notulae Systematicae ad Floram Europaeam spectans. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 76. (4): 356. |
208. |
Ruiz Rejon M. |
1978. |
Estudios cariologicos en especies espanolas de orden Liliales. III. Familia Liliaceae. Anal. Inst. Bot. A.J. Cavanilles. 34. 733-59. |
209. |
Wakhlu A.K, Koul A.K. |
1978. |
Studies on the genus Gagea: 7. Polyploidy in relation to structure and development of seed in tetraploid, hexaploid and octaploid species. J. Indian Bot. Soc. 57 suppl.. 76. Abstract only. |
210. |
Yelenevskij A.G. |
1978. |
Sistematika i geografiya veronik SSSR i prilezhaschikh stran. Leningrad: Nauka. 259p. |
211. |
Nair P.K.K, Chaturvedi M. |
1978[1979]. |
An analysis of pollen morphotypes in some Indian monocotyledons. J. Palynol. 14. 101-7. |
212. |
Andersen I.L. |
1979. |
(New records of Gagea lutea L. in Troms County, north Norway.) Polarflokken 3. 9 - 10 (1979) - Ref. in Excerpta Bot. A, 36(1): p.53 (1981). |
213. |
Davlianidze M.T. |
1979. |
Rod Gagea Salisb. - Flora Evropejskoj chasti SSSR. Leningrad: Nauka. 4 : 220-231. |
214. |
Fedorov Al.A., Artyushenko Z.T. |
1979. |
Atlas po opisatelnoj morfologii vysshikh rastenij. Sotsvetiye. Leningrad: Nauka. 295p. |
215. |
Gvaladze G.E. |
1979. |
Asynchronous division in embryo and endosperm in Liliaceae. Proc. Indian natn. Sci. Acad., B,. 45. 596-604. |
216. |
Sollman F. |
1979. |
Nieuwe vindplaatsen van Gagea villosa (Bieb.) Duby in het rivierengebied. Gorteria 9. (7-8): 270 - 273 - map. |
217. |
Weeda E.J. |
1979. |
Voorkomen en standplaats van Gagea lutea (L.) Ker-Gawl. in Nederland. Gorteria 9. (7-8): 257 - 270 - map. |
218. |
Chupov V.S., Kutyavina N.G. |
1980. |
[Phylogeny of some groups of Liliales based on the data of serological analysis.] pp.101-10 in: Systematics and evolution of higher plants (ed. Zhilin, S.G.). Nauka: Leningrad. [Russ.only.] |
219. |
Friheden J, Jonsson J. |
1980. |
Luddvarloken, Gagea villosa, in Trelleborg 1977. (Gagea villosa in the town of Trelleborg, S. Sweden.) Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 74. (1): 54. |
220. |
Graaf D.T. de, Simons W. |
1980. |
De Akkergeelster (Gagea villosa (Bieb.) Duby) weer in Zuid Limburg gevonden. Natuurhist. Maandblad 69. (6-7): 137-140 - map. |
221. |
Marceno C., Colombo P. |
1980. |
Gagea busambarensis (Tin.) Parl. specie rara e dubbia riscoperta recentemente a Rocca Busambra (Palermo). Lav. Ist. Orto Bot. Univ. Palermo, no.24. 7p. - Illus., map. Previously publ. in Atti dell'Accademia di Scienze Lettere e Arti di Palermo, ser. 4, 38(1): 3 - 9 (1978 - 79). |
222. |
Montserrat P. |
1980. |
Gagea del herbario Jaca y otras novedades floristicas. - Anales del Jardin Botanico de Madrid. 37(2) : 619-627. |
223. |
Oganezova G.G. |
1980. |
Ob anatomicheskoj strukture semennoj i plodovoj obolochek lilejnykh v svyazi s sistematikoj semejstva (podsem. Lilioideae s. str.). - Biol. zhurn. Armenii. 33, 5 : 487-496. |
224. |
Prugger O. |
1980. |
Die Verbreitung des Wiesen-Gelbsternes, Gagea pratensis (Pers.) Dum., in Karnten. Carinthia II 90. 247 - 250 - map. |
225. |
Raabe E.-W. |
1980. |
Zu Gagea pratensis, dem Wiesen-Goldstern, in Schleswig-Holstein. Kieler Not. Pflanzenk. Schleswig-Holstein, 12. (3-4): 50-55 - map. |
226. |
Richardson I. B. K. |
1980. |
Gagea Salisb. - Flora Europaea. Cambridge. 5 : 26-28. |
227. |
Rogers J.A. |
1980. |
(The discovery in Wales of Gagea bohemica.) B.S.E. News, no.30. 2 - 3. |
228. |
Schue L. Z. |
1980. |
Gagea Salisb. - Flora reipublicae popularis Sinicae. Science Press. 14 : 65-79, 282. 12 |
229. |
Schulze W. |
1980. |
Beitrage zur Taxonomie der Liliifloren. VI. Der Umfang der Liliaceae. Wiss Z. Friedrich-Schiller-Univ. math.-naturw. Reihe. 29. 607-36. |
230. |
Slater F. |
1980. |
Gagea bohemica - a new British record. Nat. Wales 17. (1): 47 - Illus. |
231. |
Bajtenov I.O. |
1981. |
Gusinyj luk novyj Popova. - Krasnaya kniga Kazakhskoj SSR. Alma-Ata: Nauka KazSSR, 2, 262 p. |
232. |
Baranova M.V. |
1981. |
Ekologo-morfologicheskiye osobennostipodzemnykh ordanov u predstavitelej roda Fritillaria (Liliaceae). - Bot. zhurn. 66. 10 : 1369-1387. |
233. |
Chupov V.S., Kutiavina N.G. |
1981. |
Serological studies in the order Liliales. 1. Bot. Zh. SSSR 66. 75-81. [Russ. only]. |
234. |
Levchev I.G. |
1981. |
Novyie vidy roda Gagea (Liliaceae) iz Zapadnogo Tyan'-Shanya. - Bot. zhurn. 66, 11 : 1635-1645. |
235. |
Levichev I.G. |
1981. |
Novye vidy roda Gagea (Liliaceae) iz zapadnogo Tyan'-Shanya. (The new species of the genus Gagea (Liliaceae) from the western Tian-Shan.) Bot. Zhurn. 66. (11): 1635 - 1645 - illus. |
236. |
Levichev I.G. |
1981. |
The new species of the genus Gagea (Liliaceae) from the Western Tian-Shan. Bot. Zh. SSSR. 66. 1633-45. |
237. |
Montserrat Recoder P. |
1981. |
Gagea del herbario Jaca y otras novedades floristicas. (Gagea from the Jaca herbarium and other floristic novelties.) An. Jard. Bot. Madrid, 37. (2): 619 - 627 (1980 publ. 1981) - maps. Proceedings of the Third Meeting, OPTIMA, Madrid, 8 - 13 Sept. 1980. |
238. |
Raabe U. |
1981. |
Goldsternvorkommen auf Friedhofen des ostlichen Munsterlandes. Gottinger Flor. Rundbr. 15. (4): 77 - 82 - map. |
239. |
Rix E.M., Woods R.G. |
1981. |
Gagea bohemica (Zauschner) J.A. & J.H. Schultes in the British Isles and a general review of the G. bohemica species complex. Watsonia 13. (4): 265 - 270 - illus., map. |
240. |
Anon. |
1982. |
Found: an ice age lily. Amat. Gard., 97. (5051): 3 - illus. [G. bohemica] |
241. |
Dubois J., Dubois-Tylski T. |
1982. |
Une station de Gagea lutea (L.) Ker-Gawler dans le nord de la France. (A new location for Gagea lutea (L.) Ker-Gawler in northern France.) Bull. Soc. Bot. Nord France 35. (1-2): 13-14. |
242. |
Levichev I.G. |
1982. |
Novye vidy gusinykh lukov ( Gagea Salisb., Liliaceae) iz rodstva Gagea capussi Terr. (Generis Gagea Salisb. (Liliaceae) species novae ex affinitate Gagea capussi Terr.) Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 19. 62-67 - illus., key. |
243. |
Levichev I.G. |
1982. |
Novye vidy roda Gagea iz Srednei Azii. (Species novae generis Gagea ex Asia Media.) Bot. Mater. Gerb. Inst. Bot. Akad. Nauk Uzb. SSR 20. 17-29. |
