Лаборатория экологии растительных сообществ
В составе лаборатории 10 сотрудников, в том числе 3 доктора наук и 6 кандидатов наук.
Направление деятельности
- Принципы организации ненарушенных лесных сообществ и закономерности их восстановительной динамики после катастрофических нарушений.
- Структурное разнообразие лесных сообществ в связи с факторами ценотической и эдафической среды.
- Минеральный состав растений, лишайников и почв в разных экологических условиях.
Основные публикации лаборатории
Лянгузова И.В. Тяжелые металлы в северотаежных экосистемах России. Saarbrucken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2016. 260 p.
Мазная Е.А., Лянгузова И.В. Эколого-популяционный мониторинг ягодных кустарничков при аэротехногенном загрязнении. СПб.: «ВВМ», 2010. 194 с.
Динамика лесных сообществ северо-запада России / В.Т. Ярмишко, И.Ю. Баккал, О.В. Борисова, В.В. Горшков, П.Н. Катютин, И.В. Лянгузова, Е.А. Мазная, Н.И. Ставрова, М.А. Ярмишко / Отв. ред. В.Т. Ярмишко. СПб.: «ВВМ», 2009. 276 с.
Katyutin P.N., Stavrova N.I. , Gorshkov V.V., Bakkal I.Yu., Mikhailov S.A. The Initial Radial Growth of Different Generations of the Scots Pine in Middle-Aged Forests of the Kola Peninsula. Russian Journal of Forest Science. 2021. (5): 472-493.
Stavrova N.I., Gorshkov V.V., Katjutin P.N. Variety of size structure of middle-aged pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands in the northern taiga (Murmansk Region). Transactions Kola Science Centre. Applied ecology of the north. Series 9. 2021. 6(12): 51-56.
Lyanguzova I.V. Airborne Heavy Metal Pollution and its Effects on Biomass of Ground Vegetation, Foliar Elemental Composition and Metabolic Profiling of Forest Plants in the Kola Peninsula (Russia). Russian Journal of Plant Physiology. 2021. (68): S140–S149.
Gorshkov V.V., Stavrova N.I., Katjutin P.N., Lyanguzov A.Yu. Radial Growth of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Lichen Pine Forests and Woodlands of the Northern Taiga. Biology Bulletin. 2021. 48(2): 214-223.
Stavrova N.I., Gorshkov V.V., Katjutin P.N., Bakkal, I.J. The Structure of Northern Siberian Spruce–Scots Pine Forests at Different Stages of Post-Fire Succession. Forests. 2020. 11: 558.
Katjutin P.N., Stavrova N.I., Gorshkov V.V., Lyanguzov A.Yu., Bakkal I.Ju., Mikhailov S.A. Radial growth of trees differing in their vitality in the middle-aged Scots pine forests in the Kola peninsula. Silva Fennica. 2020. 54(3): 10263.
Lyanguzova I.V., Bondarenko M.S., Belyaeva A.I., Kataeva M.N., Barkan V.Sh., Lyanguzov A.Yu. Migration of Heavy Metals from Contaminated Soil to Plants and Lichens under Conditions of Field Experiment on the Kola Peninsula. Russian Journal of Ecology. 2020. 51(6): 527–539.
Drozdova I., Alekseeva-Popova N., Dorofeyev V., Belyaeva A., Roca N. A comparative study of the accumulation of trace elements in Brassicaceae plant species with phytoremediation potential. Applied Geochemistry. 2019. 108: 104377.
Stavrova N.I., Kalimova I.B., Gorshkov V.V., Drozdova I.V., Alekseeva-Popova N.V., Bakkal I.Yu. Long-term postfire changes of soil characteristics in dark coniferous forests of the European North. Eurasian Soil Science. 2019. 52(2): 218–227.
Lyanguzova I.V., Primak P.A., Bakkal I.Yu., Gorshkov V.V. Investigation of heterogeneity of the ground cover and forest litter in pine forests of the northern taiga (Kola Peninsula, Russia). Ecology and Safety. 2019. 13: 96–105.
Drozdova I., Alekseeva-Popova N., Kalimova I., Bech J., Roca N. Research of reclamation of polluted mine soils by native metallophytes: Some cases. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis. 2018. 19(2): 164–170.
Drozdova I., Alekseeva-Popova N., Kataeva M., Bech J., Roca N. A study of trace elements in plants of the Polar Urals and Chukotka in the search for metallophyte hyperaccumulators. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis. 2018. 19(2): 138–145.
Lyanguzova I., Yarmishko V., Gorshkov V., Stavrova N. and Bakkal I. Impact of Heavy Metals on Forest Ecosystems of the European North of Russia. Heavy Metals. Egypt: InTech, 2018. 91–114. 400 р.
Barkan V.Sh., Lyanguzova I.V. Changes in the Degree of Contamination of Organic Horizons of Al-Fe-Humus Podzols upon a Decrease in Aerotechnogenic Loads, the Kola Peninsula. Eurasian Soil Science. 2018. 51(3): 327–335.
Barkan V.Sh., Lyanguzova I.V. Concentration of Heavy Metals in Dominant Moss Species as an Indicator of Aerial Technogenic Load. Russian Journal of Ecology. 2018. 49(2): 128–134.
Barkan V.Sh., Lyanguzova I.V. Eco-Geochemical Assessment of the Content of Pollutants in Hummocky Bogs of the Kola Peninsula. Eurasian Soil Science. 2018. 51(12): 1427–1439.
Drozdova I.V., Alekseeva-Popova N.V., Kalimova I.B., Belyaeva A.I., Smirnova N.A. The accumulating ability and nickel tolerance of Brassicaceae species of the North Caucasus in connection with the problem of phytoremediation. Journal of geochemical exploration. 2017. 182: 235–241.
Drozdova I.V., Alexeeva-Popova N.V., Kalimova I.B. Accumulation of heavy metals by plants of South Dagestan under the conditions of natural geochemical anomaly. Contemporary Problems of Ecology. 2015. 8(6): 764-771.
Alekseeva-Popova N.V., Drozdova I.V., Kalimova I.B. Accumulation of heavy metals by North Caucasian plant species of the Cruciferae family in regards to phytoremediation. Geochemistry international. 2015. 53 (5): 456–463.