AcknowledgementsThe authors express their gratitude to the specialists that contibuted to the preparation of the present paper, firstly to L. N. Vasilieva, O. G. Golubeva, Z. M. Asbukina, B.A. Tomilin, A. Khlebitskiy, V.A.Melnik, V. A. Mukhin, A. E. Kovalenko and also to those who presented their publications to be used in this paper. We are also grateful to all the collaborators of the laboratory of systematics and geograpgy of fungi BIN RAN who took part in the discussions on the problems connected with the study of mycoflora of the Russian Arctic. We are grateful to the staff of the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden for offering us the possibility for field work around Kirovsk. Mikhail Zhurbenko is much obliged to the Russian-German expedition of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (Potsdam department) and the Arctic and Antarctic Institute (St.-Petersburg) to the Byrranga Mts, for the opportunity to performe field studies at the Taimyr Peninsula. The Swedish Institute is greatly acknowledged for the financial support of his studies on the project at the Botanical Museum of the Uppsala University in 1994-95. Thanks are due to Dr. Irina I. I. Makarova, Dr. Adrian E. Katenin, Dr. Sergei Kholod, Dr. Yurii P. Kozhevnikov, Dr. Vladimir B. Kuvaev, Ms. Alexandra Kozhevnikova and Mr Mikhail B. Samarskii for disposition of their materials for this study.Yuri Novozhilov and Martin Schnittler acknowledge logistical support provided by Dr. D. Bolsheianov of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia. Appreciation is extended to Dr. I.Yu. Kirtsideli, I. Cherniadieva, E. Kuzmina for collecting substrate samples for moist chambers in some areas of the Taimyr peninsula and Yamal peninsula. We wish to express our thanks to L.A. Karzeva, St. Petersburg, for technical assistance during the SEM-investigations. We wish to thank David Mitchell, Sussex TN7 4N, UK, for his valuable comments relating to the collection of Licea reported herein, and Dr. Uno H. Eliasson (the Göteborg University, Sweden) for the loan of specimens of L. denudescens. The work was possible due to the financial support of RFBR, grant N 96-04-48209, N 98-07-90346, N 98-04-62027, N 97-04-48358, 97-04-48952 and 97-07-90365 |
2003 - Komarov
Botanical Institute - Checklist
of fungi of the Russian Arctic |