244. |
Moore P.D. |
1982. |
A new British flower Nature 295. 189. |
245. |
Mordak E.V. |
1982. |
Lileijnyie. Zhizn' rastenij. [Liliaceae. Life of the plants.] Moskva. 6: 72-91. |
246. |
Netien G. |
1982. |
Gagea saxatilis Merk. et Koch. (= G. bohemica (Zausch) R.S. s.sp. Saxatilis Koch. (Merk. et Koch.) Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 51. (1): 32. |
247. |
Page J.F. |
1982. |
A Gagea discovery. Quart. Bull. Alp. Gard. Soc., 50. (4): 348-349. [G. bohemica] |
248. |
Schnedler W. |
1982. |
Uber die beiden Goldstern-Arten unserer Acker, Gagea pratensis (Pers.) Dum. und Gagea villosa (MB.) Duby. Gottinger Flor. Rundbr., 16. (1-2): 29-34 - illus. |
249. |
Zolotukhin N.I. |
1982. |
Rod Gagea Salisb. (Liliaceae) v gornom Altae. (Genus Gagea Salisb. (Liliaceae) in Altae montano) Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 19. 67-72 - maps, key. |
250. |
Levichev I.G. |
1982a. |
Novyie vidy roda Gagea iz Srednej Azii. Bot. mat. gerbariya inst. bot. AN UzSSR. Tashkent. 20: 17-28. |
251. |
Levichev |
1982b. |
Novyie vidy gusinykh lukov (Gagea Salisb. Liliaceae) iz rodstva Gagea capusii Terr. Nov. sist. vyssh. rastenij. Leningrad. 19: 62-67. [G, calyptrifolia, G. brevistolonifera, G. capusii, G. pedata, G. praemixta, G. turkestanica] |
252. |
Dasgupta S., Deb D.B. |
1983. |
A new species of the genus Gagea Salisb. (Liliaceae). Candollea 38(2): 477-479 - illus. G. chitralensis. |
253. |
Komar G.A. |
1983. |
Morphology of Liliaceae ovules. Bot. Zh. SSSR 68. |
254. |
Levichev I.G. |
1983. |
Novye vidy roda Gagea (Liliaceae) iz zapadnogo Tyan'- Shanya. (New species of the genus Gagea (Liliaceae) from West Tian-Schan. Bot. Zhurn. 68. (10): 1416-1420 - illus. |
255. |
Levichev I.G. |
1983. |
Sovremennye tsentry mnogoobraziya vidov roda Gagea. In: Tez. dokl. 7 Delegat. s'ezda Vses. botan. o-va, Donetsk, 11-14 maya, 1983.(Leningrad). pp.23-24 - Abstr. in Ref. Zhurn., Biol., 7(2): V 590 (1984). |
256. |
Ludwig W. |
1983. |
Uber Gagea minima in Hessen. Hess. Flor. Briefe, 32. (2): 18-22. |
257. |
Popov M.G. |
1983. |
Osnovy florogenetiki. - Filogeniya, florogenetika, florogeografiya, sistematika. Izbr. tr. v 2-kh ch. Kiev: Naukova dumka. 1 : 132-237. |
258. |
Popov M.G. |
1983. |
Osobennosti flory Dal'nego Vostoka sravnitel'no s evropejskoj. - Filogenija, florogenetika, florogeografiya, sistematika. Izbr. tr. v 2-kh ch. Kiev: Naukova dumka. 1 : 238-269. |
259. |
Prugger O. |
1983. |
Zur Verbreitung des kleinen Gelbsternes, Gagea minima (L.) Ker - Gawler, nebst Nachtragen zur Verbreitung des Wiesen - Gelbsternes, Gagea pratensis (Persoon) Dumortier. Carinthia II, 93. 119-122 - map. |
260. |
Raabe U. |
1983. |
Ackergoldstern ( Gagea villosa (M.B.) Duby) und Wiesengoldstern ( Gagea pratensis (Pers.) Dum.) auf Friedhofen des Munsterlandes Gottinger Flor. Rundbr. 16. (3-4): 100-102 - map. |
261. |
Stearn W.T. |
1983. |
The Linnaean species of Ornithogalum (Liliaceae). Ann. Mus. Goulandris. 6: 139-170. |
262. |
Levichev I.G. |
1983a. |
Novyie vidy roda Gagea (Liliaceae) iz Zapadnogo Tyan'-Shanya. Bot. zhurn. 68(10): 1416- 1420. |
263. |
Levichev I.G. |
1983b. |
Sovremennyie tsentrymnogoobraziya vidov roda Gagea. Tez. dokl. VII delegatskogo s'ezda VBO. Leningrad. : 23-24. |
264. |
Chupov V.S. |
1984. |
Systematic position of the Liliaceae s. str. (sub-family Lilioideae of the family Liliaceae s. l.) Serological investigation. Bot. Zh. SSSR. 69. 762-71. |
265. |
Elmanova O.N., Smolskaya E.N., Bobokhonova K.Kh. |
1984. |
Ekologo-biologicheskiye osobennosti gusinogo luka mohnatogo - Gagea villosa Vved. - v usloviyakh predgorij yuzhnogo sklona Gissarskogo khrebta. - Izv. AN Tadzh. SSR. Otd. biol. nauk. 1: 12-18. |
266. |
Meure B., Strack D., Wiermann R. |
1984. |
The systematic distribution of ferulic acid-sucrose esters in anthers of the Liliaceae. Pl. med. 50: 376-380. |
267. |
Rix E.M. |
1984. |
Gagea Salisb. Flora of Turkey. Edinburgh. 8: 312-327. |
268. |
Sopova M, Starova U, Matveeva J. |
1984. |
Study in the genus Gagea: 1. Cytotaxonomy of some Gagea species from Macedonia. Fragm. Balcan. Mus. Macedon. Sci. Nat., 12. (7): 47-61. |
269. |
Speta F. |
1984. |
Zwiebeln-versteckte Vielfacher Form. Linzer Biol. Beitr 16. (1): 3-44. |
270. |
Fischer W. |
1985. |
Zum Vorkommen von Gagea bohemica ssp. saxatilis im Potsdamer Gebiet. Gleditschia, 13. (2): 257-259. |
271. |
Gamisans J. |
1985. |
Catalogus plantarum vasculare Corsice. Roma. : 12. |
272. |
Komar G.A. |
1985. |
Sem. Liliaceae. - Sravnitel'naya anatomiya semyan. Odnodol'nyie. Leningrad: Nauka. 1 : 71-76. |
273. |
Koul A.K., Wakhlu A.K. |
1985. |
Studies on the genus Gagea (5). embryology of Gagea reticulata Schult. J. Jap. bot. 60. 361-9. |
274. |
Takhtajan A., (ed.). |
1985. |
Comparative anatomy of seeds. Vol. I. Izdat. Nauka : Leningrad. 318 pp. |
275. |
Wendelbo P., Stuart D. |
1985. |
Gagea Salisb. - Flora of Iraq. Baghdad. 8: 65-75. |
276. |
1986. |
Biologicheskij entsiklopedicheskij slovar'. Moskva. 831 p. |
277. |
Accetto M. |
1986. |
Gagea spathacea v Sloveniji. (Gagea spathacea in Slovenia.) Biol. Vestn., 34. (1): 125-126 - map. |
278. |
Badawi A.A., Elwan Z. |
1986. |
A taxonomic study of Liliaceae sensu lato: I. Numerical analysis. II. Evaluation of Engler's subfamilies. Phytologia. 60. 201-13; 214-21. 255 spp. |
279. |
Baranova M.V. |
1986. |
Struktura, klassifikatsiya n napravleniye evolyutsionnukh preobrazovanij vegetativnukh organov lukovichnykh rastenij sem. Liliaceae. - Bot. zhurn. 71, 10 : 1308-1320. |
280. |
Baranova M.V. |
1986. |
The structure, classification and trends in evolutionary transformations of vegetative organs of the Liliaceae family bulb plants. Bot. Zh. SSSR. 71. 1308-20. |
281. |
Chupov V.S. |
1986. |
Nekotoryie osobennosti evolyutsii tychinki i chastej okolotsvetnika pokrytosemennykh. - Bot. zhurn. 71, 3 : 323-333. |
282. |
Espinosa Jimenez A., Fernandez Lopez C. |
1986. |
Notas para la flora de Jaen: 4. Liliales. (Notes on the flora of the province of Jaen (Spain): 4. Liliales.) Stud. Bot. (Salamanca) 5. 119-122. |
283. |
Havrenne A., Moreau F. |
1986. |
Une espece rare, a la limite meridionale de son aire de distribution: Gagea spathacea (Hayne) Salisb. Nat. Mosana 39. (4): 96-99. |
284. |
Krasovskaya L.S., Levichev I.G. |
1986. |
Flora Chatkalskogo zapovednika. Tashkent. 173 p. |
285. |
Rechinger K.H. |
1986. |
Six new species of Gagea (Liliaceae) from the flora Iranica area. Pl. Syst. Evol., 153(3-4): 287-292. |
286. |
Dasgupta S., Deb D.B. |
1986a. |
Taxonomic revision of the genus Gagea Salisb. (Liliaceae) in India and adjoining regions. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 83(1): 78-97 - illus., map, chrom. nos., keys. |
287. |
Dasgupta S., Deb D.B. |
1986b. |
A new species of Gagea (Liliaceae) from Pakistan. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 83(1): 164-165 - illus. [G. toppinii] |
288. |
Davlianidze M.T., Levichev I.G. |
1987. |
Chisla khromosom vidov roda Gagea (Liliaceae) iz Srednei Azii. (Chromosome numbers in species of the genus Gagea (Liliaceae) from Central Asia.) Bot. Zhurn. 9. 1271-2272. |
289. |
Davlianidze M.T., Levichev I.G. |
1987. |
Chisla khromosom vidov roda Gagea (Liliaceae) iz Srednej Azii. Bot. zhurn. 72(9): 1271-1272. |
290. |
Duvigneaud J. |
1987. |
Gagea spathacea, L'une des especies les plus rares et les plus difficiles a determiner de la flore Francaise. Monde Pl. 82. (429-430): 16-17. |
291. |
Illig H. |
1987. |
Aufruf zur Kartierung der Goldsterne (Gagea Salisbury) in Brandenburg. Gleditschia 15. (2): 301-304. |
292. |
Takhtajan A.L. |
1987. |
Sistema magnoliyefitov. [System of the magnoliophytes.] Leningrad: Nauka. 439p. |
293. |
Zolotukhin N.I. |
1987. |
Rod Gagea. - Flora Sibiri (Araceae - Orchidaceae). Novosibirsk: Nauka. 4 : 49-54. |
294. |
Bayer E., Lopez Gonzalez G. |
1988. |
Sobre la presencia de Gagea wilczekii Br. -Bl. & Maire - un supuesto emdemismo del Atlas - en la Peninsula Iberica. Anal. Jard. Bot. Madrid. 45. 181-7. |
295. |
Bayer E., Lopez-Gonzalez G. |
1988. |
Sobre la presencia de Gagea wilczekii Br. Bl. y Maire - un supuesto endemismo del Atlas - en la Peninsula Iberica. (Gagea wilczekii, a supposed endemic species from the Atlas, in the Iberian Peninsula.) An. Jard. Bot. Madrid 45. (1): 181-187 - illus. |
296. |
Belyaeva N.S. |
1988. |
Embryology of Gagea stipitata Merckl. ex Bunge (Liliaceae). Izv. Akad. Nauk turkmen. SSR, ser. biol. Nauk (4),. . 3-11. Illus. |
297. |
Bolos O., Masalles R. M., Vigo J. |
1988. |
Notes sobre monocotiledonies. ¾ Collectanea Botanica (Barselona). 17(1) : 95-96. |
298. |
Chupov V.S, Nemirovich Danchenko E.N. |
1988. |
Morphological and anatomical features of seeds in members of some groups of monocotyledons in connection with their systematics. Bot. Zh. SSSR. 73. 952-64. |
299. |
Kosenko V.N., Levichev I.G. |
1988. |
Morfologiya pyl'tsy rodov Gagea i Lloydia (Liliaceae). Bot. zhurn. 73(7): 965-975. |
300. |
Kosenko V.N., Levichev I.G. |
1988. |
Morfologiya pyl'tsy rodov Gagea i Lloydia (Liliaceae). (Pollen morphology in the genera Gagea and Lloydia (Liliaceae).) Bot. Zhurn 73. (7): 965-976 - illus. |
301. |
Kosenko V.N., Levichev I.G. |
1988. |
Pollen morphology in the genera Gagea and Lloydia (Liliaceae). Bot. Zh. SSSR 73. 965-76. [Russ.; Eng. summ.] + 4 plates. [37 Gagea spp., 2 Lloydia spp.] |
302. |
Levichev I.G. |
1988. |
Novye vidy roda Gagea (Liliaceae) iz zapadnoi chasti Tyan'shanya. (New species of the genus Gagea (Liliaceae) from the western part of Tien Shan.) Bot. Zhurn. 73. (11): 1617-1623 - illus. [5 spp. nov.] |
303. |
Levichev I.G. |
1988. |
Novyie vidy Gagea (Liliaceae) iz zapadnoj chasti Zapadnogo Tyan'-Shanya. Bot. zhurn. 73(11): 1617-1623. |
304. |
Moreau F, Duvigneaud J. |
1988. |
Trouvailles floristiques. Nouvelle localites de Gagea spathacea (Hayne) Salisb. Nat. Mosana 41. (4): 137. |
305. |
Plyushch T.A. |
1988. |
On the synergid functions in angiosperms. Bot. Zh. SSSR 73. 1140-6. [Russ. only] + 2 plates. |
306. |
Plyushch T.A. |
1988. |
Types of fertilization in angiosperms. Ukrain. bot. Zh. 45 (1), 32-5. [Ukrain. + 2 plates. Bot. Zh. . 24-33. [Russ.; Eng. summ.] + 2 plates. |
307. |
Raabe U. |
1988. |
Zum Vorkommen von Goldstern-Arten (Gagea spec.) und Wilder Tulpe (Tulipa sylvestris) auf Kirch- und Friedhofen im Raum Hamburg - Lauenburg. Flor. Rundbr. 21. (2): 104-106. |
308. |
Bayer E., Lopez-Gonzalez G. |
1989. |
Nomenclatural notes on some names in Gagea Salisb. (Liliaceae). Taxon 38(4): 643-645. 2 comb. nov. |
309. |
Kotukhov Yu.A. |
1989. |
Novyi vid roda Gagea (Liliaceae) iz Yuzhnogo Altaya. (A new species of the genus Gagea (Liliaceae) from the Southern Altai.) Bot. Zhurn. 74. (11): 1663-1664. [G. azutavica] |
310. |
Kotukhov Yu.A. |
1989. |
Novyj vid roda Gagea (Liliaceae) iz Yuzhnogo Altaya. - Bot. zhurn. 74, 11 : 1663-1664. |
311. |
Markovic L., Mikulic S. |
1989. |
Gagea spathacea (Hayne) Salisb. u flori Hrvatske. (Gagea spathacea (Hayne) Salisb. in the flora of Croatia.) Acta Bot. Croat. 48. 169-172. |
312. |
Yoshie F., Yoshida S. |
1989. |
Wintering forms of perennial herbs in the cool temperate regions of Japan. Can. J. Bot. 67. 3563-9. |
313. |
Balodi B., Uniyal B.P. |
1990. |
A new variety of Gagea pamirica Grossh. from Himachal Pradesh. - Bulletin of Botanical Survey of India. 1988. 30, 1-4 : 178. |
314. |
Baranova M.V. |
1990. |
Lilii. Leningrad. 384 p. |
315. |
Batygina T.B., Yakovlev M.S., (eds.). |
1990. |
Comparative embryology of flowering plants. Monocotyledones. Butomaceae - Lemnaceae. Nauka : Leningrad. 332 pp. |
316. |
Levichev I.G. |
1990. |
Konspekt roda Gagea (Liliaceae) Zapadnogo Tyan'-Shanya Bot. zhurn. 75(2): 225-234. |
317. |
Levichev I.G. |
1990. |
Konspekt roda Gagea (Liliaceae) Zapadnogo Tyan'-Shanya. (The synopsis of the genus Gagea (Liliaceae) from the Western Tien-Shan.) Bot. Zhurn. 75. (2): 225-234. |
318. |
Levichev I.G. |
1990. |
O Vozrastnoj izmenchivosti i gibridizatsii u nekotorykh predstavitelej Gagea (Liliaceae). Bot. zhurn. 75(5): 658-667, ill. [G. x absurda, G. bulbifera var. nuda, G. bulbifera, G. bulbifera, G. calantha, G. chlorantha, G. chomutowae, G. ova, G. rufidula, G. stepposa, G. stipitata, G. subtilis, G. x turanica, G. x vaga] |
319. |
Levichev I.G. |
1990. |
On age variation and hybridization of some representatives of Gagea (Liliaceae). Bot. Zhurn. 75. (5): 658-667 - illus. [G. x absurda, G. bulbifera var. nuda, G. bulbifera, G. bulbifera, G. calantha, G. chlorantha, G. chomutowae, G. ova, G. rufidula, G. stepposa, G. stipitata, G. subtilis, G. x turanica, G. x vaga] |
320. |
Lopez Gonzalez G. |
1990. |
Taxonomia y biogeografia del genero Gagea subgenero Gagea // II Jornadas de taxonomia vegetal. Resumenes de conferencias (Madrid 24-27 05.1990). : 31-34. |
321. |
Wendelbo P., Rechinger K. H. |
1990. |
Gagea. In Rechinger K.H. Flora Iranica. Liliaceae. II. Graz - Austria. 165. : 13-57, tab. 1-42. |
322. |
Levichev I.G. |
1990c. |
Chto takoye Gagea pseudoerubescens Pasch. (Liliaceae). Nov. sist. vyssh. rastenij. Leningrad. 27: 22-25. |
323. |
Levichev I.G. |
1990d. |
N 6984. Gagea ucrainica Klok. Spicok rastenij Gerbariya Flory SSSR. Leningrad. 27, 137-143: 59. |
324. |
Bayer E., Lopez Gonzalez G. |
1991. |
The plants called "Gagea nevadensis" in the Iberian Peninsula. Bot. Chronika 10. 845-852 - Maps, Chromosome numbers. Proceedings of the 6th OPTIMA meeting, Delphi, 10-16 September 1989. |
325. |
Levichev I.G. |
1991. |
Novye vidy roda Gagea (Liliaceae) iz zapadnogo Tyan'-Shan. (New species of the genus Gagea (Liliaceae) from the western Tian-Shanya.) Bot. Zhurn. 76. (7): 999-1004 - illus. Icones. 3 spp. nov. |
326. |
Levichev I.G. |
1991. |
Novyie vidy roda Gagea (Liliaceae) iz zapadnogo Tyan'-Shanya. Bot. zhurn. 76(7): 999-1004. |
327. |
Moreau F. |
1991. |
Travailles floristiques: nouvelles localites de Gagea spathacea. Nat. Mosana 44. (4): 94-95. |
328. |
Bizot A., Lion J.P., Yungmann B. |
1992. |
Gagea spathacea enfin retrouve dans le departement des Ardennes. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Ardennes 82. 27-28 - Anatomy and morphology. |
329. |
Kosenko V.N. |
1992. |
Pollen morphology and systematic problems of the Liliaceae family. Bot. Zh., ross. Akad. Nauk 77, 3. 1-15. [Russ.; Eng. summ.] + 2 plates. |
330. |
Amat R. |
1993. |
Gagea foliosa Roem. et Sch. dans les Alpes-de-Haute-Provence. Monde Pl. 88. (447): 11-12. |
331. |
Anzalone B. |
1993. |
Il genere Gagea Salisb. nel Lazio (con cenni ad Abruzzo e Puglia). Ann. Bot. (Italy) 49. (Suppl.8): 89-100 (1991 publ. 1993). |
332. |
Kerguelen M. |
1993. |
Index synonymique de la Flore de France. Paris. 196 p. |
333. |
Levichev I.G. |
1993. |
N 7182. Gagea pauciflora Turcz. Ex Ledeb. Spisok rastenij Gerbariya Flory Rossii i sopredel'nykh gosudarstv, izdavaemyj Botanicheskim institutom im. V. L. Komarova Rossijskoj Akademii nauk. 28(144-149, No 7151-7450). S.-Petersburg. : 59 [1992, published 1993]. |
334. |
Murzalieva G.Zh. |
1993. |
Novyi vid roda Gagea Salisb. s. r. Sarycu. (New kind of Gagea Salisb. species of Sarysu.) Izv. Natsion. Akad. Nauk Resp. Kazakhstan, Ser. Biol. 6. (180): 93-94. [G. sarysuensis] |
335. |
Oganezowa G.G. |
1993. |
The embryo structure in the Liliaceae and their relatives and a possibility of its application to systematics. Bot. Zh., ross. Akad. Nauk. 78. (12): 9-23. |
336. |
Prosser F. |
1993. |
Segnalazioni floristiche italiane: 717-721. Inform. Bot. Ital. 24. (3): 212-214 (1992 publ. 1993). |
337. |
Chupov V.S. |
1994. |
Filogeniya i sistema poryadkov Liliales i Asparagales. Bot. zhurn. 79, 3 : 1-12. |
338. |
Celka Z. |
1995. |
Rozmieszczenie gatunkow z rodzaju Gagea Salisb. w Wielkopolsce. (Distribution of the genus Gagea Salisb. in the Wielkopolska region.) Badan. Fizjogr. Pol. Zachod., B 44. 109-132. |
339. |
Cherepanov S.K. |
1995. |
Sosudistyie rasteniya Rossii i sopredel'nykh gosudarstv. S.-Petersburg. 992 p. |
340. |
Cuccuini P, Luccioli E. |
1995. |
Tipificazione de Ornithogalum spathaceum Hayne (Liliaceae) e presenza di Gagea spathacea (Hayne) Salisb. nella flora italiana. (Typification of Ornithogalum spathaceum Hayne (Liliaceae) and presence of Gagea spathacea (Hayne)Salisb. in Italian flora) Webbia 49. (2): 253-264 - illus. |
341. |
Minutillo F. |
1995. |
Segnalazioni floristiche italiane: 768-773. Inform. Bot. Ital. 26. (2-3): 221-223 (1994 publ. 1995). |
342. |
Levichev I.G. |
1996. |
Rod Gagea Salisb. Zapadnogo Tyan'-Shanya. Dissertatsiya na soiskaniye uchenoj stepeni kandidata biologicheskikh nauk. S.-Petersburg. 183 p. [manuscript in Komarov Institute library] |
343. |
Levichev I.G. |
1996. |
Rog Gagea Salisb. Zapadnogo Tyan'-Shanya. Avtoref. diss. ... kand. biol. nauk. S.-Peterburg. 23 p. |
344. |
Tison J.M. |
1996. |
Le Gagea du Petit Luberon. Monde Pl. 91. (455): 17. |
345. |
Tison J.M. |
1996. |
Revision des Gagea du groupe Bohemica en France. Monde Pl. 91. (455): 11-17 - illus. |
346. |
Askerova R.K. |
1997. |
Novyi vid roda Gagea (Liliaceae) iz Azerbaidzhana. (A new species of the genus Gagea (Liliaceae) from Azerbaijan.) Bot. Zhurn. 82. (11): 84-85. [G. gadzhievii] |
347. |
Bayer E., Lopez Gonzalez G. |
1997. |
Die Gattung Gagea Salisb. auf der Iberischen Halbinsel und den Balearen. Haussknechtia no.7. 7-8. Summary only. |
348. |
Krichfalushii V.V., Sabadosh V.I. |
1997. |
Khorologichni ta ekologo-fitotsenotichni osoblivosti Gagea spathacea (Hayne) Salisb. (Liliaceae) na Zakarpatti. (Chorological, ecological and phytocenotic peculiarities of Gagea spathacea (Hayne) Salisb. (Liliaceae) in Transcarpathia.) Ukr. Bot. Zhurn. 54. (4): 365-369. |
349. |
Levichev I.G. |
1997. |
O vidovom statuse Gagea rubicunda (Liliaceae). (On the taxonomical status of Gagea rubicunda (Liliaceae).) Bot. Zhurn. 82. (6): 71-76 - illus. |
350. |
Levichev I.G. |
1997. |
Obzor roda Gagea (Liliaceae) vo flore Dal'nego Vostoka. (The review of the genus Gagea (Liliaceae) in the flora of the Far East.) Bot. Zhurn. 82. (12): 77-92 - illus. |
351. |
Levichev I.G., Navruzshoev D. |
1997. |
Novyi vid roda Gagea (Liliaceae) iz Pamiro-Alaya. (A new species of the genus Gagea (Liliaceae) from the Pamiro-Alai.) Bot. Zhurn. 82. (9): 91-92. [G. schugnanica] |
352. |
Levichev I.G., Navruzshoev D. |
1997. |
Novyj vid roda Gagea (Liliaceae) iz Pamiro Alaya. Bot. zhurn. 82(9): 91-92. |
353. |
Paliwal G.S., Painuli R.M. |
1997. |
A glimpse at the biodiversity and conservation of the herbaceous economic plants of the western Himalaya: a case study of the district Uttarkashi, U.P MFP News 7. 13-14. |
354. |
Reynaud J., Tison J.M. |
1997. |
Etude phytochimique de quelques echantillons de Gagea (Liliaceae). (Phytochemical study of some samples of Gagea (Liliaceae).) Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Lyon 66. (5): 141-144. |
355. |
Takahashi H., Tani T. |
1997. |
Life history of the spring ephemeral, Gagea lutea (Liliaceae) in Sapporo, Hokkaido. Miyabea no.3. 17-26 - col. illus. |
356. |
Levichev I.G. |
1997a. |
O vidovom statuse Gagea rubicunda (Liliaceae). Bot. zhurn. 82(6): 71-76. |
357. |
Levichev I.G. |
1997b. |
Obzor roda Gagea Salisb. (Liliaceae) vo flore Dal'nego Vostoka. Bot. zhurn. 82(12): 77-92. [Amana edulis, Gagea afghanica, G. alberti, G. argyi, G. bohemica, G. capusii, G. coreana, G. divaricata, G. erubescens, G. filiformis, G. granulosa, G. hiensis, G. hypoxioides, G. japonica, G. lloydioides, G. longiscapa, G. lutea, G. lutea var. komarovii, G. lutea var. stenophylla, G. nakaiana, G. nipponensis, G. olgae, G. olgae var articulata, G. pauciflora, G. pauciflora var. karoana, G. pauciflora var. puberula, G. pauciflora var. pusilloides, G. provisa, G. provisa var. puberula, G. pusilla, G. sachalinensis, G. sylvatica, G. szechenyii, G. tenera, G. terraccianoana, G. triflora, G. uniflora, G. vaginata, G. vvedenskyi, Lloydia szechenyiana, L. triflora, Orithyia edulis, O. uniflorum, O. uniflorum var. typica, O. nutans, Ornithogalum pauciflorum, O. triflorum, O. uniflorum, Plecostigma pauciflorum, Szechenyia lloydioides, Tulipa altaica, T. edulis, T. nutans, T. ornithogaloides, T. uniflora] |
358. |
Delipavlov D. |
1998. |
New taxa and chorological data for the flora of Bulgaria. Thaiszia 8. (2): 121-128 - illus. |
359. |
Green P. |
1998. |
Gagea lutea in Moray (v.c.95). BSBI News no.78. 39. |
360. |
Hugin G., Hugin H. |
1998. |
Gagea villosa in Sudwestdeutschland. (Gagea villosa in southwestern Germany.) Carolinea 56. 79-89. |
361. |
Levichev I.G. |
1998. |
Gusinyj luk Lyudmily... Krasnaya kniga Uzbekistana. 1. Rasteniya. [Ozbekiston Respublikasy Kyzyl Kitobi] (2 izd.). Tashkent. 336 p. [G. ludmilae] |
362. |
Levichev I.G. |
1998. |
Novye vidy roda Gagea (Liliaceae) iz tipovoi sektsii. (New species of the genus Gagea (Liliaceae) from typical section.) Bot. Zhurn. 83. (2): 110-112. [2 spp. nov.] |
363. |
Levichev I.G. |
1998. |
Novyie vidy roda Gagea Salisb. (Liliaceae) iz tipovoj sektsii. Bot. zhurn. 83(2): 110-112. |
364. |
Molina J., Michaud H., Roux J.P., Tison J.M. |
1998. |
Gagea mauritanica Durieu (Liliaceae), espece nouvelle pour la flore francaise. (Gagea mauritanica Durieu (Liliaceae), a new species to the French flora.) Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Lyon 67. (3): 77-78. |
365. |
Pedrol J., Pino J., Recasens J., Tudela A. |
1998. |
Sobre la presencia de Gagea foliosa (Liliaceae) al territori sicoric. (About the presence of Gagea foliosa (Liliaceae) in the eastern part of Ebro valley.) But. Inst. Catalana Hist. Nat. 66. 83-84. |
366. |
Shamrov I.I. |
1998. |
Ovule classification in flowering plants - new approaches and concepts. Bot. Jb. 120. 377-407. |
367. |
Zemskova E.A., Levichev I.G. |
1998. |
Chisla khromosom predstavitelei roda Gagea (Liliaceae). (Chromosome numbers of the species of the genus Gagea (Liliaceae).) Bot. Zhurn. 83. (9): 136-138. |
368. |
Zemskova E.A., Levichev I.G. |
1998. |
Chisla khromosom predstavitelej roda Gagea Salisb. (Liliaceae). Bot. zhurn. 83(9): 136-138. |
369. |
Bohdanowicz J., Lewandowska B. |
1999. |
Participation of endoplasmic reticulum in the unequal distribution of plastids during generative cell formation in Gagea lutea (L. ) Kew.-Gaw. (Liliaceae). Acta biol. cracov. : 177-183. [Microspore] |
370. |
Kosenko V.N. |
1999. |
Contributions to the pollen morphology and taxonomy of the Liliaceae. Grana. 38. 20-30. |
371. |
Kulikov P.V. |
1999. |
O rasprostranenii Gagea fragifera s.l. (Liliaceae) na Urale. (On the distribution of Gagea fragifera s.l. (Liliaceae) in the Urals.) Bot. Zhurn. 84. (5): 67-70 - Maps. |
372. |
Shamrov I.I. |
1999. |
Razvitie semyazachatka i semeni u nekotorykh predstavitelei poryadkov Liliales i Amaryllidales. (The ovule and seed development in some representatives of the orders Liliales and Amaryllidales.) Bot. Zhurn. 84. (2): 13-33 - illus. |
373. |
Shamrov I.I. |
1999. |
The ovule and seed development in some representatives of the orders Liliales and Amaryllidales. Bot. Zh. 84. (2): 13-33. Line drawings. |
374. |
Levichev I.G. |
1999a. |
Zur Morphologie in der Gattung Gagea Salisb. (Liliaceae). I. Die unterirdischen Organe. [The morphology of Gagea Salisb. (Liliaceae). I. Subterranean organs]. Flora. 194: 379-392. [Germ.; Eng. summ.] [Root system, bulb, bulbils, anat. figs.] |
375. |
Levichev I.G. |
1999b. |
Phytogeographical analysis of the genus Gagea Salisb. (Liliaceae). Komarovia 1. 45-57 - maps. |
376. |
Kandemir N., Akcin O.E., Cansaran A. |
2000. |
Amasya cevresinde yayilis gosteren bazi geofitler uzerinde morfolojik ve anatomik bir arastirma. OT sist. bot. derg. 7. (2): 127-147. |
377. |
Kandemir N., Ergen Akcin O., Cansaran A. |
2000. |
Amasya cevresinde yayilis gosteren bazi geofitler uzerinde morfolojik ve anatomik bir arastirma. (A morphological and anatomical investigation on some geophytes distributed in the vicinity of Amasya.) Ot Sist. Bot. Dergisi 7. (2): 127-147 - illus. |
378. |
Krytska L.I., Fedoronchuk M.M., Tsarenko O.M., Shevera M.V. |
2000. |
(Typification of species of vascular plants described from Ukraine: families Liliaceae Juss., Alliaceae J. Agardh: 1.) Ukr. Bot. Zhurn. 57. (6): 689-696. |
379. |
Levichev I.G. |
2000. |
A new species of genus Gagea (Liliaceae). Bot. Zh. 85. (7): 186-188. |
380. |
Levichev I.G. |
2000. |
Novyi vid roda Gagea (Liliaceae). (A new species of genus Gagea (Liliaceae).) Bot. Zhurn. 85. (7): 186-188 - illus. |
381. |
Levichev I.G. |
2000. |
Novyj vid roda Gagea (Liliaceae). Bot. zhurn. 85(7): 186-188. |
382. |
Rudall P.J., Stobart K.L., Hong W.P., Conran J.G., Funess C.A., Kite G.C., Chase M.W. |
2000. |
Consider the lilies: systematics of Liliales. In: Monocots: Systematics and evolution. CSIRO: Melbourne, Australia. ed./eds.: Wilson, K, L, , Morrison, D, A.pp. 347-357. |
383. |
Shamrov I.I. |
2000. |
Translocation pathways for metabolites in developing ovules of Gentiana cruciata L., Gymnadenia conopsea (L. ) R. Br. , Gagea stipitata Merklin and Luzula pedemontana Boiss. et Reut. Acta biol. cracov. : 61-77. |
384. |
Anon. |
2001. |
Wild flowers of Kashmir: series 4, part 11. Sino-Himalayan Pl. Ass. Newsl. no.23. 21-22. [Anatomy and morphology] |
385. |
Fuchs L. |
2001. |
The new herbal of 1543. New Kreuterbuch. Koln et al. 516 p. [illus. Bulbo sylvestri (= G. lutea)] |
386. |
Garcia Baquero Moneo G., Valles Gutierrez C.J. |
2001. |
Nuevas especies presentes en la Sierra de la Demanda (sistema Iberico, La Rioja, Espana). 2. (New plant species present in the Sierra de la Demanda (Iberian Mountain System, La Rioja, Spain). 2.) Stud. Bot. (Salamanca) 20. 155-157. |
387. |
Handa K., Tsuji S.I., Tamura M.N. |
2001. |
Pollen morphology of Japanese Asparagales and Liliales (Lilianae) Jap. J. historic. Bot. 9. 85-125. |
388. |
Levichev I.G. |
2001. |
(New species of the genus Gagea Salisb. (Liliaceae) from western districts of Asia.) Turczaninowia 4. (1-2): 5-35 - illus. [10 spp. nov.] |
389. |
Tamanyan K.G. |
2001. |
Genus Gagea Salisb. Flora of Armenia. Ruggell/Liechtenstein. 10: 82-110. |
390. |
Tison J.M. |
2001. |
Typification de Gagea cossoniana Pascher, de Gagea fragifera (Vill.) Ehr. Bayer et G. Lopez et de Gagea maroccana (A. Terracc.) Sennen et Mauricio. [Typification of Gagea cossoniana Pascher, Gagea fragifera (Vill.) Ehr. Bayer et G. Lopez and Gagea maroccana (A. Terrace.) Sennen et Mauricio.] Candollea 56(1): 197-202 - illus. |
391. |
Levichev I.G. |
2001a. |
O skhodstve transformatsii poperechnogo secheniya lista v ontogeneze i pri organogeneze u predstavitelej roda Gagea (Liliaceae). Gomologiya â botanike: opyt i refreksiya. Trudy IX shkoly po teoreticheskoj morfologii rastenij "Tipy skhodstva i printsipy gomologizatsii v morfologii rastenij". S.-Peterburg. : 278-280. |
392. |
Levichev I.G |
2001b. |
Ditsiklichnost' i vozrastnaya izmenchivost' gomologichnykh listovykh struktur pobega Gagea (Liliaceae) kak pokazatel neotenizatsii. Gomologiya â botanike: opyt i refreksiya. Trudy IX shkoly po teoreticheskoj morfologii rastenij "Tipy skhodstva i printsipy gomologizatsii v morfologii rastenij". S.-Peterburg. : 280-283. |
393. |
Levichev I.G. |
2001c. |
Novyie vidy roda Gagea Salisb.(Liliaceae) iz zapadnykh rajonov Azii. Turczaninowia. 4(1-2): 5-35. |
394. |
Kritskaya L.I., Fedoronchuk N.M., Shevera M.V. |
2002. |
Tipy vidov semejstva Liliaceae s. l. v gerbarii instituta im. N.G.Kholodnogo NAN Ukrainy (KW). Bot. zhurn. 87(11): 123-126. |
395. |
Levichev I.G. |
2002. |
Collection of the genus Gagea. The platns of outdoor of the Botanical Institute. Collections, Expositions. 2002. St. Petersburg.P. 228-236. (In Russian and English). Kamelin R.V. (ed.) The plants of outdoor of the Batanical Garden of the Komarov Botanical Institute. Collections, Expositions. 2002. St. Petersburg. 256 p. and 48 p. [241] col. il. |
396. |
Tison J.M. |
2002. |
In: Valdes B., Rejdali M., Achmal el Kadmiri A., Jury J.L., Montserrat J.M. (eds). Catalogue des plantes vasculaires du Nord du Maroc, incluant des cles d'identification / Checklist of vascular plants of N Morocco with identification keys. Madrid. p. 855-856. |
397. |
Levichev I.G. |
2002a. |
Osobennosti stroeniya apikal'nogo zaostreniya listovoj plastinki v zavisimosti ot ee polozheiya na osi pobega v ontogeneze predstavitelej roda Gagea (Liliaceae). Trudy II Mezhdunarodnoj konferentsii po anatomii i morfologii rastenij. S.-Peterburg. : 235. |
398. |
Levichev I.G. |
2002b. |
Kollektsiya roda gusinyj luk. Rasteniya otrytogo grunta Botanicheskogo sada Botanicheskogo instituta im. V.L.Komarova. Kollektsii, ekspozitsii. S.-Peterburg. : 228-236. (Russian and English) |
399. |
Levichev I.G. |
2002c. |
No7517. Gagea nakaiana Kitag. Spisok rastenij Gerbariya Flory Rossii i sopredelnykh gosudarstv, izdavayemyie Botanicheskim institutom im. V.L.Komarova Rossijskoj Akademii nauk. 29(151). S.-Peterburg. : 37. |
400. |
Peruzzi L. |
2003. |
Contribution to the cytotaxonomical knowledge of Gagea Salisb. (Liliaceae) sect. Foliatae A. Terracc. and synthesis of karyological data. Caryologia 56. (1): 115-128 - illus. |
401. |
Zhao Y.Z., Zhao L.Q. |
2003. |
(A new species of Gagia (Liliaceae) from Nei Mongol. China.) Acta Phytotax. Sin. 41. (4): 393-394 - illus. [G. alashanica] |
402. |
Levichev I.G. |
2003a. |
O revizii roda Gagea vo flore Kavkaza. Botanicheskiye issledovaniya v Aziatskoj Rossii. Mater. XI syezda Russkogo bot. o-va. 1. Barnaul. : 263-265. |
403. |
Levichev I.G. |
2003b. |
Ob bifatsial'nom i unifatsial'nom stroyeniyakh listovoj plastinki. Botanicheskiye issledovaniya v Aziatskoj Rossii. Mater. XI syezda Russkogo bot. o-va. 2. Barnaul. : 72-74. |
404. |
Levichev I., Tison J.M. |
2004. |
Typification of the Caucasian Gagea (Liliaceae) taxa described by Karl Koch. Candollea 59. (1): 119-133 - illus. |
405. |
Levichev I.G, Tison J.M. |
2004. |
Etude nomenclaturale de Gagea reticulata (Pall.) Schult. & Schult. f. (Liliaceae) , de ses varietes beta tenuifolia Boiss. et gamma fibrosa Boiss., et de Gagea rigida Boiss. & Spruner. (Nomenclatural study of Gagea reticulata (Pall.) Schult. & Schult. f. (Liliaceae) , its varieties beta tenuifolia Boiss. and gamma fibrosa Boiss., and Gagea rigida Boiss. & Spruner.) Candollea 59. (2): 309-323 - illus. |
406. |
Peregrym M.M., Leskyak L.I., Peregrym O.M. |
2004. |
Novi floristychni znakhidky na Donets'komu Kryazhi. Ukrains'kyj botanichnyj zhurnal. 61(5): 79-83. [Gagea chrysantha, G. heldreichii] |
407. |
Peruzzi L., Tison J.M. |
2004. |
Typification and taxonomic status of eleven taxa of Gagea Salisb. (Liliaceae) described by Achille and Nicola Terracciano and conserved at Napoli (NAP). Candollea 59. (2): 325-345 - illus. [Gagea amblyopetala, G. amblyopetala subsp. calabra, G. amblyopetala subsp. heldreichi, G. amblyopetala var. montana, G. arvensis, G. bohemica, G. burnatii, G. busambarensis, G. calabra, G. chabertii, G. chaberti var. foliosa, G. chrisantha, G. confusa, G. corsica, G. dubia, G. durieui, G. erubescens, G. foliosa, G. foliosa var. calabra, G. granatellii, G. granatellii subsp. chabertii, G. lacaitae, G. lutea, G. mauritanica, G. minima var. calabra, G. minaae, G. montana, G. nebrodensis, G. nevadensis, G. paczoskii, G. polymorpha, G. polymorpha var. nevadensis, G. pratensis, G. pratensis subsp. gussonei, G. pusilla, G. pusilla subsp. burnatii, G. ramulosa, G. reverchonii, G. saxatilis subsp. australis, G. saxatilis var. sicula, G. sicula, G. soleirolii, G. stenopetala, G. stenopetala var. pollinensis, G. transversalis, Ornithogalum chrysanthum] |
408. |
Peruzzi L., Tison J.M. |
2004. |
Typification and taxonomic status of eleven taxa of Gagea Salisb. (Liliaceae) described by Achille and Nicola Terracciano, and conserved at Napoli (NAP). Candollea. 59(2): 325-345. |
409. |
Peruzzi L., Tison J.M. |
2004. |
Verso una revisione biosistematica del genere Gagea Salisb. (Liliaceae) in Italia. Un nuovo tipo di approccio. Inform. Bot. Ital. 36(2): 470-475. |
410. |
Peterson A., Koch J.E., Peterson J. |
2004. |
A molecular phylogeny of the genus Gagea (Liliaceae) in Germany inferred from non-coding chloroplast and nuclear DNA sequences. Pl. Syst. Evol. 245. (3-4): 145-162. |
411. |
Tison J.M, Perret P. |
2004. |
Typification d' Ornithogalum pusillum F.W. Schmidt et relations taxonomiques entre Gagea pusilla (F.W. Schmidt) Sweet, Ornithogalum clusii Tausch et G. clusiana Schult. & Schult. f. (Typification of Ornithogalum pusillum F.W. Schmidt and taxonomic relationships between Gagea pusilla (F.W. Schmidt) Sweet, Ornithogalum clusii Tausch and G. clusiana Schult. & Schult f.) Candollea 59. (1): 103-108. |
412. |
Tison J.M. |
2004. |
Contribution a la connaissance du genre Gagea Salisb. (Liliaceae) en Afrique du Nord. Lagascalia. 24: 67-87. |
413. |
Tison J.M. |
2004. |
Gagea polidorii J. M. Tison, espece meconnue du sud-ouest des Alpes et des Apennins. Acta bot. Gallica. 151. 319-326. |
414. |
Tison J.M. |
2004. |
Gagea polidorii J.M. Tison, espece meconnue du sud-ouest des Alpes et des Apennins. Acta Bot. Gallica. 151(3): 319-326. |
415. |
Tison J.M. |
2004. |
Identite et situation taxonomique de Gagea polymorpha Boiss. Candollea. 59. 109-117. [Gagea distans, G. iberica, G. polymorpha, Didymobolbos] |
416. |
Tison J.M. |
2004. |
Identite et situation taxonomique de Gagea polymorpha Boiss. Candollea. 59(1): 109-117. |
417. |
Tison J.M. |
2004. |
Identite et situation taxonomique de Gagea polymorpha Boiss. [Identity and taxonomy of Gagea polymorpha Boiss.] Candollea 59. (1): 109-117 - illus. |
418. |
Tison J.M., Perret P. |
2004. |
Typification d'Ornithogalum pusillum F.W. Schmidt et relations taxonomiques entre Gagea pusilla (F.W. Schmidt) Sweet, Ornithogalum clusii Tausch et G. clusiana Schult. & Schult. f. Candollea. 59(1): 103-108. [Gagea clusiana, G. bohemica, G. lutea, G. pratensis, G. pusilla, G. villosa, Ornithogalum bohemicum, O. clusii, O. luteum, O. minimum, O. stenopetalum, O. pusillum] |
419. |
Zhao Y.Z., Zhao L.Q. |
2004. |
Gagea chinensis (Liliaceae), a new species from Inner Mongolia, China Ann. Bot. Fenn. 41. (4): 297-298 - illus. |
420. |
Levichev I.G., Tison J.-M. |
2004a. |
Typification Caucasian Gagea (Liliaceae) taxa described by Karl Koch. Candollea. 59: 119-133. |
421. |
Levichev I. G., Tison J.-M. |
2004b. |
Etude nomenclaturale de Gagea reticulata (Pall.) Schult. et Schult. f. (Liliaceae), de ses varietes [beta] tenuifolia Boiss. et [gamma] fibrosa Boiss., et de Gagea rigida Boiss. et Spruner. Candollea. 59: 309-324. |
422. |
Henker H. |
2005. |
Goldsterne und Stinsenpflanzen in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Botanischer Rundbrief fur Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. 39: 3-108. |
423. |
Levichev I.G. |
2005. |
Gusinyj luk Lyudmily... Krasnaya kniga Uzbekistana. 1. Rasteniya. [Ozbekiston Respublicasy Kyzyl Kitobi] (3 izd.). Tashkent. 373 p. [G. ludmilae] |
424. |
Levichev I.G. |
2005. |
On the phylogenetic continuity of the telome of Rhyniophyta and the phytomer of monocotyledons. XVII International Botanical Congress. Abstracts. Vienna. : 322. |
425. |
Levichev I.G., Krasovskaya L.S. |
2005. |
On the modes of neotenical divergence in limits of genus Gagea (Liliaceae). XVII International Botanical Congress. Abstracts. Vienna. : 340. |
426. |
Levichev I.G., Maassumi S.M. |
2005. |
Sravneniye osobennostej sporodermy Gagea lutea i G. nakaiana (Liliaceae). Bot. zhurn. 90(6): 874-878. |
427. |
Levichev I.G., Murtazaliev R. |
2005. |
Dva novykh vida Gagea (Liliaceae) iz Vostochnogo Predkavkaziya. Bot. zhurn. 90(11): 1765-1770. |
428. |
Peruzzi L., Tison J.M. |
2005. |
Typification and taxonomic status of six taxa of Gagea Salisb. (Liliaceae) described from Sicily and conserved at Palermo (PAL). Candollea. 60(2): 503-512. |
429. |
Levichev I.G. |
2005a. |
O kriteriyakh revizii roda Gagea (Liliaceae) flory Vostochnoj Evropy. Izucheniye flory Vostochnoj Evropy: doctizheniya i perspektivy. Tez. dokl. mezhdunar. konf. S.-Peterburg. : 51. |
430. |
Levichev I.G. |
2005b. |
Novyie taksony roda Gagea (Liliaceae) vo flore Kavkaza. Bot. zhurn. 90(10): 1580-1592. |
431. |
Levichev I.G. |
2006. |
A review of the Gagea (Liliaceae) species in the flora of Caucasus. Bot. J. (St. Petersburg). 91(6): 917-951 (in Russian). |
432. |
Levichev I.G. |
2006. |
Four new species of the genus Gagea Salisb. (Liliaceae) from Western Himalayas and the adjoining regions. Pakistan journal of botany. 38(1): 47-54. |
433. |
Levichev I.G. and S.I. Ali. |
2006. |
Seven new species of the genus Gagea Salisb. (Liliaceae) from Western Himalayas and adjoining regions. Pakistan journal of botany. 38(1): 55-62. |
434. |
Peruzzi L., Tison J.M. |
2006. |
Typification and taxonomic status of six taxa of Gagea Salisb. (Liliaceae) conserved at Firenze (FI). Candollea. 61(2): 293-303. [Gagea anisanthos, G. assyria, G. billardieri, G. bohemica, G. chabertii, G. dayana, G. dubia, G. durieui subsp. iberica, G. fragifera, G. granatellii, G. granatellii var. algeriensis, G. granatellii var boveana, G. iberica, G. lacaitae, G. lacaitae var. boveana, G. linearifolia, G. liotardii, G. luteoides, G. mauritanica var. balansae, G. pampanlnii, G. x pampaninii, G. pinardii, G. polymorpha, G. sintenisii, G. syriaca, Ornithogalum syriacum] |
435. |
Levichev I.G. |
2006a. |
Gagea Salisb. V kn.: Majevskyi P.F. Flora srednej polosy Evropejskoj chasti Rossii. 10-e izd. Moskva. : 150-152. |
436. |
Levichev I.G. |
2006b. |
Obzor vidov roda Gagea (Liliaceae) vo flore Kavkaza. Bot. zhurn. 91(6): 917-951. [Anthericum villosum, Arvenses, Boissiera, Bulbillaria, B. gageoides, Celsia, Chloranthae, Chomutowaeformes, Chrysanthae, Commutatae, Dibolbodae, Didymobolbodae, Didymobolbos, Didymobulbos, Dispathaceae, Erubescentes, Euchloranthae, Eufistulosae, Eugagea, Euplatyspermum, Eureticulatae , Eustipitatae, Fistulosae, Foliatae, Gagea, Gageastrum, Graminifoliae, Helenaeanae, Holobolbos, Holobulbos, Hornungia, Hornungia, H. circinata, Hypoxis, Lloydia triflora, Micranthae, Minimae, Minimoides, Minutiflorae, Nudiscaposae, Occidentales, Ornithogalum arvense, O. bohemicum, O. bohemicum var. saxatile, O. bulbiferum, O. busambarense, O. callosum, O. chloranthum, O. circinatum, O. erubescens, O. fistulosum, O. fragiferum, O. gracile, O. haynii, O. liotardii, O. luteum, O. majus, O. minimum, O. minimum var. [beta] fragiferum", O. minus, O. nebrodense, O. persoonii, O. podolicum, O. pusilli var. [beta], O. reticulatum, O. sternbergii, O. sylvaticum, O. villosum, O. zauschneri, , Ornithoxantum, O. pratense , Persicae, Phalangium villosum, Platyspermum, Plecostigma, Plecostigma, P. pauciflorum, Pusillae, Pygmaeae, Reggeria, R. bohemica, Reticulatae, Sarmentosae, Saxatiles, Solenarium, S. luteum, Stellaris lutea, S. arvensis, Stellaster, Stipitatae, Sylvaticae, Szechenyia, S. lloydioides, Tauricae, Tenuifoliae, Unibulbosae, Verticillatae, G. aipetriensis, G. alexeenkoana, G. alexeenkoana var. minor, G. alexeenkoana var. tenuis, G. aleppoana, G. ambliopetala var. bulbifera, G. andegavensis, G. anisanthos, G. anonyma, G. artemczukii, G. arvensis, G. arvensis var. alboffii, G. aurea, G. baumgarteniana, G. bezengiensis, G. billardieri, G. bohemica, G. bohemica subsp. aleppoana, G. bohemica subsp. corsica, G. bohemica subsp. eu-bohemica, G. bohemica subsp. gallica, G. bohemica subsp. nebrodensis, G. bohemica subsp. saxatilis, G. bohemica subsp. saxatilis var. gallica, G. bohemica subsp. zauschneri, G. bohemica subsp. zauschneri var. velenovskyana, G. bohemica var. gallica, G. boissieri, G. bracteolaris, G. brentae, G. bulbifera, G. bulbifera ? major, G. bulbifera var. armena, G. bulbifera var. chersonica, G. bulbifera f. ebulbillifera, G. busambarensis, G. callieri, G. callosa, G. callosa var. alpina, G. caroli-kochii, G. caucasica, G. chanae var. chanae, G. chanae var. oppressa, G. charadzeae, G. chlorantha, G. chlorantha var. bibulbosa, G. chlorantha var. hohenackeri, G. chlorantha var. tenuifolia, G. chomutowae, G. chrysantha, G. circinata, G. confusa, G. commutata, G. corsica, G. cuneata, G. daghestanica, G. dubia var. prolifera, G. ebulbillosa, G. eleonorae , G. emarginata, G. erubescens, G. fascicularis, G. fibrosa, G. fistulosa, G. fistulosa var. fragifera, G. foliosa, G. foliosa subsp. pygmaea, G. fragifera, G. gadzhievii, G. gageoides, G. germainae, G. glacialis, G. glacialis var. joannis, G. glauca, G. graminifolia, G. helenae, G. hissarica, G. hypanica, G. improvisa, G. intermedia, G. jailicola, G. joannis, G. kuprijanovii, G. lanosa, G. lasczinskyi, G. liotardii, G. liotardii b. fragifera, G. longiscapa, G. lutea, G. lutea subsp. orosie, G. lutea var. angustifolia, G. lutea var. australis, G. lutea var. banatica, G. lutea var. banatica f. szepusiana, G. lutea var. bifida, G. lutea var. brentae, G. lutea var. bulbifera, G. lutea var. foliosa, G. lutea var. glauca, G. lutea var. glaucae, G. lutea var. glaucescens, G. lutea var. gracillima, G. lutea var. latifolia, G. lutea var. longifoliae, G. lutea var. major, G. lutea var. maxima, G. lutea var. minor, G. lutea var. monantha, G. lutea var. poliphylla, G. lutea var. pratensis, G. lutea var. prolifera, G. lutea var. pubescens, G. lutea var. simplex, G. lutea var. spathaceae, G. lutea var. sylvatica, G. lutea var. transsilvanica, G. lutea var. transsilvanica f. maxima, G. lutea var. transsilvanica f. banatica, G. lutea var. viridis, G. lutea var. uniflora, G. lutea f. bulbifera, G. lutea f. gracillima, G. lutea f. simplex, G. lutea f. szepusiana, G. maeotica, G. minaae, G. minima , G. minima var. albiflora, G. minima f. paradoxa, G. minima f. robusta, G. minima f. rufula, G. minimoides, G. mirabilis, G. minutiflora, G. menitskyi, G. nebrodensis, G. olgae var. chomutowae, G. pauciflora, G. persica, G. persica var ebulbillosa, G. platyphyllos, G. podolica, G. polyphylla, G. popovii, G. pratense, G. pseudoerubescens, G. pusilla, G. pusilla var. hortensis, G. pusilla var. obliqua, G. pusilla var. villosa, G. pusilla f. luxurians, G. pygmaea, G. quasitenuifolia, G. reticulata, G. reticulata var. commutata, G. reticulata var. pascualis, G. reticulata var. sarmentosa, G. reticulata var. tenuifolia, G. rubroviridis, G. samojedorum, G. sarmentosa, G. saxatilis , G. saxatilis subsp. corsica, G. saxatilis subsp. saxatilis var. gallica, G. scepusiensis, G. scythica, G. smyrnaea, G. spathaceae, G. stellaris, G. sternbergii, G. stipitata, G. sulfurea, G. sylvatica, G. sylvatica var. vistulensis, G. sylvatica var. vistulensis f. cracoviensis, G. sylvatica var. vistulensis f. major, G. szepusiana, G. szovitsii, G. szovitsii var. callieri, G. taurica, G. tenuissima, G. testudina, G. transsilvanica, G. triphylla, G. turcomanica, G. variabilis, G. velenovskyana, G. villosa, G. zauschneri, Bulbus sylvestris, Bulbus sylvestris fuschii flore luteo sive] |
437. |
Levichev I.G. |
2006c. |
Gagea Salisb. - Kospekt flory Kavkaza. 2. S.-Peterburg. : 60-72. |